My Cold and Beautiful Wife

Chapter 3902: Shaking his head

For today's Ye Fan, it is not difficult to leave Jiuyuan again from the river of chaos.

He didn't need to rely on the power of Emperor Yan, he could resist the power of chaos.

However, when Ye Fan returned to Yangjian this time, his heart was quite calm, without the urgency he once had... Now there is no Su Qingxue at home, this kind of taste makes Ye Fan feel unfamiliar.

It was a catastrophe before, and there was no time to think about it too much.

Now that I am calm, my thoughts of my wife have become stronger and stronger.

Ye Fan couldn't help recalling Su Qingxue in the fairy mountain pavilion that he saw in the white space.

She didn't know if it was her own illusion, or that Su Qingxue was really in that mysterious place.

"Brother Ye Fan, Senior Zhao Xuan asked, how long will it take to get to Yangjian."

In Yantianjie, Shi Lanyu helped spread the word.

Ye Fan returned to his senses and said, "Why, I have been waiting for several epochs. At such a short time, they can't wait?"

"Isn't it?

After holding back in Jiuyuan for so long, I finally got rid of it, and I rushed up to eat and drink. "

"Tell them, within a day."


Ye Fan smiled. When I heard Lan Yu's tone, everyone in Yantian Ring was very happy.

This time back to Yang, many gods from Zizaimen, Wa Palace and Yuxu Palace also asked to take them back.

The underworld matters, except for those who have no interest in the underworld, and those who want to explore the underworld, basically don't want to stay in that barren land.

The people from Zizai wanted to send Jian Zizao home to Donghuangjie, so they basically followed.

However, Chi You, Ji Xuanyuan, and Emperor Yan wanted to go to the underworld even more.

After all, before going to the underworld, they only saw the tip of the iceberg. As a world as huge as the sun, they wanted to know more.

For these three people, the yangjian is not very attractive, on the contrary, the yangjian is more challenging.

Moreover, letting Ye Fan take them out is always a little bit psychologically difficult, and he yearns for the ability to leave Jiuyuan.

As for the sacred beasts and fierce beasts, although there were many, they asked to go out with Ye Fan, but Ye Fan did not agree.

If these big guys appear in the Yangjian, they will inevitably cause a huge commotion, and the whole Yangjian will be turbulent.

What's more, these guys staying in Jiuyuan were originally the arrangement of the Demon Dragon Emperor, and the "issues left over from history" belonged to yes.

In addition, the previous sacred beasts and fierce beasts had some not-so-glorious resumes.

Those who are not firm, give up, and withdraw, have never really worn a pair of pants.

Now that Ye Fan is the master of the house, it is only natural to boldly reject them.

However, Ye Fan still didn't break their hopes, saying that if he had the opportunity, he would discuss with the Demon Dragon Sovereign, and then think about it.

The divine beasts and the fierce beasts did not dare to press Ye Fan, and they all expressed that they would abide by their duties and maintain the stability of Jiuyuan.

The powerhouses in Jiuyuan knew that Ye Fan could come and go freely, so they had hope, and they were not in a hurry.

One day later.

Ye Fan came to a familiar place again.

He clearly felt that when that location went out, it was the venom pool in the fairy forest.

Based on the principle that more is worse than less, Ye Fan didn't bother to find another way out, so he broke open with a sword and flew out.

Sudden! As soon as he entered the icy pool, he felt a pressure that made his heart palpitating suddenly! ! The murderous intentions revealed in it are all sharp! This is... Qinglong! ?

The completely unfamiliar and powerful dragon is almost equal to the green flag! ! However, more fierce, more domineering! Could there be any powerhouse of the Shenlong clan in Yangjian, lying in ambush to kill himself! ?

The overall situation of yin and yang has been determined, what kind of force is going to kill itself! ?

