My Cold and Beautiful Wife

Chapter 3757: for what

Although Sally Yeh was devastated, she was still a little distracted when she saw this scene.

Because in such a place, there are still people who can open the space door, which must be a creator-level existence!

Qian Mian frowned slightly, as if he knew who the person was, a trace of boredom appeared in his eyes.

I saw a slender man with a golden ratio walking out of it.

With long golden hair, a strange but artistic scarlet robe, golden ornaments, gorgeous but not vulgar.

What makes Sally feel weird the most is that the man is wearing a golden mask!

When the golden mask appeared, Sally Ye found that she had been completely enclosed in the long river of chaos by a powerful force!

The chaotic energy outside could no longer hurt Sally, but on the other hand, Sally could not hear the movement outside.

"Queen of Thousand Faces, long time no see."

The tone of the golden mask is very gentle, full of charm and magnetism.

"Say something quickly, I'm not interested in chatting with you," Qianmian said indifferently.

The golden mask looked at Sally, "Why, it doesn't make any sense, the destruction of this world is already doomed."

"Whether it makes sense, it's not you who have the final say", Qian Mian said.

The golden mask sighed: "I know that this world has provoke eternity. Eternity can't help the Dragon Emperor, but it is enough to accelerate the destruction of this world."

"You should be very clear that he is different from you, he will go to the end with this world, and you... can go further."

"If you just want to say this, get out," Qianmian was rude.

"After saying what I should say, I will leave naturally."

As soon as the golden mask stretched out his hand, a dark golden letterhead flew out with a totem imprinted on it.

Qianmen saw this letter and squinted his eyes: "Invitation letter?"

"Yes, I am looking forward to...becoming a colleague with you, in fact, you should have joined us long ago."

After finishing talking about the golden mask, he performed a complicated etiquette, which was regarded as a farewell.

Then one stepped back and disappeared in the space gate.

The barrier around Sally Ye disappeared instantly, and was once again eroded by the power of Chaos!

Sally Ye was caught off guard by the sudden pressure, but the most shocking thing in her heart was the letter she had just seen!

The totem imprinted on it... it turned out to be a dragon head to tail! ?

Although it is not clear what the golden mask said to Qianmen, it is enough to make Sally feel magical!

That was obviously not the creator of this fifth master, most of them came from the golden civilization.

Doesn't that mean that Shenlong has a pivotal weight in the golden civilization?

Sally did not dare to ask more, after all, the old ancestor seemed to have a bad temper.

Qianmian looked at the invitation letter in his hand and was silent for a moment.

Suddenly, a ball of magic flame ignited in his hand, and the dark gold letter paper was suddenly burned!

Just when Sally thought that Qianmen was going to destroy this letter, the letterhead was not destroyed for a lifetime?

Even if it is as strong as a thousand faces, it has not been able to destroy this thin letter!

Qianmian had to sigh faintly, and instead of trying to destroy it, he put away the letterhead.

Sally Ye was stunned and became more curious about what this was.

"You know, why so many generations of abyss witches, can you only see me?"

Suddenly, Qianmen asked.

"Junior don't know..." Sally Ye said.

"Why do you want to become stronger?"

"For the king", Sally Ye blurted out without hesitation.

Qianmian's eyes softened a bit.

Sally Yeh even had an illusion, as if seeing this old ancestor smile?

"Since this is the case, what are you still thinking about? Waiting to follow the Doomsday Destruction with him?" Qianmen asked.

Sally Ye's spirits lifted up, and she quickly concentrated on, continuing to feel the power of chaos...


Donghuangxu, the edge of the melting abyss.

Near a long island, there are thousands of monster dragons entrenched.

There is also a large army of dead sea bones at the forefront, crushed in black, like a vanguard force.

And not far away, is the territory of the fire dragon clan, the sea is boiling hot.

Dozens of fire dragons, as sentinels, lie intertwined near some volcanic craters.

The atmosphere on both sides is tense, and it seems to be fighting at any time.

"Master Jumang, the time is almost forty-nine, should we do it?"

A fierce-looking monster dragon bowed its head in front of a "child" dressed as a shepherd boy.

Ju Mang shook the willow whip in his hand, and his innocent face in the past looked gloomy and complicated.

"Strange... why they haven't moved yet."

"You are the Jin Yao them? With them, how can we stop us now?" Jin Jie sneered.

"Naturally, Jin Yao, I am not worried, but the sword god... shouldn't be so forbearing," Jumang frowned.

According to his estimate, Ye Fan and his party should stop the war between the two monster dragon camps.

At that time, it will be able to use the powerful hole cards it holds to get rid of this big trouble that cannot be solved outside.

However, Ye Fan didn't show up for a long time, but Ju Mang became anxious.

Jin Jie said with disdain: "Master Jumang, we have an army of thousands of monsters and dragons, and tens of thousands of undead monsters."

"Even if the Emperor Sword is beautiful outside, it can be here, but in your and my turf, what storm can he cause?"

"For me, he wants to survive until the opening of the Eastern Emperor Ruins, and he doesn't want to take risks. After all, he can only get his full strength back when he goes out."

Jumangmu thought, "He knows who I am, but he might actually avoid me..."

"You are the son of the Eastern Emperor, playing with you in the Eastern Emperor Market, I wouldn't be so stupid in exchange for me!"

"Never mind..." Ju Mang nodded, "Infiltrate the Molten Abyss! Find the Eastern Emperor's inheritance, you will remember your first merit!"


Jin Jie was so excited that he quickly turned and flew over the monster dragon army.

"Warriors of the Monster Dragon Clan! It's time to regain the dignity of our Monster Dragon Clan and avenge the poor girls of our clan!"

"Under the leadership of Lord Jumang, son of the Eastern Emperor, we are bound to achieve a complete victory!"


Jin Jie gave an order, and the monster dragon clan vacated one after another.

And the undead army has already taken the lead in the formation, obviously wanting to be cannon fodder to consume the fighting power of the fire dragon clan.

But at this moment, only a loud "rumbling" was heard!

In the deep sea, drastic topographical changes have taken place!

The volcanic zone that was originally buried in the deep sea is constantly rising! ?

"what happened?"

"Is the fire dragon clan making a ghost?"

The monster dragon tribe army was a little flustered, because the fire dragon tribe should not be so capable!

But soon, everyone discovered that the fire dragon was also surprised by mistakes?

Melting Abyss Sea Dragon continued to chant, and it turned into a pot of porridge!

In the surprised eyes of thousands of demon dragons, a huge monster unexpectedly appeared on the bottom of the sea!

That monster's body is an entire submarine volcanic belt, on which lava is constantly erupting!

"This... is this a mountain giant monster!?"

"Does the Fire Dragon Race have a helper?!"

How did Jin Jie become a giant monster in the volcanic zone of Mengyuanhai! ?

At the same time, Jumang's eyes were sharp, and he saw that a couple of men and women had appeared above the giant demon's head.

"Sword God... it really is you!"

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