My Cold and Beautiful Wife

Chapter 3759: what are you laughing at

The monster dragon clan army suddenly had wonderful expressions, neither fighting nor retreating. They were in a stalemate in the air.

Their original hatred was caused by these female dragons, but when things came, they found that the female dragons had nothing to do. Instead, they disliked them and didn't go back?

In this way, what was originally a contradiction between the two races has now become a contradiction between the opposite sex.

How can this kind of thing that is said to throw a dragon be solved in public? I can only talk to myself in private.

Sure enough, many demon dragons began to twitch, and began to communicate with their "ex-wife" and love daughter.

But these female dragons are reluctant, and are determined to live with the fire dragon clan.

Although the monster dragon clan was annoyed, they couldn't fight against the fire dragon clan at this moment. After all, it seemed that they were the rude and barbaric side.

At any rate, the dragon beast race of high wisdom, who lives for the dragon, has their principled bottom line, and naturally it is impossible to fight indiscriminately.

"It seems that these fire dragons are really good to the female dragon, and they are so reluctant to go back," Jian Yuzhu said.

"Actually, there is another advantage about the Fire Dragon Clan, I didn't say it," Ye Fan said.

"What?" Jian Yuzhu was curious.

Ye Fan smiled playfully and said, "Compared with the monster dragon clan, the fire dragon clan male... is more powerful."

Jian Yuzhu recalled, his face flushed!

She didn't know if it was true, she couldn't help but glared at the man.

If this is the case, I really can't say it directly, it hurts the self-esteem of other monster dragons too much!

"How could this happen? Master Jumang, do we still want to kill?" Jin Jie was also panicked, and the situation was out of control.

Jumang's face was calm, "It's the end, if my father doesn't inherit it, you will be a dead end!"

"The sword **** is a human race, so how can he really think about you?"

"He is stopping you here to steal the Donghuang inheritance!"

A group of demon dragons showed their vigilance again when they heard it. Although the female dragon was important, it was definitely more critical to survive.

At this time, a distinctive dragon chant resounded across the sky!

I saw Jin Yao burst into the air in an instant, and came to the front of the monster dragon clan formation.

Jin Yao glanced around with a pair of majestic golden dragon eyes.

When it fell on the traitor Jin Jie, Jin Jie immediately trembled unconvincingly!

"Is it Patriarch Jin Yao?"

"It...Is this the Dragon Transformation?"

Before the monster dragons were surprised, Xiao Jin teleported behind Ye Fan again.

A group of monster dragons shuddered when they saw the giant dragon clan that couldn't be seen continuously!

How could the Shenlong clan appear in the Donghuang Ruins where the monster clan lives?

Ye Fan smiled bitterly in his heart, this greedy snake, what can't do, pretending to be a good hand.

"The Lord Sword God in front of you is the Lord Holy Emperor in the legend of Donghuangxu!"

"And the saint next to Lord Saint Emperor is the direct descendant of His Majesty the Eastern Emperor! The daughter of Demon Emperor Jian Zai Zai!"

"I, Jin Yao, caught the sacred wood seed, but got a blessing in disguise and turned into a sacred dragon in the Dragon Pond of Lord Saint Emperor!"

As soon as Jin Yao said this, the demon dragons on the scene boiled.

Longchi? This is the place Demon Dragon dreams of!

"It seems that the monster dragon clan is very self-motivated, and they all want to go to Longchi to transform the dragon, unlike some guys..."

Ye Fan glanced at Xiaojin. This cargo had already deliberately made a detour to install garlic when he knew that there was a Dragon Pond.

"It's a pity that it is too difficult to transform the dragon. Those monster dragons have not come out so far," Jian Yuzhu said.

Ye Fanxin said that after dozens of days of work, it is a miracle to be able to come out, but it is common sense to be unable to come out.

He also didn't expect that there were many Dragon Clan to help him, Jin Yao's role was nothing more than to prove that Long Chi was true.

Jin Yaolang said: "Wait, think about it, this sentence, Mang and Jin Jie, besides coaxing you to fight with the Fire Dragon Clan, what did they do for the Monster Dragon Clan?!"

