My Cold and Beautiful Wife

Chapter 3837: Not worth mentioning

After listening to Ji Wanqing, she couldn't help muttering: "We need to find the breakthrough point of choice in the underworld, and the masters of the Demon Dragon Emperor at the same time also want us to find... it doesn't necessarily exist."

"Hmph, this is one billionth of a billion hope. If it's so easy, I would still ask you to wait for death?"

The tree elf said impatiently: "I've said everything that should be said, woman, don't get into it!"

Chu Yunyao smiled slightly, and then started the communication.

"Ling Yi, help me contact the patriarch Zhu Huansha of the Vermillion Bird tribe and let him visit the fairy forest..." The tree elves went crazy directly, "I...Didn't I tell you!?

You can't ask me to save Yang Jian! ? "

Chu Yunyao shrugged, "The information you mentioned is of little value to us.

It shows that your existence is of no use to us..." "The sun is almost gone, it makes no difference whether the fairy forest has you or not. "

"Rather than letting you betray us when the time comes, we will kill you first..." "Don't worry, we will take care of the elves. You, the patron saint, can rest in peace."

Bi Luodis's pretty face turned pale, "Chu Yunyao, there's no need to be so awesome, right?

Master Tree Elf is..." "Shut up! "

Chu Yunyao said coldly: "For the whole of all beings in the Yang world, so that such an unstable factor will not be allowed to exist!"

The tree elves were desperate and hurriedly shouted: "I am useful to you! I...I know some old god's technology that can help you detect the breakthrough of Yin Qi!"

"I also know some of the powerhouses in the Devil Dragon Emperor period, their origins and identities! Although they may not be found, but... but you will at least have clues!"

Chu Yunyao chuckled, "Isn't it all right if you cooperate so early?"

Only then did the tree spirit realize that Chu Yunyao was actually intimidating it deliberately.

But facing this woman, it had no choice but to admit it.

Immediately, the tree elves confessed some information they knew.

It didn't dare to fabricate it. After all, Chu Yunyao was not easy to be fooled, and if he saw it talking nonsense, it would be a big trouble.

After listening to the tree elves' confession, the three women felt a little thrilling... "These ancient powerhouses are really still alive?

Why is there no news at all? "

Bi Luodis was surprised.

"Yeah, if you can fight back and forth with the Devil Dragon Sovereign, how can it be comparable to the top Azure Dragon, right?"

Ji Wanqing guessed.

The tree elves rolled his eyes, "That was once... the Devil Dragon Emperor at the beginning, because it was an accident in the previous generation, so he re-emerged later, so it was also very bumpy at one time."

"What I said has come back and forth, but before the Demon Dragon Sovereign has fully reached the peak, they have caused a lot of trouble for the Demon Dragon Sovereign."

"Of course, these positions are actually regarded as the'friends' of the Demon Dragon Emperor..." "Why?"

Ji Wanqing curiously said.

Chu Yunyao said, "Because the enemies are all dead."

The tree elf nodded, "Yes, the Demon Dragon Emperor completely suppressed the Shenlong clan under the Jiuyuan. Even the head of the Shenlong clan at that time could only abandon his wife and children, and endure it with humiliation."

"Those old guys, even though they are all big figures, but in that situation, there is no other choice but to retreat behind the scenes obediently."

Bi Luodis frowned: "But it's been so long, why haven't these people heard anything?

Besides, Yang Jian is in such a crisis situation, do they really turn a blind eye to it? "

"You may have a misunderstanding," the tree spirit said: "Strong combat effectiveness does not mean that you can live long."

"No matter the human race, the **** race, the devil, the life span is limited, even if you become the creator, you are not absolutely free from the limitation of Yang life."

"A purely human creator, without special means, can't live longer than a Suzaku who has repeatedly bathed in flames. After all, his bloodline is too limited."

"And spirits like us, because they are pure energy life, the form of existence is simpler. In theory, our life span tends to be infinite."

