My Cold and Beautiful Wife

Chapter 3569: Change your mind

Ye Fan smiled, "Senior, blood is only a factor in the strength of combat power, doesn't it mean everything?"

"Hmph, unless you rush past me, otherwise, Golden Dragon is Golden Dragon, and there is no qualification to report and see," Qinglong was extremely arrogant.

Ye Fan frowned, he didn't expect the Shenlong Clan to attach such importance to bloodline level.

Even if he knew that he was the Emperor's Sword Intent, it didn't mean to give him privileges.

It seems that in the eyes of the Shenlong clan, the bloodline of the Shenlong is the only measure.

No other identity, status, ability...there are no Shenlong blood to have the right to speak! I alone dominate, nothing more than that.

"If this is the case, then I can only try..." Ye Fan didn't want to say more, time is precious, and he called Taichu directly into his hands.

Having maintained the state of five-fold disintegration, Ye Fan instantly disintegrated his sword intent to two-fold.

Facing the real Qinglong, although he didn't know that the other party had survived a few calamities, Ye Fan didn't dare to be careless.

"Dare to break into Mount Sumeru, I admire your courage."

Qinglong grinned, exposing white-gold dragon teeth that looked like giant peaks, and the breath that it spit out was full of blazing hot flames like a furnace.

"Senior, offended!"

Ye Fan showed cold light in his eyes, intending to attack the sword dragon and kill him directly in front of the blue dragon! But as soon as he was about to leave, a huge black figure suddenly appeared in front of him! It seems to flash out of thin air! "Boom!!" Ye Fan felt like he was slapped by a thick alloy steel plate! The bridge of the nose and eyebrows broke in an instant! While the blood spurted wildly, the whole body tended to be squashed! The devastating force knocked Ye Fan's entire body out thousands of miles away! Ye Fan's brain was blank, and he didn't know how many bones were broken! When his consciousness was restored, Ye Fan's heart was shocked, overwhelming! what's the situation?

I was beaten by the tail of the blue dragon! ?

Ye Fan actually didn't know whether it was the dragon's claw or the tail that hit him.

But there is no doubt that it is the indestructible dragon scale, shot on his facade! But at that moment, the speed was so fast that Ye Fan didn't have time to evade! The Azure Dragon is too big, which makes its attack range ridiculously large.

What's more abnormal is that the speed of this blue dragon does not appear clumsy because of its huge body.

Before Ye Fan met the Titan, he already felt very outrageous, with such a big body, he was still very agile.

Compared with Qinglong, Titan is really a pediatrician! This speed... really moved in front of you?

What kind of physical fitness is needed to achieve this lightning strike?

Before Ye Fan's body recovered, he felt a terrifying pressure on his head! "No..." Ye Fan had a wry smile echoing in his heart.


One of Qinglong's tail suddenly stretched out thousands of miles away, pulling Ye Fan straight down! Another lightning strike! No chance at all! Ye Fan's body was smashed into the depths of the earth, and the dark dark matter frantically tried to corrode! Fortunately, Ye Fan was also rough and thick, although half his life was almost gone, but in general he could resist it.

It's just that if this continues, you may be really hung up... "Qingfengliuyun!"

The power of the green wood swept around, making Ye Fan feel like a spring breeze, and his cells and spirit began to excite! It's done! ?

Although Ye Fan had mastered most of the powers of the Shenlong bloodline before, it was difficult to succeed only with the power of Greenwood.

Because he mastered the power of bloodline, he mainly relied on Wushuang to perceive and imitate, and the power of Aoki was different from those attacks, it had healing power and was more complicated.

Ye Fan is a swordsman, and can understand attacking him, but he is not very good at healing.

Fortunately, as he comprehended the spatial power of Hunyuan Universe and further deepened his understanding of Longchi, the power of Qingmu finally improved! Although this trick Qingfengliuyun has a small effect, it is also timely rain! Although his body was beaten to blood and blood, it was impossible to eat, Ye Fan still took out a handful of spirit pills.

After disintegration, the aura essence is directly inhaled into the body to speed up recovery.

This time, Ye Fan raised one hundred thousand points of alert! as predicted! The dragon's tail slammed down at him again! "The power of space!?"

Through Wushuang, Ye Fan finally discovered that the reason why this Qinglong's attack was so swift and unstoppable was that it used space teleportation! ?

Qinglong did not move the tail step by step in front of him at all, but a teleport, and the tail flashed directly! To put it bluntly, ignore the process! This trick seems simple and easy to understand, but to really do it, it requires very advanced and familiar space manipulation skills! It can be seen from this that the use of space by this blue dragon is as free as its breathing! Dragon's tail slams! Can't hide! The attack range is too big! Sword intent can be transferred, but only a long-distance target is available, which is tantamount to fleeing! Counter-attack hard top?

If it's a state of defeat, it's fine, but now I am injured, too reluctant! Flying dragon crossing?

The transmission distance is too short and the danger is too great! Lightning up! Ye Fan made an adventurous decision again in his mind-"Long Yin!"

Only a "boom" was heard, and the sky fell apart! The dragon's tail instantly pressed a deep gully for thousands of miles on the ground! "what?"

Qinglong squinted his eyes slightly and looked into a black mist in the distance.

Ye Fan's figure walked out from a gap in space.

Although he was covered in blood, but it was at the pinnacle of the shot that he avoided the heavy blow.

"Blue Dragon Skill?

With your Golden Dragon bloodline, it is rare to be able to use this step. "

"Heh..." Ye Fan sneered, "Thank you for your kind words."

He could figure it out that this Azure Dragon was not simply chasing away guests at all, it was really going to kill him.

There is no special reason, it is not a hatred or grievance. For this Qinglong, Ye Fan would be disrespectful if he didn't leave, and he deserved it.

Fortunately, Ye Fan remembered that the space technique in the Azure Dragon technique had a trick "Dragon Hidden", which could instantly enter a nearby space rift.

These spatial fissures, from a certain perspective, are already different dimensions, but some gaps in the process of plane creation.

If you don't control the power of space well, you may be crushed to death by these cracks, or you may lose yourself in these different dimensions.

Of course, for people like Ye Fan who learn space from the root, this trick is not difficult.

Long Yin's trick was just to evade, and it didn't have much use in attack.

"Hiding" directly is not very cool, so Ye Fan didn't pay much attention to it at first.

In fact, those who can use this blue dragon technique are basically super masters. How many people need to hide?

Ye Fan also didn't expect that as soon as he started fighting with the real Azure Dragon, he would be forced into such a dangerous situation.

"Originally, I planned to just ask something. I would just try a few tricks and sneak up there... Now, I changed my mind."

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