"The Eastern Emperor never abandoned me, just as the prophecy said, with the arrival of the Holy Emperor, I will definitely be able to live!"

The demon dragon clan is not stupid, seeing Jin Yao successfully transforming the dragon, naturally all of them are jealous.

Soon, the monster dragons began to fly in front of Ye Fan and respectfully began to pay respects to the holy emperor.

Jin Jie felt angry and helpless when he saw this. What made it even more unbelievable was that he was also very envious...

I had known that the Holy Emperor would appear, and brought Dragon Pond, it didn't want to rebel!

"Sword God...this king really underestimated you".

Ju Mang's face finally became a little heavier, and he really didn't expect such a thing as Long Chi.

Seeing that the demon-dragon battle could not be fought, Ju Mang flicked the willow whip.

Suddenly, the vast army of undead spirits went crazy in all directions, hacking and killing!

All the monsters present at this moment were the monster dragons, and it was naturally these monsters who were killed.

"Master Jumang! What are you doing?!"

Jin Jie was shocked, but before he finished speaking, he was stiff and his face showed pain.

I saw that Jin Jie's body suddenly pierced out a strip of roots, like a giant twisting bug, piercing Jin Jie's entire body!

"Sacred wood species..."

Jin Jie's eyes were full of horror. It didn't even expect that Ju Mang would secretly attack it! ?

Not only that, many other demon dragons present were parasitized by the sacred wood species, the dragon's body soared blood crazily, and the energy was absorbed by the plants.

After all, not every demon dragon has Jin Yao's strength, and the damage caused by the sacred wood species to them can't be suppressed at all.

Suddenly, a vast red mist spread across the sea, a **** storm!

Originally, these monster dragons were not afraid of the undead army at all, but they were seriously injured at this moment, and being besieged by these undead army made it even worse!

Ye Fan didn't expect that Ju Mang would even hide such a hand.

He quickly took out the "Dead King Order" Jiang Ye gave to mobilize the undead army on the scene to stop them.

But the army only stopped for a moment, and immediately began to attack again!

"What's the matter?" Jian Yuzhu was surprised.


Ju Mangyin smiled and said, "Did you forget one thing?"

As soon as Jumang stretched out his hand, his hand turned into countless dark brown branches and vines.

Among the vines, a dark gray female corpse was tied up.

"The corpse king's wife is still in my hands, what use is the token it gave to the corpse king?"

Ye Fan frowned. No wonder Jiang Ye's wife could not be found. It turned out that Ju Mang had hidden him in his body?

However, now that it is taken out, it is convenient.

With lightning and fire, Ye Fan swung a sword!

Thunder Blade, cut time!

The space froze suddenly, and before the sentence could react, the entire tree vine arm had been chopped off!

Ye Fan teleported in a space, and directly sent the female corpse in front of him!

Seeing Ye Fan take away the female body, Jumang is not angry but happy!

"Haha! Sword God! You are in the trick!"

I saw that female corpse opened her eyes, revealing a hideous color, and her whole body exploded!

An accumulated energy was released violently, and by the way, countless sacred wood species were exploded!

These seeds are like countless viruses, starting to invade Ye Fan!

Ye Fan went all over, and was immediately occupied by these seeds!

"Young... Sword God, just want to save an irrelevant dead person?"

"This king's sacred wood species is bestowed by the Eastern Emperor and the World Tree. Just wait for me to get someone to do it..."

Ju Mang laughed madly, half ridiculous, but frozen.

Ye Fan's voice came from behind it...

"what are you laughing at?"

Ju Mang violently stirred his spirit, and when he turned around, he found that Ye Fan had appeared not far behind it?

Looking at the "Ye Fan" who was invaded by the sacred wood species, it turned into a sword intent and disappeared!

Jianyi clone! ?

"In the face of me, you still want to win with your cleverness. Just with this naive idea, you have already lost."

When Ye Fan finished speaking lightly, he raised his hand to release a golden dragon crossbow!

"Lei Wang Arrow!"

The violent divine thunder turned into a thunder dragon, directly piercing through the body of Jumang, opening a huge hole! !

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