My Cold and Beautiful Wife

Chapter 3706: Hongmeng's Secret

"Oh, brother Ye Fan, don't sell it. What does it mean to open the sky?" Du Yuner was anxious.

"Open the world... Creator Pangu?" Chu Yunyao said suddenly.

Ye Fan snapped his fingers and said with a smile: "Yes, if my speculation is correct, then'Open Heaven Realm' is the creator of Hongmeng, the Great God of Pangu, a'reminder' left to later generations."

"Hongmeng was really made by Pangu? Is that Martial God really Pangu's younger brother?" Xu Lingshan asked in surprise.

Ye Fan said helplessly: "I'm not sure what the old foodie has to do with Pangu, but I feel that the axe in the yard is probably the legendary Pangu axe."

"Moreover, there are not many people who can make Green so devoted and respectful and honor the creator of the promise."

"The most important thing is the entrance of Na Hongmeng, the word'Hongmeng' left by the creator."

Seeing the women's faces in doubt, Ye Fan smiled and said, "Come with me."

He directly cast the Dragon Shadow Broken Hole at home, leading the women to the gate of Hongmeng.

When the girls saw those two characters, some were unclear, while others were deeply attracted.

Ye Fan paid attention, Su Qingxue and Xiao Xin'er clearly saw something, but the other women basically didn't feel anything.

"These two words... are so vague," Xiao Xin'er rubbed her eyes, "I can't remember when I see it."

"Sister, these two words are so big, are they vague?" Du Yuner wondered.

"It looks clear at first glance, but it can't be seen clearly at the second glance," Su Qingxue said.

"That's right! That's how it feels!" Xiao Xin'er nodded.

Ye Fan said: "These two words actually contain the method of'opening up heaven and earth' of the Great God Pangu."

"It can be said to be a means and a magical skill, but it should be a natural talent of Pangu."

"Is it true that the legend of Pangu opening the sky is true? Doesn't the fifth wife exist in the first place?" Ling Yuwei asked.

Ye Fan smiled and said, "Think about it carefully, how does the myth of Pangu Kaitian tell..."

"It is said that the chaos is beginning to open, it is muddy, Pangu saw a darkness, and I used an axe to split the chaos with local materials..."

The women just thought about halfway through, all of them were stunned!

Ye Fan nodded and said, "Yes, the key lies in this ‘darkness’!"

"The Fifth Wife did exist originally, but the Five Wife at that time had no Yin and Yang, only darkness!"

"It's because of Pangu's opening of the sky that the Wutai divides the yin and yang!"

Ai'er said: "Just like'God said there must be light', Pangu makes the world bright?"

"That's right, but that's exactly what it is, and it also caused the first ‘unfair’, which is the most primitive contradiction, to appear in the fifth wife."

Ye Fan sighed: "I heard before that the yin and yang cycle, constantly destroying and creating, so that life can cherish the hard-won light."

"In the beginning, I thought it made sense. People are stubborn. If you live well, you won't cherish it."

"But in fact, if you think about it carefully, whether you destroy the world or create, is it necessary to forcibly interfere?"

"If a race is doomed to destruction, how can it be managed by the Lord of Hongmeng?"

"To put it bluntly, before the Devil Dragon Emperor killed the six masters, the operating mode of the Yin and Yang Wutai was ‘superfluous’!"

"The only thing that can really determine the creation and destruction of the world is the Shenlong and the Demon Dragon Emperor. Everything that the masters do is like a'temporary government'."

"From the attitude of the Demon Dragon Emperor, I can see that in the eyes of the Creator, the lives of yin and yang are actually equal."

"Even if the underworld has swallowed up the sun, there is no good or bad saying about good and evil. The big deal is that the world will restart."

"However, the beings living in the Fifth Tais don't think so."

"Everyone wants to live on the bright side, but only half of the five are bright, and there are limits to resources."

"This means that there must be a part of life that can only go to the dark underworld."

Chu Yunyao said: "That's why Dao Ancestor will establish a system of'Hongmeng Domination' to maintain the order of the five yin and yang after Pangu opened the sky?"

Ye Fan nodded, "It should be like this. After all, the original order, through the cycle of yin and yang, allows all beings to have the opportunity to bathe in light, which is relatively fair."

"It's just...Any machine has a day of aging, and anyone will make mistakes. By now, this order is no longer adequate."

Su Qingxue frowned and said, "Husband, do you think that... the Great God Pangu didn't deliberately only opened up half of the fifth wife, but failed to complete the entire process of opening the sky?"

Ye Fan said sternly: "The Pangu axe lost its supernatural power, and Pangu also died. I guess that he did exhaust his life, but he only completed half of his great cause of opening up the sky."

"After all, the sky is already open, there is no need to open halfway, leaving the two realms of Yin and Yang, such a difficult contradiction to resolve."

"There is no rule that the five princes are all bright, right?"

The women were dumbfounded, but they didn't expect that the man would have thought of so much from the word Hongmeng and a broken axe! ?

"Impossible... Pangu is the creator, and the creator will die because of opening the sky?" Wuye murmured.

Ye Fan squinted, "It also depends on what the Creator has done. I think that any life has a limit."

"At least, I can't imagine how Pangu made the dark five too half bathed in the light."

"Such a heart-wrenching, ground-breaking feat that has exhausted the life of a creator, why is it impossible?"

"Even I suspect... Pangu itself, the mission that appeared was to open up this world of the Five Greats!"

In fact, there is another guess that Ye Fan didn't say, that is Ye Wuya...

If Ye Wuya is really Pangu's younger brother, which Pangu can be half developed, how about the two brothers together?

Isn’t it true that if the two forces add up, all the five masters will be completed?

Doesn't that mean... Ye Wuya didn't choose to open the sky with his brother for his own life?

Ye Fan was not sure, just guessing. In fact, no matter what choice Ye Wuya made, it was his freedom, and there was no right or wrong.

"Husband, what you said, the way to save the fifth wife, is it hidden in the message left by the Great God Pangu?" Nian Rujiao asked in surprise.

Ye Fan looked at the two mysterious characters and said, "Hongmeng appeared not to open up wasteland, but to allow top cultivators to come here continuously."

"Presumably the Great God Pangu is waiting. Someone who is destined can decipher the information of these two words and see the deep meaning of'Open Heaven Realm'."

"After all... the contradiction between yin and yang is intensified, it is nothing more than the uneven distribution of resources, the suffering of the underworld, and the reluctance of the yang to give up the light."

"Does the master want to imitate the God Pangu and launch the great cause of ‘Opening the Heaven’ again!?"

The candlelight was full of excitement, and my body trembled when I thought of this!

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