Ye Fan can't take too much into account, such an opponent, he must concentrate on it, and can't slack in the slightest! Summoning Taichu with one hand, the black and gold unparalleled sword intent, like a soaring mad dragon, outrageously spouting out of the water! This devastating force of sword intent directly made the Fairy Secret Realm unbearable, and countless restrictions were instantly shattered! "Boom!" The venom pool was razed to the ground, and the magnificent jungle was destroyed by sword intent and turned into dust! Ye Fan held swords in both hands, and accurately judged the opponent's shooting position early! A big hand full of dragon scale patterns, turned into a dragon claw, and did not hesitate to meet Ye Fan's sword in a hand-to-hand combat! Take it by hand! ?

Ye Fan was shocked, feeling that he was underestimated, and he didn't spare any energy.

A burst of external release disintegrated, like a surging wave of anger, letting the sword intent raging for thousands of miles! You can see this sword intent in the distant starry sky, across the galaxy! After a sword, Wan Lai was silent! The other party did not intend to continue making moves.

The killing intent also faded quickly.

Ye Fan frowned. Although he remained vigilant in his heart, he felt something was wrong.

The smoke dissipated.

What appeared before him was an unfamiliar man in black, with a seemingly ordinary appearance, but it seemed to have hidden infinite explosive power.

"Nine Tribulations...Blue Dragon", Ye Fan was puzzled.

"Anonymous senior! What is going on?"

Xiao Wangge suddenly rushed to the scene at this time, ignoring Ye Fan's joy, and immediately showed a speechless expression.

"Uncle, why did you start with Senior?"


Ye Fan felt even more weird when he heard this name.

Ji Wuming's hand still squeezed the spitting sword blade from the beginning.

A lot of blood stains have appeared on the arms, chest, even neck and cheeks.

Just now, his hands and body were cut with sword intent to cut a lot of wounds, but only for a moment, most of them have healed.

This defensive power really made Ye Fan feel terrified.

After all, Caesar can't bear this sword of his own! "Don't blame him, I think for a while, what does this emperor's sword that save people's lives look like."

Ji Wuming let go of his hand and grinned: "Boy, don't you be scared? No way, don't miss a bit of murderousness, I'm afraid you are not serious enough."

Even if Ye Fan didn't understand everything, he might have guessed it.

"No wonder I saw before that Hongmeng was very peaceful. It turned out that my sister-in-law moved out a senior of the Nine Tribulations Azure Dragon."

"It's not me, it's Sister Yunyao, she is the great hero." Xiao Wangge didn't dare to be greedy for merit.

Ye Fan was surprised and didn't know how Chu Yunyao did it.

However, it is precisely because Chu Yunyao has such an ability that he and Su Qingxue would trust this woman so much.

"Senior, what's the relationship between you and the old foodie... it's my grandfather?"

Ye Fan asked.

"It doesn't matter, the old man is fine."

"Oh..." Ye Fan planned to go back and asked Chu Yun if he wanted it.

Ji Wuming showed a look of appreciation, and said, "You kid, you have done what we old guys can't do, it's amazing."

"If it's really great, you won't die so many people.

I can only say that I am fortunate enough to live." Ye Fan laughed at himself.

Ji Wuming nodded, "Yes, saving the Fifth Tai, with immense merit, and still thinking about the dead, your kid is indeed very different from the geniuses I met."

Ye Fan was said to be embarrassed, isn't this all taken for granted?

"But...your sword..." Ji Wuming squinted his eyes and shook his head slightly.

Seeing this, Ye Fan couldn't help asking: "Senior has anything to correct, but it doesn't hurt to say it!"

"On the sword, I am definitely not as good as you, and I can't teach you anything."

"In fact, I have never seen a swordsman stronger than you, nor have I seen a sword intent higher than you."

Ji Wuming said seriously: "In my opinion, there is no better way than you to use a sword among the five masters."

Ye Fan was dumbfounded. Since he blows him so hard, why is he still shaking his head?

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