My Cold and Beautiful Wife

Chapter 3742: Wang Chuan

"Wangchuan City! Is the Wangchuan River ahead?"

"It turns out that there really is this river. Could it be that what my father said is true..."

Jian Yuzhu couldn't help muttering.

"Forget River? Is it the legendary river that will make people lose their memories?" Ye Fan asked.

"Have you heard of it?" Jian Yuzhu nodded: "Father said that there is such a river in Donghuangxu. If you have any worries, go to the river and forget it soon."

"But once you stay by the river for a long time, you will gradually lose all your memories, and eventually become a lonely ghost and disappear in the river."

Ye Fan curled his lips and said: "Isn't it, the cultivator can still be forced to remember more? It should only be effective for mortals."

"Is it true? We will know when we enter this city," Jian Yuzhu said.

Ye Fan nodded, and the two entered the city together.

The city is not big, but it has all the five internal organs, and there is a constant stream of monsters coming and going.

Although it looks like a human, because many monster races also look a lot like humans, they haven't attracted much attention.

After walking for a while, Jian Yuzhu frowned and said, "There is definitely a problem here."

Ye Fan was picking up the Yaozu trinkets on the street and looking at it, and asked with a smile: "What a lively and joyous place, what's the problem?"

"It's just because it's so peaceful, it's not right, haven't you noticed that all the monster races in this place are smiling and happy!"

Jian Yuzhu said: "If you go to any monster clan city, it can't be like this. It is easy to cause friction between different monster clan, especially some violent monster clan."

"You mean, the demons here have forgotten all the unpleasantness because of Wang Chuanhe?" Ye Fan asked.

"It may be more serious. Anyway, there is weirdness everywhere here," Jian Yuzhu was worried.

"Boss, how do you sell it?" Ye Fan took a fancy to a bunch of exquisite jewelry and started shopping nearby.

It's all here, always bring some souvenirs to the women.

Jian Yuzhu was speechless, "I'm telling you business, do you still want to buy things?"

"I think you are a persecutory paranoid, it's a good place to be peaceful and peaceful, you have to think about crooked places," Ye Fan said.

Jian Yuzhu sneered, "It's you who are too slow! We were so dangerous outside the Sky Demon Mountain Range before, and we were close to Wangchuan. How could it be so easy?"

"Then do you have any conclusive evidence?" Ye Fan asked.

"I..." Jian Yuzhu looked around and didn't know how to prove it.

"Look, it's just your guess."

Ye Fan handed out some spar, got a big bag of accessories, smiled and waved to the boss.

"I really like this place, so let's go shopping."

Jian Yuzhu saw Ye Fan with a laid-back look, and felt a little bit bad in his heart.

Fortunately, there are really places to sell maps in the city.

Through the map, the two did not find the information about the "Land of Desolation, Abyss of Ice and Fire".

"It seems that the East Polar Sea is the core of this East Emperor Ruins, and it is also the largest area."

"According to the residents here, there is the most mysterious and dangerous place. If the Eastern Emperor leaves a treasure, there is a high probability that it will still be there," Ye Fan said.

"Will it do the opposite? In fact, in a safer place?" Jian Yuzhu asked.

"It's possible, but the problem is that we must go to a high-level place if we want to restore our cultivation as soon as possible," Ye Fan said.

When Jian Yuzhu heard it, he could only agree. After all, if other monster races surpassed too many cultivation bases, they might also be in danger, let alone find the Yao Royal Township.

After walking for a while, the two came to a tea house and sat down for a cup of tea.

The owner of the tea is a raccoon who looks very kind.

"Boss, is Wang Chuanhe in front?"

The raccoon nodded and said: "Yes, the two guest officials came from afar? But be careful, if you don't rush there, don't go forward."

"If you are close to Wangchuan, will you really lose your memory?" Jian Yuzhu asked.

"Of course, Wangchuan is our patron saint here, and everyone depends on Wangchuan to throw away bad memories."

"Many people who come from other places use Wangchuan to start their lives again," the boss laughed.

I continued to inquire and learned that even if he flew over from the air, he would be affected by Wang Chuan.

"What to do, I don't know if the cultivation base we have now recovered can pass safely," Jian Yuzhu said.

"Try it, just take a detour if it doesn't work," Ye Fan said.

"You can look at the map. Forget River is so long. If we spend too much time, will it be too late to go to the Dongji Sea?"

"Two guest officials, are you going to go to Wangchuan?" The raccoon boss asked in surprise.

"Yes what's the matter?"

"That's so dangerous! Wangchuan is nothing, it's Miyinling after passing by!"

"From the beginning of Miyinling, some powerful monsters have been entrenched, extremely dangerous!"

"On our side, it is Wangchuan that blocked the monsters and kept the party safe," the boss said.

Ye Fan asked, "Boss, do you know, is there any way to safely cross Wangchuan?"

"I heard that the proprietress of Wangyou Inn is responsible for helping guests cross the river. You can ask questions," the boss said.

"Wangyou Inn?"

Ye Fan and Jian Yuzhu looked at each other, and without hesitation, got up and went.

The inn is located on a prosperous main avenue in the city, with colored silk hanging high and luxurious decoration.

As soon as the two of them entered, Jian Yuzhu frowned and his face was uncomfortable.

It is said to be an inn, but it is more like a place of entertainment, where you can see people who are looking for fun.

One by one, the glamorous and charming banshees are boldly making out with the guests.

"Yo, are you two here for a drink or staying in a store?"

A graceful and charming lady boss came over with an emerald cigarette stick in her hand, a low-cut purple dress, black hair like a cloud, and a charming appearance.

There was also a big fluffy white tail behind him, adding a touch of special amorous feelings.

"It's a fox demon, no wonder they would open such an inn," Jian Yuzhu said through a voice transmission.

Ye Fan smiled and said, "We're looking for the boss to solve Qianshou."

"It's far in the sky, and the little slave house is right in front of you," Xie Qianshou smiled.

Ye Fan was not surprised, and said, "I heard that the lady boss can help people get through Wangchuan safely?"

Xie Qianshou squinted his eyes, then took a puff of cigarette, vomiting white mist.

"It's okay, must pay enough compensation."

"How much is paid."

"You can stay in the inn for one night, two hundred stones per room," said Qianshen Jie.

"Two hundred stones? Are you a robbery? How can there be such an expensive inn?" Jian Yuzhu refused.

Ye Fan smiled, it seemed that no matter where she was, she cared more about spending money.

"It's not so easy to want to live in Wangchuan. If you two don't want it, it's better to leave or not to give it away", it doesn't matter if you don't want to pass away.

"Ye Fan, let's figure it out by ourselves, let's talk about it when we go," Jian Yuzhu said.

Ye Fan didn't say anything, and directly took out two hundred stone crystal mines, "There is a shortcut, why should I take the risk?"

Jian Yuzhu was stunned, as if he didn't know this man anymore. How could Ye Fan believe in such a suspicious place so arbitrarily?

But soon, Jian Yuzhu found that Ye Fan's eyes showed a trace of greed.

His gaze is straight and straight at Jie Qian's sorrow...

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