My Cold and Beautiful Wife

Chapter 3868: Conquer the Quartet

Gerlos' eyes showed a blue evil light, but after the law was applied, it had no effect.

"Don't waste your energy. Even if you become stronger, your jealousy will not be able to suppress my Shenlong bloodline."

Feng Xiaotian, a thunder dragon, instantly slammed in front of Jero's, with an uppercut, slamming Jero's into the sky! At the same time, taking advantage of this opportunity, Delphi pulled back from Jeros! Delphi was also keenly responsive. Taking the opportunity of a liquid transfer, she quickly opened her distance and came to the ocean outside the laboratory.

Gerlos received a fist, but he didn't even break his skin, moved his neck slightly, and showed a smirk on his face.

"This is the endless sea, are you sure you want to do it with me?"

"Hey, just because this is your site, I have to do it more", Feng Xiaotian said.


Why? "

"If you're outside, it won't make sense for you to win," Feng Xiaotian shrugged.

Jeros was startled slightly, and then he laughed wildly: "Extremely stupid!"

Before the voice fell, I could only hear from all directions, and there were countless sounds of breaking and breaking! It was the sea water outside that directly smashed the entire experimental base and turned into hundreds of steel-like sea water dragons, swept toward Feng Xiaotian! Seeing this situation, Delphi had already passed the transfer and ran to a farther position.

But she missed Jeroth, and was reluctant to leave, so she could only wait and see anxiously.

Feng Xiaotian immediately released a shock wave of profound ice! "Ningshuanghua!"

The rapid cooling caused the sea water to form a spherical black ice shield around him.

After blocking a wave of sea offensive, Feng Xiaotian once again focused on the target and released a flying dragon crossing! Water can conduct electricity, and a divine thunder brought Feng Xiaotian behind Jeros.

"Dragon Crossbow, Thunder King Arrow!"

Feng Xiaotian shot a lightning dragon crossbow at the back of Jeroth's head! As soon as the roaring Thunder Dragon hit Jeros, the sea water quickly divided the lightning! "Can you do this?"

Feng Xiaotian was taken aback, and there was water everywhere, which meant that countless water energy shared countless energy attacks for Jeros! "Why, you are only allowed to use water to release the thunder, and you are not allowed to use water to defend?"

Jeros said contemptuously: "This endless sea, since it is the king, you have to defeat this king, unless you let the sea evaporate!"

While talking, the incalculable sea water, like a torrent of steel, squeezed crazily towards Feng Xiaotian! At the same time, the density of this water has been increased to several times the height, making it impossible for thunder and lightning to shuttle easily.

Just this weight and pressure can already destroy the stars! Feng Xiaotian realized that the situation was not good, and used inkstone and ice armor to absorb a lot of impact from the outside world.

But it is so, as if you are in a pressure cooker, the body is oppressed and it is difficult to move, unable to breathe! "Heart Burial Thunder!"

Feng Xiaotian released a mental shock, but the mental fluctuation of the dragon soul was forcibly blocked by the surrounding water! "What are you kidding?" Feng Xiaotian felt that his body was gradually unable to support, and he gritted his teeth in pain! Although knowing that it was a bit stupid to fight Jeros in the endless sea, he didn't expect it to be so strenuous.

This guy who occupies Jeros' body has not only inherited his original ability, but his cultivation level has indeed increased greatly! "You're not weak, it's just... you came to the wrong place," Gerlos grinned.

"What are you proud of? Lao Tzu is just thinking about something!"

Feng Xiaotian's eyes flickered sharply, urging the power of Xuanbing, and a large number of huge ice waves rushed in all directions! "A Thousand Miles of Ice!"

Even if the density of the water is changed, it can still be frozen! "Hmph, it was a waste of effort", Jeros didn't take it anymore, no amount of ice, there was not as much sea water here.

I could only hear countless cracking sounds, and the huge profound ice was crushed by the sea! But at this moment, a large number of divine thunder communicated to countless metals in the ocean.

Most of those metals are laboratory building and equipment materials, and some are minerals in the ocean.

But at this moment, all have become industrial raw materials. Through a series of changes such as electrical conduction, the seawater has been madly deciphered! Before Jeroth could react, Feng Xiaotian had already released a cloud of flames... Jeroth's eyes widened, and before he could react, there was already a hydrogen explosion in the depths of the ocean! "Boom!" The detonation in the depths of the endless sea directly exploded tens of thousands of feet! A huge wave of waves rushed straight out of the nine heavens! On the vast sea, Feng Xiaotian has taken advantage of the flow, overlooking the sea.

To him, the explosion was harmless, but it was harmless.

Compared with the Shenlong clan who can use thunder and fire by themselves, the sea monster Jeros's resistance to explosions and high temperatures is much weaker.

Not long after, I saw Jeroth and flew out from the depths of the ocean in embarrassment.

This shocking explosion directly left Jeros with nothing intact and **** blood! If there are a few more shots like this, even if it is the ancient evil god, it will probably be torn apart! "How about it, dare you to stay in the water and not come out?"

Feng Xiaotian laughed.

Jeros's complexion became particularly gloomy, and the wound on his body was quickly repaired at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Feng Xiaotian, you don't have to be too proud, I will make you slowly unable to laugh..." "I hope you can hold on to the end, instead of running away..." Feng Xiaotian narrowed his eyes and then keenly I noticed something and looked down.

I was surprised to see that from the depths of the endless sea, there was a scarlet red color, which was continuously blooming and dispersing! It seems that the sea has been pierced through a wound, constantly swallowing blood, and the wound is getting bigger and bigger! To make matters worse, countless breaths are coming in this direction! "It's the Sea Demon Army!"

Delphi was shocked, "Counterfeit! What do you want to do!?"

Feng Xiaotian recognized these reds, it was the kind of weird blood in the underworld! I want to come from that rift, pouring over continuously! "This kind of blood comes from the underworld. Once touched, it will be corroded, but once it enters the body, it will be manipulated!"

"You can't let them come, once you get close to these polluted seawater, you can't go back again!"

Whether it is dead or manipulated, it is beneficial to the underworld! Delphi looked blank, and said bitterly: "But all the sea monsters and lives in the endless sea will listen to the jealous king...Even my monster whale army can't disobey it..." "Then force it. Transfer away! Can't you transfer liquids?

! "

Feng Xiaotian was also a little anxious.

Delphi was anxious, "You too look down on me too much, here is the endless sea! Every second there will be countless water sources forming, no matter how I transfer it, it will only be a drop in the bucket!"

Gerlos laughed and said: "It's useless, everything is too late... In a few days, the brand-new Sea Demon Army will fight for the Protoss!"

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