My Cold and Beautiful Wife

Chapter 3776: Don't want to admit

"Wisdom is not wrong, you are really special."

When the man said these words, Su Qingxue's face instantly became solemn.

"You are the Seven Eternal Sons?"

The man did not deny, "Just yesterday, I just met the Sword God, and he was not very friendly to me."

"Future..." Su Qingxue frowned, "There is no eternal statue here, so you are not afraid. I will call my husband directly?"

Mirai smiled, "Not to mention, Sword God can't really kill me. A smart person like you must already know that I have no malice against you, and you are not dangerous."

"So, Miss Su will definitely listen to what I have to say, and then consider how to deal with me, right?"

"There is no danger, I believe it, but if it is not malicious, it is not necessarily", Su Qingxue said.

Mirai shook his head, "Not only is there no malice, I am even here to help you, and even your family."

"Oh? So, do you want to help us save this bronze civilization?" Su Qingxue asked.

"Miss Su, in my opinion, what you care most about right now is not this bronze world..."

Su Qingxue squinted her eyes and clenched her hands unconsciously.

Future Shi Shiran sat on the sofa, "Don't hide it, don't forget, I can see the future...Although your fate is very special, you are still inseparable."

Su Qingxue was silent.

"Miss Su", the future tone suddenly became low: "You are running out of time."

"After all, civilization is about to be destroyed, I naturally don't have much time," Su Qingxue said.

"In front of me, don't hide it. The white hair on your head is the best proof that you have overdrawn your strength."


Su Qingxue's eyes jumped and took a deep breath.

"You are just speculating, not to mention... Even if it is true, I will think of a way."

Mirai sighed: "Do you know why your'destiny' consumes your life?"

"Because my cultivation level is not enough," Su Qingxue said.

"This is just the result you take for granted. In fact, if your cultivation level is not enough, you will fall into a coma at most, and you will never overdraw your future life."

"Just like the kind of strengthening method used by the sword god, when the cultivation level is not enough, it will only get tired quickly and will not die."

"In the final analysis, it is because the power you are using does not really belong to you, or...has not really been mastered yet."

The future said with deep meaning: "You have been suppressing your true power...Do you know?"

Su Qingxue's eyes showed a touch of shock, as if thinking of something.

"Smart, it seems you have guessed it."

Future nodded: "Yes, this power of yours... is not an ordinary ‘extreme meaning’, oh, it is what you call the ‘law’, ‘divine skill’.”

"The power of destiny comes from the emperor species in your body!"

Su Qingxue's body trembled, "You said...I'm using the power of the emperor?"

Mirai shook his finger, "Yes, not right. Your'destiny' is indeed the power of the emperor, but it is only a part of the power of your emperor."

"Only when you truly awaken the emperor, can you exert the perfect emperor's power."

"But, just because you didn't awaken, you forcibly used the power of the emperor... you have to pay a painful price."

"This is just your own words," Su Qingxue said indifferently.

The future is not in a hurry, and he said leisurely, "Miss Su, we are of the same kind, and I am very interested in your experience."

"Before coming here, I have done an investigation. You have played a pivotal role in many important battles and even against our Seven Eternal Sons."

"It is not too much to say that you are the strongest brain of the Sword God. Without you, the Sword God would still be the Sword God, but this civilization may have already been destroyed."

"Because of your control of the future, you have avoided the maximum casualties, allowing the Yangjian to retain more life, and will not allow the underworld to expand rapidly."

Mirai asked in a deep tone: "Think about it for yourself... Which magical skill and which rule can achieve your accomplishments?"

"Only the power of the emperor can do it! Do you understand?"

Su Qingxue pondered for a while and frowned, "Even if you are right, since I can use it, why don't I wake up?"

"The answer... can't you think of it yet? Or, you thought of it, but you don't want to admit it?" Mirai played taste.

Su Qingxue turned her head, biting her lip in silence.

"Miss Su, you care too much about the Sword God, this point... you are very similar to the Queen of Thousand Faces."

"The Queen of Thousand Faces also has no plan to awaken the emperor because she only wants to assist the Demon Dragon Emperor."

"But it is an abyss witch, and the lower limit is already strong enough, so it doesn't need the power of the emperor."

"But you are different. Even if you have the blood of Xuanming, it is far from enough... In order to assist the Sword God, you forcibly unlocked a part of the power of the emperor."

"But it is impossible for an emperor to assist another emperor wholeheartedly. As long as you consider the sword **** more important than yourself, you will never be able to awaken the emperor seed!"

The future sighed: "It's a pity, Sword God shouldn't know, how much have you paid for him..."

Su Qingxue stood up nervously, "This is just your inference! My husband won't believe your nonsense!"

"You're so worried, I'm going to tell the sword **** about this?"

Mirai shook his head and sighed: "It's really touching. You are going to die, still worrying that the Sword God will be sad?"

Su Qingxue's eyes turned red, and she bit her silver teeth, "If I hadn't had him, I would have died early. It doesn't matter how long I live, what's important is that I don't regret my choice!"

"But if the sword **** is allowed to make the choice, do you think he wants you to live or wait to die?" asked the future.

"You know how he chooses..." Su Qingxue was nervous.

Mirai smiled, "Don't get excited, I said, I'm here to help you."

"How to help?"

"Don't you forget who we are? As long as you take refuge in the Supreme Supreme, you can have eternal life!" Future proudly said.

"Take refuge in eternity? Aren't you let me die?"

Su Qingxue sneered: "You search for the'Emperor Seed' for its various worlds, don't you want to dig out the Emperor Seed in my body?"

"No, we will not attack the emperor in your body."


"Two reasons."

The future pointed to Su Qingxue's body: "The two wordless books in your body make it difficult for us to take away the emperor seed."

"In addition, after all, you are the love of the Sword God, even if the destruction of this world is doomed, but the Emperor Sword... is indeed an unstable factor."

Su Qingxue secretly analyzed it and asked: "Then why are you helping me?"

"Naturally it is profitable... but I can guarantee that the Supreme Supreme will not harm you, and even if you cooperate well, we will not embarrass the sword **** again..."

The future temptation said: "Just imagine, you will have unlimited life and become the partner of all the strongest emperors in the universe."

"The Sword God does not have to regret your whole life because of your death... You can still be together forever."

Su Qingxue sneered: "Speaking so nicely, then I don't need to pay the price?"

"Naturally, there is a price, but compared to your death, what is it?"

"If you die, the Sword God will not die, after all, he has other confidantes, family and children."

"And you? Actually, do you really care about this world and this civilization? What you care about... isn't it the Sword God alone?"

"Are you really willing to give up your favorite man to another woman? But die alone?"

Hearing these words, Su Qingxue lowered her head and remained silent for a long time.

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