My Cold and Beautiful Wife

Chapter 3749: Broken Soul Ridge

Although he was frightened to death, Jin Er was too slow, and he struggled to twist his body.

Ye Fan grabbed the fat dragon's tail, "What are you running? You will run when you see something?"

"That's the army of corpse kings in Broken Soul Ridge. They are a group of undead demon races. That's why they are so deadly!"

Jin Er cried and said with a sad face: "The corpse king of Broken Soul Ridge has taken refuge in his second uncle, so hundreds of thousands of undead soldiers have become our enemies."

"A group of undead monsters scared you like this?"

Xiao Jin looked disdainful: "Compared with our dragon clan, this low-level monster is not worth mentioning, just a mouthful of dragon flames!"

"Little Two, you are waiting by the side, let you see, what is the real dragon!"

Xiao Jin swaggered, directly magnifying his body, and a charge plunged into the cloud of death.

Suddenly, all kinds of lonely ghosts in front of them roared like purgatory on earth.

"Sir Xiaojin! What a brave man!" Jin Er's eyes beamed.

Jian Yuzhu disgusted and said: "It's all Qinglong, what can you brag about killing some undead monsters?"

Ye Fan cried and laughed, and it was really nothing to change to a normal dragon clan.

However, this greedy snake of my own is a rare and brave one!

But at this moment, in that dark cloud, Xiao Jin suddenly returned back hastily!

"Wow!-Master! It's not good!!"

Xiaojin twisted his body, and his body was covered with various undead bird monsters.

There are several bone demon dragons further behind, spitting out gray demon fire.

Xiaojin was chased by a group of undead army and escaped! ?

"Master! Why can't I get my strength! Where's my cultivation base! Woo..."

Xiaojin was so anxious that his tears were about to fall. Why did a mouthful of dragon flame spray out, so many monsters couldn't even burn to death?

After a careful perception, I found that the cultivation base had become quite weak.

If the flesh is not strong enough, and this end plunges in, there will be no way out!

Jian Yuzhu was speechless, "The surname is Ye, I really overestimate your pet..."

Ye Fan covered his face with one hand, couldn't bear to look straight, lost the dragon! !

"I know I can't beat it! What should I do! Master Guardian, let's run!" Jin Er shouted.

Ye Fan couldn't stand it anymore, he personally shot, and directly burned the sky, Cang Yan burned the sky.

The undead army was swept away in an instant, leaving only a few bone dragons trying to escape.

Ye Fan attacked the dragon's pupil, forcibly controlled the bone dragon's mind, and obediently surrendered.

Although the undead demon clan had high mental resistance, it was still completely crushed in front of Ye Fan.

Jin Er saw his eyes straight, but he could solve it so easily?

"Master, you are truly a master of cultivation, no matter where you are, you are so energetic!"

Xiaojin knew he was embarrassed by stabbing Louzi, so he quickly flattered him.

"Your skin and flesh, even with a physical attack, can sweep away these undead monsters, what are you running? Can they hurt you?" Ye Fan hated iron for not being a steel tunnel.

Xiao Jin was stubborn and showed a pitiful look eagerly: "I...I found out that my cultivation base was gone, and I panicked all of a sudden."

Jin Er on the side also helped and said, "Master Guardian, you can't blame Master Xiaojin. These undead are too terrible. They eat dragons and don't spit bones!"

"Right? Little Two, is it scary?"

"Sir Xiaojin, I know you. If you dare to rush in, it's amazing!"

"Good brother!" Xiao Jin felt that he had found a bosom friend, and he nodded gratefully while holding the fat dragon.

Ye Fan's face turned black. Could it be that this is the so-called gathering of things and the division of dragons into groups?

"Okay, Jin Er, I ask you, was the corpse king of Broken Soul Ridge originally a subordinate of your father?"

When Jin Er heard this, he shook his head and said: "No, Broken Soul Ridge is an independent area, ruled by the ancient corpse king, General Ye, and has no intersection with our Monster Dragon Clan."

"Then why does the corpse king inside take refuge in your second uncle? Help him do things?" Ye Fan asked.

"I don't know either. Broken Soul Ridge and our Monster Dragon Clan's well used to be in the same water."

"The undead army will not go outside Broken Soul Ridge, now the entire Blood Valley is everywhere", Jin Er was also puzzled.

Ye Fan and Jian Yuzhu looked at each other and guessed that there is probably something to do with Mangtong behind all this.

"What does it want to do?" Jian Yuzhu was puzzled.

"Go and ask the corpse king, you can probably inquire about it."

Ye Fan controlled several bone dragons, let them lead the way, and went straight to the direction of Broken Soul Ridge ahead.

On the one hand, this way, on the other hand, he can find the clue of Mangtong as soon as possible.

After entering Broken Soul Ridge, the surrounding sceneries all turned black and gray, with a strong dead spirit, making ordinary monsters unable to survive at all.

After Xiaojin knew the rules of the Eastern Emperor Ruins, he worked very **** the road, and 90% of the undead monsters were crushed by his body.

Knowing that Ye Fan was behind him, Xiao Jin naturally didn't feel any pressure, and kept showing himself in front of Jin Er.

Ye Fan looked at the greedy snake fart, angry and funny.

Upgrade all the way, the party finally reached the entrance of a magnificent ancient tomb.

Although the tomb is full of organs and various puzzles, as far as Ye Fan is concerned, there is no obstacle at all.

Going all the way to the bottom of the tomb, finally saw the ancient zombie king, Jiang Ye.

Wearing a rusty heavy armor, with a dim crown on his head, he held a black blooded ghost head knife in his hand.

The corpse king Jiangye, who was covered in blue and black, was sitting on a throne made of piles of bones.

A pair of scarlet eyes lit up.

"Intruder, this king has been waiting for you for a long time," Jiang Ye said in a low voice.

Ye Fan sensed that this ancient corpse king had indeed an extraordinary cultivation base, already at the power level.

No wonder Jin Er said that this corpse king existed when the Eastern Emperor Ruins appeared, and was one of the oldest monster races in it.

If Ye Fan had recovered a lot along the way, and had already reached the Holy Realm, he wouldn't really be able to suppress Jiang Ye.

"Scorpion King, why are you participating in the internal strife of the Demon Dragon Clan?" Ye Fan asked.

"What is it to do with you? Just take it!" Lifting the big sword in the night, he walked towards Ye Fan.

"Just relying on you as a zombie, is also worthy of my master's shot? My Lord Xiaojin killed you in one bite!"

Xiaojin flew out brazenly, with a long roar, opening his mouth to chew off Jiang Ye's head!

Ye Yi stretched out his hand and waved his sturdy arm to knock Xiaojin away!


Xiao Jin slammed into the extremely hard tomb wall. Although he was not injured, he was shocked!

"This...Why is this zombie so hard!?"

Ye Fan sighed. Corpse King Jiangye gathered all the dead spirits of Soulbreaker Valley. How could the ancestor of ten thousand corpses be able to contend with Xiaojin who is now cultivated?

"In fact, you don't want to be an enemy at all. Who has threatened you, right?" Ye Fan asked leisurely.

Jian Yuzhu and Jin Er looked at him curiously, not understanding why Ye Fan said this.

"Why did you say this?" Jiang Ye asked.

Ye Fan said, "With your wisdom, if you really want to kill us, you can start by yourself at the beginning."

"There is no need to send so many undead troops. Not only can they not kill us, they will also be used to restore the cultivation base."

Silence the night.

"Is it Mangtong?" Ye Fan asked.

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