My Cold and Beautiful Wife

Chapter 3842: Dragon Eclipse

A cloud of black mist appeared in the sky, unaffected by the power of space, and a portal opened.

Axel walked out of it, his eyes gleaming with purple-gray youth, his expression grim.

"Little Jiang?!"

When Emperor Yan saw the young man, he immediately recognized that he was his son.

"Father..." Eksel was obviously taken aback when seeing Emperor Yan.

" plan to be our enemy after all?" Yandi's eyes were complicated.

"Father, leave here. You can't win this war."

"Don't tell me this, I just ask want to be our enemy!?" Yandi asked again.

Axel sighed: "It was my mother who gave birth to me. I can't betray my race... Only when the Demon Dragon King is dead can we survive."

"Hmph, I told you a long time ago, you just don't listen to this little beast!"

Chi You glared at Emperor Yan.

The loneliness was hard to hide in Yandi's eyes, "I said, I don't regret acknowledging your son, since the fate is like this, then we will go all out and make a break!"

Xel's eyes flickered slightly and nodded.

"Exel! In the name of the mother of the gods, I order you! Exile the sword god!"

Caesar was already intolerable and didn't want to suffer any more.

"Mother, the sword **** once saved me... I don't want to banish him."

"You said allegiance to my clan! Are you going to regret it again!?"

"I don't want to exile the sword god, but I can... exile another opponent that you can't solve," Ixel said.

After hearing this, Caesar hesitated, but still refused.

"No... Banish the Sword God! This is the fastest way!"

Others didn't know what the mother and son were talking about.

At this time, Green saw that Ikesai was not moving, and regardless of other things, it was another dragon's eclipse, and he chiseled the Caesar shell deeper!

Yi angrily tried to block Lu with his body, but Lu had always let his wife go before. Now at this critical moment, how can he bear it?

Seeing that Yi was still entangled, the green simply released a stream of dragon blood, creating a dragon coffin, and imprisoning Yi Shengsheng!

Even if it was just a moment of effort, it was green enough to punch Caesar's shell through!

Seeing his success fell short, Caesar panicked!

"Exel! What are you waiting for!?"

"Mother...I beg you! This is my only wish..." Axel insisted.

Caesar was extremely annoyed, but this moment really couldn't wait any longer!

"Okay! I promise you!!"

Axel closed his eyes in relief, "Thank you..."

When he closed his purple-gray eyes, an unprecedented purple-gray brilliance suddenly soared all over his body, inside and out!

Countless complicated runes, turned into a thousand purple colored runes, surrounded the surroundings of Akesaier.

For a time, countless purple-gray ribbon-like energy quickly expanded, flashing in circles, and circled endlessly.

Green, who was about to give Caesar the final blow, suddenly felt that his movements had slowed down! ?

"The power of time!?"

Green eyes were shocked, this power of Xell's time could actually affect it! ?

"The patriarch of the Shenlong clan, in the name of the **** of exile, I will exile you to the abyss of time..."

"Exiled me?"

Lu saw the purple-gray energy surrounding her body and sneered, "Can you do it?"

Lu Huo Ran opened his mouth, directly towards Xail, spit out a dragon roar for nine days!

But Ikesai didn't evade at all, and directly took the blow!

What shocked the green was that Exel had nothing! ?

"It's useless……"

Caesar smiled at this moment and said: "Xel, is the most special child I gave birth to deal with an invincible enemy..."

"It exists, but it does not exist, because its body is'time passing by'."

"It will only wake up at a certain time, and once all the time has been exhausted, it will disappear again."

"This time, it missed the entire civilization. You can't imagine how much time it has accumulated!"

"Green, even you can't deny that time once existed."

"So... when Xel is completely awakened, no one except Xel himself can kill Xel."

When Yan Di heard this, his face paled: "Elapsed time? That is to say, Xiao Jiang's life is the time he has accumulated. Once he releases the power of time, he will consume all his life?!"

"Yes, once the power of time is released, even if one minute and one second is missing, the entire process of Exel's existence will no longer hold."

"Therefore, his exile can only be used once, but... as long as it is used, even the Creator can never come out of the abyss of time immediately!"

Amidst Caesar's triumphant laughter, Axel has completely surrounded Green.

The power accumulated over the entire civilization time is released, even if it is green, it cannot escape!

"Farewell... Green!"

Yi broke free from the prison, seeing this scene, there was not the slightest reluctance in his eyes, only joy.

Ogi is also full of indifferent eyes, only Taki, slightly regretful.

"Little Jiang! Son!!!-Don't do this! Don't!!!"

The Emperor Yan roared, not only for the sake of green, but also could not bear to see Xiao Jiang using such power!

Live, just to wait for an exile?

How sad is such a life! ?

Axel heard the Yan Emperor's call, and a sparkle flashed in his eyes.

"Father... I'm sorry, this choice... is already my limit..."

After the sound transmission, Xcel has completely turned into a cloud of purple-gray energy!

Lu couldn't believe that he would be imprisoned and unable to move by an old **** who suddenly appeared! ?

"Brother was afraid of it, you really were..."

Even if it is the Creator, there are three, six or nine grades.

The top creator may be able to ignore time, travel through time and space, and be omnipotent.

But the green realm is obviously not enough to ignore the influence of time, otherwise, he can reshape reincarnation and restore the world to its original state.

Therefore, if Xieer forcibly sends it into the abyss of time and forcibly erases it from this world, it will be powerless!

Erasing does not mean killing, but if you want to return to this time and restore your strength, it depends on fate...

"Damn it!"

Chi You's eyes were about to split, and dozens of disintegrated thunder punches were punched at Xell, but there was no wave of trouble!

Time is immortal, and the past time exists objectively.

Exel is naturally invincible.

Although it can do nothing except exile an object and drag an opponent into the abyss of time, but for the old gods, this is enough!

"Chi You!"

Lu said at this time: "Don't waste your energy... Leave me alone! Save the Sword God! He is the only hope!!"

At the same time, all the cultivation bases of Green Guzu condensed in the void, a group of power of time!

Dragon Eclipse! ?

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