My Cold and Beautiful Wife

Chapter 3865: You are alive

"Master Yixin is here!"

"We are saved!"

The monks were overjoyed when they saw their triple crown finally appeared.

But when they were looking forward to it, they only saw Yixin cooperate with a group of monks, and planted a Buddhist spirit treasure and quit the devil flag.

The retreat banner saw the wind bullish, and directly covered the rift.

Immediately afterwards, the monks who were waiting for the temple intently began to use their cultivation bases to forcibly block the attacks of ghosts and beasts.

Although the situation is temporarily under control, a bunch of monks are disappointed! "How come..." "Why do you still borrow the hands of other monks when you quit the devil flag?"

In their view, even if you want to use Lingbao with one heart, your own strength is enough, why do you need to borrow the cultivation of others?

In fact, this little battle does not need Lingbao at all.

"Could it be that Master Yixin didn't fight Chaos Antibody?

So afraid to approach? "

"Not to mention that you didn't fight the antibody, Master Yixin shot casually, and it wouldn't be just this coercion..." "Could it be fake?

I always feel that the one-minded monk now is different from before. "

"The rumors have been tuned up long ago. Could it be true?"

There were bursts of doubts among the monks, and undercurrents surged at the scene.

"shut up!"

There is a lack of words that have been silent, and then he said: "Master Yixin has spent his life for the Buddha country for a long time, and you are not grateful, so what is the intention of slandering the monks here?"

"The one under this seat, who dares to be disrespectful to the master, don't blame this seat for being polite!"

Moro is like a glaring King Kong.

The monks heard this, although they were a little puzzled, but seeing that the two kings respected one heart, they did not dare to doubt.

After all, if Yixin is false, the respected King Kong does not need to be so obedient.

The Protoss will indeed grow old, and its strength will indeed decline. This reason can be justified.

What's more, most monks have never seen a single-minded shot at all, and can't see too much why they came.

Pretending to be a single-minded, silent monk, he gratefully glanced at Yuque and Moro.

"You don't have to thank us, if you hadn't stopped it in the first place, I'm afraid the Sword God would not give us good fruit," Yuqian said.

"No matter who you are, you really have made a great contribution to the Buddha's country," Moro also spread the word.

Monk Silence smiled slightly, and a stone fell in his heart.

But at this moment, a hole was suddenly torn open in the Quieting Banner! "How can it be!?"

Youwei and Moro were shocked! I saw that a scarlet claw had forcibly corroded the Lingbao! The blood-stained hideous ghost beast crawled out of the darkness and sneered at the monks.

"Goblin, go back to hell!"

Moruo fiercely dropped the vajra pestle and smashed the ghost beast to pieces.

But the blood splattered away also caused some injuries on his body.

Seeing that even King Kong was injured, a group of monks paled with fright.

But the house leaks in the night rain! Without waiting for the monks to reinforce the Diamond Ambush Demon Array, they heard a "buzzing" sound from a distance! "Look! What is that!?"


Amidst bursts of exclamation, I saw dense, strange-shaped flying insects, oppressing like black clouds from a distance! The breath exuding from these flying insects is no different from that Yin Qi! "How can it be?

! Are there other rifts? "

"Aren't those evil-faced bees!?

It's a Zerg! ? "

"The Zerg is not under Gretney?

Is the Sixth Kingdom going to fall into trouble?

! "

Thousands of monks were panicked. Below are the fissure ghosts and beasts, and the vast zerg army above them, it is a dead end! But at this moment, Buyu Monk took the lead and rushed to the group of evil-faced bees! "Master Yixin!!"

I saw the Buddhist monk release a Buddhism echo shield and stood in front of the group of evil-faced bees abruptly! However, this block only blocked the tip of the iceberg.

The evil face bee seemed to have been strengthened, violently slammed, rounded around, and quickly besieged the Silent Monk to an impenetrable siege! Seeing that the "Monk with One Mind" was surrounded by these evil-faced bees, the monks were dumbfounded, and many even tears filled their eyes! Before, I still disliked Yixin's lack of strength, but so what?

At least he is desperate for the kingdom of Aragon! After Youque and Moruo were shocked, they immediately rushed forward.

With the sound of the Buddha's horn, Moro shook a group of evil-faced bees back.

The Buyu monk was full of scars at this time, if it weren't for the Chaos Antibody, he would be worried about his life.

"You really don't want to die!"

Moro looked complicated.

The Buyu monk smiled bitterly and said, "I don't go to hell, whoever goes to hell."

With such a boost from the Silent Monk, the monks once again fought against the Zerg.

However, there are too many evil face bees, and because of their good fighting strength, they can't clean them all at once.

"How can these zergs have Yin Qi possessed?

! "

"The Sixth Kingdom here is definitely not reachable in a short period of time. Could it be that Gretelny can't be teleported?

! "

"The female worm is already running out of oil, how can it withstand the consumption of teleportation?"

Seeing more and more casualties, there were loud noises around the cracks! The earth cracked, and hundreds of burrowers that looked extremely ugly and without eyes spewed acidic dark liquid into the air! "There are Zergs underground!?"

"Unreasonable! Could it be that Grettney betrayed the Yangjian!?"

"The worm mother is a different kind of demons, I'm afraid it doesn't come from the underworld at all!!"

But now, no matter how angry the monks are, there is only one way to fight to the death.

Seeing more and more monks falling down and being corroded into liquid, the monks had nothing but despair in their hearts! Youque and Moro were also covered in blood. They were unwilling to see the doorman dying, but they were helpless.

"Liba Libadi, estimate Hadi Hadi..." Suddenly! From far and near, bursts of Buddhist mantras filled with the aura of heaven and earth came! With the release of the mantra, the mysterious light of Buddha shines all over the world! The evil face bees and ground burrowers, and even the ghosts and beasts that crawled out, were burned to death by these Buddha lights and turned into black smoke! In just a few moments, the situation on the entire battlefield has been reversed! "The Seven Buddhas' Mantra of Fighting Crime?

! "

The monks heard the origins, and then all of them were shocked.

Because of this mantra, although it can kill sins, it has never thought it would be so powerful! Unless, the Dharma cultivation of the comer is enough to shock the ancients and the present! Youque and Moruo looked over and saw two grey-clothed monks standing in the distance.

An old monk has a kind face, it is he who has led the mantra of fighting crime just now.

The other monk who assisted him was wearing an asura mask and couldn't see his appearance.

It's just that Youwei and Moro are so familiar with each other, even if you only look at the figure, you know the identity of the monk! "One-minded monk, you really are still alive?"

"There is a shortcoming, Moro, you have worked hard," Yixin said.

There was a mixture of emotions between Yuli and Moro, and when he looked at the old monk there, he was awed and curious.

Throughout the entire Kingdom of Aragon, they have never discovered the existence of this old monk.

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