My Cold and Beautiful Wife

Chapter 3835: Stop struggling

Bi Luodis's face was extremely ugly, and she felt that her IQ had been humiliated.

"I knew that this wouldn't work, Lord Tree Elf really didn't want to talk to us."

"Bullshit! Since it has soaked up the spirit mine, it means that it is interested in this thing. It's just that you didn't give enough."

Chu Yunyao made up his mind and quickly dialed a call.

"Wan Qing... it's me, preparing some crystal mines for me. As long as I don't need them, I can get as many as I want..."

"By the way, use our cloud container to bring it all in the box."

Less than a quarter of an hour later, Ji Wanqing teleported to the secret realm.

The girl who was also wearing the Starfire armor was not affected by Yin Qi in the slightest.

This shocked Bi Luodisi. Chu Yunyao really used technology to force ordinary people to reach the defense level of first-line cultivators.

"Sister Yunyao, why do you want so many crystal mines?" Ji Wanqing didn't quite understand what was going on either.

"How much did you bring?" Chu Yunyao asked.

Ji Wanqing roughly calculated, "According to what you said, there are seven containers in total, about...37 million pebbles of high-purity crystal ore."


Bi Luodis on the side dragged a long tone, her dignified facial expression disappeared, only shock!

"Where do you get so many high-purity crystal ore? Even for the entire Celestial Kingdom, the annual output of high-purity crystal ore can't reach a million stones!"

"Thirty-seven million stones, are you serious? Are you sure you haven't mistaken the purity?"

Bi Luodis is messed up, this is the wealth that the entire Celestial Clan, who has worked hard for more than three thousand years, can save it.

"A lot?" Chu Yunyao said, "My Cloud Group, whose business covers the entire universe, can earn tens of millions of high-purity crystal mines a year."

"The devil attacked the human alliance and created a lot of crystal mine planets. No one was going to mine. I let the robots mine... and it's not difficult."

Bi Luodis was speechless, what gangsters are there around Ye Fan?

The elf queen herself would not be able to lift her head unless she was pregnant with the child in her belly...

Chu Yunyao counted the number, and soon placed a container on the side of the summoning formation.

"This is five million stones, tree spirit, as long as you are willing to come out and tell us what's going on in the pool, all these belong to you."

With that said, Chu Yunyao did not forget to open the lid on one side of the container, and through the glass, he could see the full crystal ore inside.

The summoning array lit up twice, but there was no other reaction.

"Don't bother," Chu Yunyao sneered: "These boxes are made of the best materials I use to isolate all mental power."

"If I didn't use the secret key to open it, you don't want to directly absorb the aura inside."

The summoning array fell into silence directly, and there was no movement.

Chu Yunyao simply added another box, "Ten million!"

The Summoning Array still has no response...

"Fifteen million!"

Chu Yunyao is very generous.

Bi Luodis on the side was jealous, so many crystal mines can arm all the elves to their teeth!

Speaking of it, the elves don't compete with the outside world because of their nature, so they are really poor...I have never seen so many high-quality crystal mines.

If it weren't for the impersonation, Bi Luodis would like to say that she was a tree spirit...

"Twenty million!"

Chu Yunyao added the chips to four big boxes.

However, the summoning array still did not respond.

Bi Luodis sighed: "Yun Yao, forget it, Lord Tree Elf is not the kind of temperament that can be bought, it may really not want to participate in this matter."

"That's not necessarily..."

Chu Yunyao laughed playfully, and suddenly put away the other boxes that hadn't been added.

"Twenty million, can't you come out?" Chu Yunyao asked.

Seeing that the tree elves were still silent, Chu Yunyao put away a box.

"Fifteen million," Chu Yunyao said.

Bi Luodis and Ji Wanqing are dumbfounded, what's the situation? If you don’t come out with 20 million yuan, you want to summon even if you reduce it?

But Chu Yunyao is still decreasing.

"Ten million……"

Chu Yunyao only left two boxes.

"five million……"

The last box...

Seeing that the tree elves were indifferent, Chu Yunyao sighed: "It seems that you really don't want to come out, then I will take them away..."

Just as Chu Yunyao was about to take away, a large green light suddenly appeared from the summoning formation!

"Don't take it away!!!"

A female elf with long green hair, skinny and sunken cheeks, and her body wrapped in countless green leaves, sprang out!

She released countless rattans and tightly bound the remaining large container, for fear of being taken away by Chu Yunyao.

"Damn... you... you sinister woman... really vicious..."

The tree elf gritted his teeth, his face full of headaches.

As soon as she came out, she knew that she had been tricked, but she couldn't help it... After all, she really couldn't cut meat anymore!

Bi Luodis on the side was stunned: "Master Tree are you..."

I don’t understand, don’t 20. Why did 5 million come out?

But Ji Wanqing was stunned and giggled: "It turns out that it is, Sister Yun Yao, you didn't plan to give it all at first."

"I'm not so stingy either, it's just that some old women don't know good or bad, so I can only use killer moves."

"After all... the most painful thing in the world is to lose what you already have..." Chu Yunyao grinned.

Bi Luodis just realized it, and couldn't help being a little disappointed with the tree spirit.

"Master Tree Elf, why are you so obsessed with the crystal mine..."

"Why? Are you embarrassed to ask me?"

The tree elves said silently: "What do you think I have become? You descendants of the elves, it took ten thousand years to sacrifice such a little crystal mine!"

"My lord has blessed you and don't know how many epochs, how about you? You don't even have enough food!"

"I don't care about the food. If this happens all the time, if I don't eat frugally, I won't be able to live!"

The tree elves cursed: "Unfortunately those dark elves failed to usurp the throne. Otherwise, they would be more useful than you guys!"

Bi Luodis was stunned, no wonder that the defensive power of the fairy forest has become weaker and weaker in recent years.

Last time the dark door came to catch the elf girl, it was also very easy.

It turns out... the tree elves have always been "malnourished"! ?

"My lord, why don't you tell me?" Bi Luodis asked distressedly.

"Said it's useful? What you pursue is to fight against the world, you are too poor, what can you eat for me?" The tree elf disdainfully asked.

Bi Luodis was ashamed, which was too tragic.

"Old lady, as long as you cooperate and tell us the origin of the problem in this pool, I can still reward you with a few million more crystal mines," Chu Yunyao said.

The tree elf turned his head and said with a mocking face: "The reason why I am too lazy to pay attention to you is because...even if you know, you can't do anything."


The tree elves showed a touch of complexity, "The old **** civilization has completely recovered, not only the pool here, but the entire Yangjian, there should be many places, which are about to fall, but you haven't noticed it yet..."

"This is the time, wait for death, don't struggle."

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