"It's just that the witnesses of history often don't have such a long time to observe the lives of these strong people..." "So, you short-lived beings often think that those strong people are really immortal. ..." The tree elves sneered: "If the world really exists, so many powerful people who will not die, how can the latecomers come out?"

The three women were silent. Although they felt that it was a bit of a break with common sense, after careful consideration, this was indeed the truth.

"If these people are really alive, no matter whether they live or die in the sun, it will be excusable."

"After all, the destruction of the Five Tais means that the Devil Dragon Emperor will be annihilated, and to some extent, they have gotten rid of the shadow of the Devil Dragon Emperor."

Chu Yunyao thought about it: "However, if the world is destroyed, they will also have a high probability of death... Therefore, it is not completely impossible to ask them to come out of the mountain."

The tree elves sneered: "Human women, you are very optimistic.

In fact, they all broke their wrists with the Demon Dragon Sovereign. In their eyes, you people are not worth mentioning..." "If the sword **** is still there, maybe it can attract their attention, it's up to you. ...If they don't want to see you, they won't have the chance to contact. "

Chu Yunyao did not speak, but directly waved his hand and took the remaining box of crystal ore directly into the storage ring! "No! My crystal mine!" The tree elf exclaimed.

"If those old guys agree with us, it proves that your information is correct. I will naturally give it to you when the time comes."

Chu Yunyao jokingly said: "You better pray... these old guys are willing to see us who are'not worth mentioning'."

"Devil!—you devil!!"

The fairy forest resounded with the unwilling screams of the tree elves.

... "Where is the scream?"

Under the leadership of Lu, Chi You, Yan Di, and Ye Longyuan and his entourage were going deep down in the underworld.

As a result, not long after he dived, Lu could hear sea monsters screaming from all directions.


Why didn't I hear it? "

Chi You frowned.

Ye Longyuan and Yan Di were also at a loss, and didn't feel anything unusual.

But at this moment, Ye Longyuan's body suddenly burst into blood and blood! Not only that, even Ye Longyuan's eyes were congested, and he was about to explode! "not good!"

Emperor Yan's eyes were quick and his hands were quick, and a gleam of blue light shone on Ye Longyuan, giving him a quick recovery from his injuries.

At the same time, Green released a shield to protect all three humans inside.

"You are not keen enough to perceive this sound, and you can't hear it, but this sound wave attack will make you hard to guard against."

Chi You was unwilling to see his skin oozing with blood.

"It deserves to be the Nine Tribulations Azure Dragon..." He believed that the quality of his physical body was far beyond the peak of the human race, but it was still far from the Shenlong race.

Not only intensity, but also perception.

"You stay inside."

Green then opened his mouth slightly, and a dragon chant resounded through the underworld! In time, invisible, the sound wave was quickly covered and counter-shocked back.

Thousands of black blood groups exploded in the distant darkness! After everyone was safe, they leaned closer and found out that it was some creatures that looked exactly like bats.

"This little thing in the underworld, together, can they have such power?"

As Yandi said, he did not forget to store the specimen.

Lu said: "The old **** civilization is very strange to us, so threats will make us hard to guard against, so we must be extra careful along the way."

Chi You said uncomfortably: "With your old blue dragon, we seem to be useless."

"I'm not omnipotent, and when I need you, I can't be done by one person."

Lu said, looking at Ye Longyuan: "Is there a reaction?"

Ye Longyuan shook his head: "Not yet."

This time, the first goal of the party was naturally Ye Fan, followed by Miss Xi.

Shi Lanyu gave Ye Longyuan one of the improved Rhinoceros Gu, so that he could find Ye Fan's whereabouts through the Rhinoceros Gu.

But the environment of the underworld is special, and I don't know the specific location, so I can only gamble on luck.

"Then change a few more places, the underworld is too big, I will be responsible for the transmission, you save a little effort."

After Lu Yan, a dragon shadow shattered into the sky, and once again moved in a large area.

After the group of people left, a dark shadow appeared in this position, it was the "tourist"! "This is troublesome...Is this old Qinglong in a hurry? He actually came down himself?"

The tourist stroked his chin, "But this way, the upper side can speed up the attack..."

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