My Cold and Beautiful Wife

Chapter 3719: I have no interest

Aisha appeared in the yard, and after a moment of confusion, she was sneered.

"What sword **** is nothing but a dirty human being after all."

When Ye Fan heard this, he was immediately anxious. In front of Su Qingxue, what did the fox say?

"What are you talking about?" Ye Fan frowned.

Aisha sneered, "You don't have to pretend, I know what you want to do if you arrest me."

Su Qingxue looked at Ye Fan with weird eyes, "Husband, is that right?"

Ye Fan couldn't laugh or cry, "Your name is Aisha, don't you think too much?"

Ye Fan pointed to Su Qingxue next to him, "This is my wife, where are you confident, think I will like you?"

Aisha looked at Su Qingxue carefully, with a hint of suspicion, and asked, "Are you the wife of the Sword God?"

"Replace it like a fake," Su Qingxue smiled and said: "I'm really curious, why do you think that my husband wants to plot against you, what did he tell you?"

Aisha snorted softly, "Humans have always been unkind to our fox tribe."

"Back then, my mother mistakenly believed in a human monk, thinking that she was treating each other sincerely, so she was secretly abolished and turned into a plaything."

"How can you understand that a child just looks at his mother and commits himself to those..."

Ye Fan waved her hand and interrupted Aisha's grievances.

"I'm not interested in hearing your reasons for hating humans. Even if what you say is true, if you move my woman, I will not let you go."

Aisha was stunned. She thought she could gain a trace of sympathy and understanding by revealing her experience in this way.

After all, this sword **** is said to be a more benevolent emperor, and he likes pretty women...

Unexpectedly, Ye Fan wouldn't even be interested in listening?

"Tell me about the Eastern Emperor Market. You demon kings are doing the right thing with me for the purpose of the Eastern Emperor's legacy."

Ye Fan didn't care much about treasure hunting.

But now that the catastrophe is approaching, the Eastern Emperor, as the ancient demon emperor, who is immortal, really wants to leave behind some treasure, perhaps it can give him some help or inspiration.

Instead of working behind closed doors and thinking about ways to open up the sky, it is better to have one more path and one more choice.

Aisha was taken aback for a while, and said lightly: "This matter, the elders of the demon clan knows that the Eastern Emperor Ruins are in the Eastern Emperor Realm."

"In the past month, the entrance to Donghuangxu has become loose, but it has not really been opened yet, so we are just waiting."

"When will it go?" Ye Fan asked.

"I don't know," Aisha shook her head.

"Since you don't know, how can you have the confidence to work against me and drag it to Donghuangxu to open?"

Ye Fan grinned and said, "It seems that you still don't plan to cooperate well."

"Believe it or not, I..."

Before Aisha finished speaking, an unmatched terrifying mental power directly shocked its demon soul!

Ye Fan's eyes turned blue and gold, and the pupil of the dragon forcibly controlled Aisha.

Even if it is a nine-tailed fox with a very high spiritual cultivation base, the gap with Ye Fan is still too big.

Aisha never expected that she would be manipulated by human spirit.

"How do you plan to enter Donghuangxu?" Ye Fan asked.

Aisha tried to resist, her expression struggling, but she still spoke: "After seven days...the Eastern Emperor Market will open."

"Why are you sure?"

"At the entrance of Donghuangxu, there is a Demon Emperor's dial, which has been silent, but in the past month, it suddenly started to move."

"According to the speed of the sundial, seven days later will be the moment when it will just turn on..."

Ye Fan asked again: "Does the elders of the Eastern Emperor Realm know about this?"

"The sundial requires a very high level of spiritual cultivation to be able to see it clearly, and it cannot be understood by any monster race."

"If there is no accident, there should be no more than ten demon races who know the secret of the Demon Emperor's dial..." Aisha confessed.

"Why do you want to enter the Eastern Emperor Ruins?"

"Nature is a chaotic clock... The Eastern Emperor inherits nature and precious, but if you can get the first innate Lingbao chaotic clock, you can control time and space, reshape the chaotic things, and do everything..."

"Even if it is Hongmeng by then, I don't want to wait any longer. I can truly be at ease when I wait, and aspirational."

Aisha's face was full of yearning.

Ye Fan couldn't help laughing, and removed the Dragon's Eye.

Aisha woke up, her face was frightened and angry, " you dare to control me!? Despicable!!"

"I said... Back then, the Eastern Emperor himself was not invincible. How can you be confident that you can control everything with the Chaos Clock?"

"That's because the Eastern Emperor himself has no desires and desires for a long time. Of course his old people don't need Chaos Clock to fulfill any wishes. It doesn't mean that Chaos Clock can't do that!"

Aisha looked sad and said, "It doesn't make much sense to tell you this,, a cruel fellow, won't let me go."

Aisha closed her eyes directly, and a tear fell.

"Come on, kill me and vent your anger for those women of yours."

After waiting for a while, he found that Ye Fan hadn't done anything.

Aisha had a chuckle in her heart, and she knew that, but any man could not be willing to kill her.

It opened its eyes, with red eyes, and was about to ask Ye Fan why he didn't kill, but his eyes went black, and he was stunned by the mental shock!

When Aisha woke up, there was a **** girl in black and purple tight-fitting martial arts clothes with a short knife on her waist.


Aisha looked around and found that it was an empty mountain flat.

"Bai Wuming?"

Not far away, Bai Wuming and A Chou were standing there, their expressions cold.


The pretty girl drew out the sakura white knife, "I'll start!"

Time passed, and the girl turned into a green light, killing Aisha!

At the same time, outside Yantian Jie.

Ye Fan was starting with Su Qingxue again to the Eastern Emperor Realm.

He had to see the entrance of the Donghuang Ruins with his own eyes to be truly relieved.

"Husband, although Wing'er is making rapid progress, is it too dangerous to let her learn from Asia?"

"You Bai Wuming watched, she won't die, get hurt... and there is no way. She wants to improve as soon as possible. She can only practice like this. Nothing can make her appreciate the subtleties of Qingqiu bloodline better than the real nine-tailed fox. ", Ye Fan said.

"Then when do you plan to let Teng'er practice?"

"Wait until she can realize the transfer of things, or... kill Aisha," Ye Fan said.

"Even if it takes a lot of time," Su Qingxue thought for a while and said.

"It's okay, Yan Tianjie will add Weiwei's big formation, there is enough time, but Teng'er is afraid that it will be a lot of hardship," Ye Fan sighed distressedly.

As they were chatting, the two had reached the location of the Eastern Imperial Ruins, the back mountain of the Eastern Imperial Palace.

There were only a few demon elders guarding the area, and seeing the sword god, he didn't dare to stop him.

In fact, you don't need to look for it specially. In the mountains behind, on a mirror-clear lake, there is a sundial burning with a demon fire.

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