My Cold and Beautiful Wife

Chapter 3770: Never left

Ye Fan didn't pay attention to her at all. Instead, he focused on covering the entire Donghuang Ruins with his own consciousness!

Although it is impossible to master all of them, he is doing his best to capture all the details!

Donghuangxu's "return" is getting faster and faster...

The blood shed by the monster race flows back from the earth and ocean...

The dead Yaozu came back to life again...

The collapsed space appears again, the green hills are still there, and the green water flows as usual...

All these miracles...only because of one power-time! Great time!

As long as time goes back, everything will be restored!

In just half an hour, the entire East Pole Sea is as blue as ever, the clouds are light and the breeze is light...

As if it was a doomsday natural disaster just now, the sight of countless monsters taking refuge is just a nightmare...

Jian Yuzhu and Xiaojin were stunned, unable to calm the shock in their hearts for a long time!

"Holy...Holy Emperor, what is going on?"

Jin Yao stood behind, also unbelievable.

"Why are you still here? You haven't been dumped back?" Xiaojin was surprised.

"It has passed through the Dragon Pond and became the Dragon Clan, so it will naturally not be affected by this Donghuang Ruins," Ye Fan said.

"Then...that other monster races will all return to their original state?" Jian Yuzhu asked.

Ye Fan nodded: "Almost, for them, it may be a dream."

"You knew that after eighty-one days, Donghuangxu would recover?" Jian Yuzhu's eyes were complicated.

Ye Fan shook his head, "No, in fact, I was just a guess just now..."

"Because for now, I only see the clockwise movement of time in the Eastern Emperor Ruins."

"I just thought, "counterclockwise" rotation, is it necessary to wait for eighty-one days."

"As the saying goes, "Nine Nine into One" and "Weekly and Over", this date, I have to make a guess as to whether it will be a time node."

Jian Yuzhu heard it in the mist, "Wait, what clockwise and counterclockwise? Why do you see the time?"

Ye Fan smiled and said, "If you want to control a certain energy, a certain principle, you must know how it works."

"Fire is hot, ice is cold, and wind is the vector movement of airflow, which is very intuitive."

"However, space is very illusory, and when it comes to time, it is even more difficult to describe and describe."

"Emperor and Chaos Clock came together, and no one understands the principle of the power of time better than it."

"However, even the Eastern Emperor, it is difficult to describe the principles of chaotic clock and time in words."

"So... the Eastern Emperor is in this Eastern Emperor Ruins, setting up countless complicated contexts..."

Jian Yuzhu was stunned: "You mean... those tasks?"

"Yes, if you don't look at these tasks individually, but look at them comprehensively..."

"It's like a chain of causality, converging into a network of various dimensions..."

"If you analyze them layer by layer, you will find that that is the mode of operation of'time'."

Ye Fan saw the blankness in Jian Yuzhu's eyes, smiled and shook his head and said: "Forget it, tell you more, you won't understand."

In fact, completing a large number of tasks is only the first step.

Without a high enough level, it would be impossible to understand how the Eastern Emperor described time.

Those intricate and incomparably esoteric network diagrams would not have been understood by Ye Fan unless he had reached the realm of it.

"Even if those tasks are about the principle of time, have you really completed the tasks of the entire Donghuangxu?" Jian Yuzhu asked.

Ye Fan smiled and said: "One way of practicing, it is the master who leads the door in, and the practice lies in the individual."

"The mystery of time, Donghuang only gave an enlightenment and a threshold."

"After you have really stepped into it, you still have to rely on yourself for subsequent learning."

"I don't need to do all the tasks at all, I just need enough tasks, enough for me to cross the threshold of'time'."

"As the saying goes, learning is endless, any kind of cultivation is said to have ‘climbing to the extreme’, but what else can’t be ‘blue out of blue’?”

Ye Fan said: "I believe that purely imitating, it is impossible to surpass the Eastern Emperor, and that would not be the original intention of the Eastern Emperor."

Jian Yuzhu was lost in thought, for her, these were too obscure.

But Ye Fan's ability to decipher the secrets of the Eastern Emperor Ruins in such a complicated context was enough to make her feel incredible.

"The Eastern Emperor is indeed a genius, no... genius is not enough to describe its wisdom."

Ye Fan said with emotion: "It's really amazing to be able to pass on the'power of time' in such a form."

This kind of power was originally taught and could not be taught.

In short, let Ye Fan teach him, he didn't even know how to explain the power of space.

But through the "game" of Donghuangxu, Donghuang allows participants to understand time step by step.

In addition, only those who are willing to coexist and die with the Yaozu can see the "counterclockwise" part.

In this way, people who can fully obtain the inheritance of the Eastern Emperor not only have enough talent, but also have enough diligence, and they will not be enemies of the monster race, not selfish people.

Everything is actually meaningful!

Thinking about everything, the design of this Donghuangxu really made Ye Fan shudder and admire him sincerely.

Unknowingly, the entire Donghuangxu had returned to its original appearance.

Looking at the calm East Pole Sea, Ye Fan was also satisfied.

"Okay, let's go out," Ye Fan said.

"Get out? What can you do?" Jian Yuzhu asked.

Ye Fan smiled, and with a stroke of his hand, Long Shadow Broken Kong was directly released.

"Just go out."

Ye Fan said, taking the lead in taking a step forward.

Jian Yuzhu, Xiaojin, and Jin Yao, with the mentality of a try, followed through the space gate.

The vision changed, and he appeared at the entrance of Donghuangxu!

"Are we out?" Xiaojin was excited: "Long live the master! I know it must be right to follow the master!"

Jin Yao was also amazed, it was the first time he came to the outside world.

At this moment, a guy who looked like a shepherd boy not far away looked at them in panic!


Jian Yuzhu couldn't care about feeling happy about coming out, so he looked wary.

"Be careful, this guy hasn't left yet!"

Ju Mang seemed to be a little confused, and frowned, "Why... why did I come back here?"

It clearly remembered that he had taken the chaos clock, hid in a safe corner, studied with great concentration, and gained a lot.

But when it was excited and happy, in the blink of an eye, it returned to the door of Donghuangxu?

"From beginning to end, you never left at all, so why come back here?" Ye Fan said with a smile.

Ju Mang was stunned for a moment, then he held his head, thinking of a possibility that would make it fearful!

"No...impossible, am I trapped in time and space...I was an illusion before?"

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