My Cold and Beautiful Wife

Chapter 3677: Third scene

When Ye Fan and Su Qingxue returned to Tianfeng Pavilion, they saw the women gathered together.

A lot of various snacks and snacks, spirit fruit and fairy wine, eat happily.

"Oh, did our sword **** go shopping alone with Empress Zhenggong?" Ling Yuwei urged narrowly.

"Brother Ye Fan, did you buy us gifts? If not, we would be jealous," Shi Lanyu joked.

Su Qingxue squeezed Shi Lan Yu's face, "It's just that you do a lot of things."

Nian Rujiao muttered enviously: "I haven't been shopping with my husband for a long time."

Ye Fan felt very guilty when he heard it, and said quickly: "Wait when the comparison is over, it's just a small matter."

"Everyone is quite relaxed. It seems that I don't care much about Ji Hantian's game," Ning Zimo said with a smile.

"The ancestor Tiankuo won the candle Qiuhan, seeing that the strength of our human alliance is not weaker than Hongmeng, everyone is at ease," Xu Lingshan said.

The women nodded, indeed, Ren Tiankuo gave his delegation a great encouragement.

"Then we have all seen Ying from the night, and it doesn't feel very good. Even the elder Feng Xiaotian said that Ji Hantian is not weak and should be stable!"

As he was talking, the two protagonists have already appeared on the ring.

Ying Congye was expressionless and walked onto the stage very quietly.

Ye Fan looked thoughtful, always feeling something was wrong, and couldn't tell.

Ji Hantian yawned, as if he had just been pulled up from the bed.

"Well, audience, the third match between Ying Congye and Ji Hantian is finally about to begin!"

"I believe that after the last round, everyone has a brand new assessment of the strength of the two contestants!"

"Elder Yan Song, Elder Wang Bingbing, what do you two think about this?"

Yan Song said sternly: "I'll be honest, if Ji Hantian and Ren Tiankuo are close in strength, then Ying Congye is very dangerous..."

"The probability of both being Qinglong is too small, and looking at Ji Hantian's appearance, it shouldn't be the same style as Ren Tiankuo..." Wang Bingbing said.

While talking, Ying Congye on the stage spoke.

"Answer me a question," Ying Cong Ye Bing said coldly.

Ji Hantian looked puzzled, "Huh?"

"If you get the answer right, you will win this game," Ying Congye said.

"Is there such a good thing? What if I get the wrong answer?"

"Then you'd better admit defeat directly, don't waste time", Ying Cong Yedao.

There was a lot of discussion at the scene, and everyone seemed to be a little confused about what Ying Congye meant.

"It's not appropriate to admit defeat, but I gave up my precious sleeping time and came all the way. It's not a good comparison, it's too bad for an old friend."

Ji Hantian curled his lips, "Just ask."

"who am I?"



"Are you serious?" Ji Hantian was speechless.

Ying Cong Ye was silent.

Ji Hantian said: "Aren't you Ying Congye?"

"The answer is wrong, go down," Ying Congye said.

Ji Hantian shook his head, "Although I don't understand what you are talking about, I'm sorry, this...I want to win."

Before he finished his words, Ji Hantian had already sprinted forward!

I was in a very lazy state just now, and suddenly it was like a beast!

But this kind of speed, compared to the two games just now, seems to be nothing.


Ying Congye sighed, lifted up casually, and released a white light of breaking evil!


The platinum lightning swallowed Ji Hantian instantly!


The hearts of everyone in Tianfeng Pavilion were hanging.

"What is Ji Hantian doing?"

Seeing that Ji Hantian had been hit, a strange scene appeared!

Ji Hantian didn't have anything unexpectedly, the white light of Poxie seemed to be just a ghost, causing no harm at all?

On the contrary, Ji Hantian hit Ying Cong Ye's chest with a fist, punching Ying Cong Ye dozens of meters away!

The audience was in an uproar!

"what happens?"

"My eyes are dazzled? He forcibly eats Poxie Baiguang?"

"Why didn't Ying Congye avoid it?"

Ye Fan was not too surprised to see this scene. When he returned to Earth, he probably saw Ji Hantian's magical skills.

It's just that Ji Hantian now has truly mastered that magical skill compared to the beginning.

It is indeed remarkable that millions of people in the audience can't see that he is performing magical skills.

The next picture made the audience feel incredible.

Ying Congye was like a stiff puppet. He tried to fight back several times, but each attack was neutralized.

On the contrary, Ji Hantian, although the lethality is not high, but chasing Ying Congye all the way to fight.

"Elder Yan, Elder Wang, this...what's going on?"

The two explanations are also at a loss, and I don't know how to explain it anymore.

"Ying Congye! What are you doing!?"

"Fight back! Counterattack! Why don't you need your Thor bloodline?!"

The elders of Zhenmen are almost mad, this is too awkward!

Watching, Ying Congye was getting harder and harder, and she was almost forced to fall into the ring.

"How did Ji Hantian do it?" Xiao Xin'er couldn't understand, she couldn't help but glance at Ye Fan.

But Ye Fan pretended not to notice, and deliberately ignored it.

Seeing her sister's anger, Du Yuner smiled and said, "Brother Ye Fan, just talk about it, everyone is very curious."

Ye Fan was helpless, "Do you remember what happened after I met Belie last time?"

"Of course I remember, but what does this have to do with Ji Hantian?" Xiao Xin'er asked hurriedly.

"Although Ji Hantian can't do what I do, he has created a special plane by himself through strong mental power."

"The arena you see now is actually not the same scene as the one you see from the night."

"It can be understood that Ying Congye has entered the'dreamland' created by Ji Hantian, and he may be in that world and is gaining the upper hand."

"However, he has been beaten in this world."

Ai Er thought: "In other words, Ying Congye can't tell whether he is in a dream or reality?"

"Yes, he occasionally seems to return to normal, just constantly trying to break free of his dreams, and to put it bluntly, he wants to'wake up'."

"But Ji Hantian's mental power is very massive, and it may have something to do with his unique method of sleeping."

Ye Fan wondered, if it wasn't for the cultivation method of having multiple primordial spirits, his mental power would be far inferior to Ji Hantian.

"No wonder Ji Hantian always wants to sleep. It's a serious matter for him to sleep," Xiao Xin'er said suddenly.

"Does that mean that if the mental power is not as good as Ji Hantian, there is almost no chance of winning?" Ning Zimo asked.

Ye Fan squinted, "That's not necessarily, unless it is crushed, otherwise as long as there is a way to wake up occasionally, there will always be a way to crack..."


Just when Ying Congye was about to fall off the ring, Ji Hantian stopped his hands!

The audience at the scene all mentioned their throats, thinking that Ji Han was innocent to win inexplicably, but found that the situation took a turn for the worse?


Ji Hantian's eyes were shocked, and blood was spit out!

This scene really caused millions of people on the scene to take a breath!

The battle between the two is too weird. One has been beaten all the time, and the other has an overwhelming advantage, but suddenly he vomits blood?

Ye Fan was also puzzled, which he didn't expect either!

"how so……"

Ye Fan quickly used Wushuang to gain insight into the area where Ji Hantian was.

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