My Cold and Beautiful Wife

Chapter 3818: There is a saying

"It's Miss Ai'er! Just say it and it's over? Going around, I'm sick."

Before Zhao Xuan could speak, the purple light on the side could no longer be restrained, and he shouted out, by the way, he didn't forget to ridicule.

Zhao Xuan smiled and didn't dare to talk back.

"Why?" Ye Fan asked strangely.

"Because Ai'er's particle cube can create all kinds of substances that this world doesn't have," Feng Qinglan laughed aside.

"Haha, we old guys, we haven't tasted the delicacy of Yangjian for a long time," Zhao Xuanle said.

"Girl Ai'er also helped us make many new clothes. I don't know how many tens of thousands of years I have worn these clothes. I am tired of wearing them," Ziguang brows excitedly.

Ye Fan couldn't laugh or cry. He didn't expect that bringing Ai'er down would have the effect of rewarding the army.

Wait a moment!

Suddenly, Ye Fan's mind was agitated!

"Ye Fan, what's wrong with you?" Feng Qinglan couldn't help asking as he watched the man stay there.

Ye Fan's eyes flickered, "I have been paying attention to your cultivation situation before, because I don't know El's magic well, so I was a little negligent."

"But if Ai'er can already create particles that can only be found in Yangjian in Mingquan, and complete the reorganization here..."

"Then maybe her particle cube can play a key role in this war."

Ye Fan didn't say much, and he searched directly for his consciousness and found Ai'er.

Ai Er is in the Wa Palace, making all kinds of logistical supplies, eating, drinking, and having fun.

Seeing Ye Fan coming in, Ai'er said with joy: "Are you back? Are you not injured?"

"How can I get hurt?" Ye Fan looked at the dazzling array of things in the sun, and he was a little speechless for the needs of these elderly people.

Is it really crazy to be here, even in need of such things as candied haws?

"Thanks for your hard work, Ai'er," Ye Fan smiled bitterly.

"What's the hard work? I'm not like Xin'er and Weiwei. I can help a lot. I can relax and bring joy to everyone. I'm very content."

"Magic is a relatively quick practice after all. Its development and depth are not as good as Taoism. The upper limit is indeed not high enough."

Ai'er felt a little lost in her eyes, and immediately looked at the monks outside who were maintaining the big formation, and said with emotion: "It's unimaginable that the existence of Yang Jian has been maintained by these predecessors for tens of thousands of years."

"It's too hard to stay in such a dark place with no grass."

Ye Fan squinted his eyes and said, "Actually...I was thinking that your particle cube might be of great help."

"What do you mean?" Ai'er lifted up.

"Remember, the mechanical wind Jiuxiao you encountered before?"

"Of course! That monster, if Qinglan hadn't comprehended the essence of Qinglong's anger in the battle, we might really have been wiped out," Ai Er said with lingering fear.

"It's made of Mielong alloy. The purpose of that thing is to deal with the Shenlong clan. The strength is evident."

Ye Fan said sternly: "But in the final analysis, that alloy is also made from various materials extracted from the substances that exist in Jiuyuan."

"Although we don't know the manufacturing principle of the alloy, but...if we can analyze the specific formula..."

Ai Erming's eyes lit up: "You mean, let me use particle decomposition to find out the specific formula, and then use particle recombination to create more dragon-killing alloys!?"

Ye Fan nodded, "This matter, if you change to someone else, you may not have a chance at all. Even if Yun Yao is here, you can't do it in a short time."

"But you are different. Your particle cube has infinite possibilities. Even if you can't find the corresponding particle at once, you can create it yourself."

"In other words, you can manage the entire ‘production line’ alone, and you alone can match the entire old god’s scientific research team."

Ai'er's face flushed a little when she heard it, and her heart was surging.

"How can it be such an exaggeration, although I know you are encouraging me, but...I will try my best!"

But soon the girl frowned.

"The question is... Mielong Alloy, where shall we find it?"

Ye Fan smiled playfully, then took out a piece of soil mixed with silvery white things.

"This is..." Ai Er was taken aback.

"The alloy that you melted in Wind Nine Heavens, what is left behind, mixed with this piece of soil, is Mielong Alloy."

"It's just that I don't know whether its particle structure is deformed under the action of high temperature," Ye Fan said.

Ai'er was surprised: "You actually brought down the cruelty?"

"If Feng Jiuxiao doesn't tell me, this is Dragon Extinguishing Alloy, I should also take it deliberately."

Ye Fan shrugged, "I used to bring high-tech things back to Yun Yao for research, and the habit has become natural."

Ai Er said with joy: "Then I will try as soon as possible to see if I can analyze the particle composition and structure."

"Wait a minute."

At this moment, Jane walked over freely.

"Brother Ye Fan, I'm sorry, I was curious too, so I came here, and in the end I heard what you said about this alloy."

Jian Zizai said with a serious expression: "I think this matter needs a long-term consideration... If this alloy is really useful for the Shenlong clan, it may not be a good thing if it is done."

Ye Fan smiled and said: "The Demon King is worried. Once the Dragon Miserable Alloy is mass-produced, the status and safety of the Shenlong clan will be in jeopardy. On the contrary, it will make the Shenlong clan dissatisfied and cause our own civil unrest?"

"It is indeed possible. After all, this was specially designed by the old gods to deal with the Shenlong clan. If it is difficult to mass produce, once there are more..."

Jane sighed freely: "Thinking in another position, who would hope that anyone in the world has a weapon to restrain himself?"

"The Demon Sovereign is too worried, how can my Dragon Clan be blocked by a piece of iron?"

The calm voice echoed in the hall, and it was surprisingly green, and it was directly transmitted through the remote sound transmission.

"Patriarch Green, why do you seem to be monitoring at any time?" Ye Fan smiled.

"It's not that I deliberately overheared, but the place is too small, and it is difficult to have any words to escape my ears."

Jane said freely: "Lv Lord, you are the Nine Tribulations Azure Dragon, so naturally you will not be afraid of any dragon-killing alloy, but this metal...I am afraid that it will pose a huge threat to the bottom dragon clan."

"Not to mention, how much this metal can produce, even if it is really a manned armor, the true dragon clan will not be afraid."

"My Shenlong clan has the top bloodline. This is the chaotic world. How can the strongest power bestowed on us be comparable to a piece of iron?"

"The continuation of the Shenlong clan depends on being strong when it is strong, sailing against the current! It is definitely not on the mercy of any party's subordinates. The demon emperor is worried about it.

When Jian Zi heard this, she was taken aback for a moment, and then laughed at herself: "This king is too narrow, and what Green Lord said is extremely true."

Ye Fan also nodded silently, it really makes sense for Lu to be the patriarch.

Although Lu had made some unsuccessful choices, such as fighting against the Devil Dragon Emperor, returning his wife to dissipate.

But as far as Green itself is concerned, it is only in its position at the time, trying to seek greater benefits for the ethnic group as much as possible.

"But... Sword God, there is a word, I still want to remind you..." Lu said suddenly.

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