My Cold and Beautiful Wife

Chapter 3530: Endless

What hate, what resentment?

Is it because he didn't tell her the method of disintegration?

However, at this time, no less than when he first came in, Ye Fan was already familiar with many principles in Hunyuan Jindou.

Seeing this group of ghosts and beasts constantly pouring in, Ye Fan didn't panic at all.

Hunyuan space produced a dislocation partition, which perfectly isolated him, and those ghost beasts, just like in another dimension, could not touch him at all.

"The power of space is really amazing..."

Ye Fan saw this group of ghost beasts and passed through him, but he couldn't touch it.

It's like a flower in a mirror, a moon in the water, visible and intangible.

"As long as you can control the dimensions, most attacks are meaningless. The huge leap of the Seven Tribulations Azure Dragon, right here..."

Originally, Ye Fan also had some skills to use the power of space.

For example, the sword intent of Dimensional Exile will use the fragmentation of space to achieve the killing effect.

But this kind of attack is actually very superficial, it is only a single dimension.

Ye Fan has been trying to understand the power of space, but the space is too complicated, it is like a "big background", covered by countless energy.

It is a very long and grand project to simply go to the reading space.

But now, Hun Yuan Jin Dou helped him solve this problem perfectly!

Here is the pure, most primitive power of space, which goes directly back to the source.

Coupled with Ye Fan's own experience and inferred from one another, naturally he can quickly integrate the power of space!

"When I haven't started, I feel very mysterious. Once I can understand the principle, it's actually nothing more than that..."

Ye Fan sighed, the power of space, compared with the power of various elements, is actually more "simple" in a sense.

Because the elements are relatively unstable, there will be restraint, and it is very complicated to use.

The space is not the case, according to the strength of the cultivation base, you can use as much as you can, simple and rude, without any worries.

If it is the most particular, it may be space transmission.

Because the transmission process involves safety, long-distance space folding and traversing, and accuracy.

In this way, it is much more difficult than a simple means of attack.

Ye Fan tried to teleport in the Hunyuan Space, but it was still quite difficult.

"It seems we need to study and study..."

"Huh? This is..."

Ye Fan had never cared much about the ghost beasts that came in, but inadvertently found that these ghost beasts were a bit strange.

Most of them can't stand the turbulence of space and are constantly being refined into a part of the Hunyuan space.

However, there are also a small number of powerful ghosts and beasts trying to escape.

The ghosts and beasts have very low intelligence, almost relying on instinct to adapt to and resist this space.

"What's the matter, what are these dark guys doing?"

Ye Fan unexpectedly discovered that the way this group of ghost beasts resisted when dealing with the Hunyuan Space was different from what he knew.

It's like when humans are drowning, they choose to leap to breathe.

However, this group of ghost beasts seems to be trying to evolve the function of fish gills in a short time, drawing oxygen from the water.

"The same cage of space power has used a different response method..."

Ye Fan's eyes lit up!

Yes, Hunyuan Jindou is an innate spirit treasure, which already existed when the Fifth Tai was first opened!

In other words, the space divine power here is the space origin of the yin and yang realms, and the innate divine power common to the two realms!

The reason why this group of ghosts and beasts can use a completely different reaction to deal with this supernatural power of space is because... they are only used to the energy operation mode of the underworld!

Ye Fan suddenly wondered, could he use the ghost beast's reaction to the divine power of space to reverse the spatial form of the underworld?

"Ghost beasts can live freely in the underworld. It's not that they are better than the monks on our side, but they adapt to..."

"If I can learn this adaptation method together, wouldn't I be able to..."

Traveling in the underworld? !

Ye Fan's heart beats wildly!

Although there are definitely more dangers in the underworld, not just the difference in space.

But if the space problem is solved, most of the problems will inevitably be dealt with.

Don’t you know what a blessing?

Ye Fan couldn't help but sigh. If this goes on, I don't know if I should hate Yunxiao, or thank Yunxiao...

Of course, the most fortunate thing is that he has realized it, Wushuang.

It is estimated that no one else will find that the way these ghosts and beasts struggle is different from the guys in Yang Jian.

At this time, any other rule of the emperor is not as good as Wushuang!

Time is precious, Ye Fan directly disintegrates the dragon soul, strengthens his mental power and improves concentration.

All the spatial changes are quickly recorded in his mind...

I don't know how long it took, Ye Fan found that there were more and more ghosts and beasts here, and they were getting bigger and bigger!

"What's the situation? Endless?"

Looking at the dark sea of ​​ghosts and beasts in front of him, Ye Fan finally realized that maybe Yunxiao was not targeting him...

At this moment, Yun Xiao did feel the pressure!

Accidentally "killing" the precious swordsman of the emperor, but the army of ghosts and beasts in the eyes of **** is endless!

"Sanmei, take a break first!"

Yun Xiao discovered that the coercion of the youngest who had been helping to motivate Hunyuan Jindou had become significantly weaker.

In this fierce battlefield where the situation changes rapidly, once you become weak, you will let ghosts and beasts invade.

Therefore, Yun Xiao alone carried the golden bucket first and let the third child rest first.

Qiong Xiao also felt unable to continue to control Jin Dou, and could only take care of the younger sister.

"Sister! There are too many ghosts and beasts! And the body is getting bigger and bigger, we must find other clerks to help as soon as possible!"

Qiong Xiao was holding a flying sword and swaying a piece of real fire, but as these ghosts and beasts grew in size, their resistance increased.

The real fire of Samadhi needs to burn a cup of tea time to completely destroy them.

Even if relying on the Golden Jiao shears to continuously hit those powerful ghosts and beasts, it still wasn't fast enough.

As a result, the speed at which the ghost beast emerged was far beyond Sanxiao's control.

"Dare to hurt my sister! All die!!"

A black tiger mount smashed into the group of ghosts and beasts, Zhao Xuan and Ziguang, a group of masters of freedom, arrived in time!

"Brother! Why are you here? The Night Walk of the Hundred Ghosts is over at the Zizai Gate?" Bi Xiao asked.

"The sect master received your subpoena and knows that the situation is not good, let me wait to come to the Eye of Hell first!"

Ziguang said: "The master of the gate has the Seven Treasures Divine Tree, we also left half of the mounts in the gate, and keep it for two or three days, it should be fine!"

"Three younger sisters, why don't you use Hunyuan Jindou together?" Zhao Xuan couldn't help but wonder when Yun Xiao saw that only Yun Xiao was using Jindou.

"Before you came, Jin Dou had absorbed tens of millions of ghosts and beasts, and my little sister and I were about to die. We had to rely on the eldest sister for support," Qiong Xiao said.

"What? This time the scale is so huge?"

Zhao Xuan hurriedly asked, "Where's my Daoist Ye? His emperor's sword intent, cooperating with the disintegration method, is a great weapon!"

Speaking of Ye Fan, Yun Xiao's face was bitter and regretful, and the other Er Xiao was silent.

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