My Cold and Beautiful Wife

Chapter 3916: Can't escape the palm of your hand


Ye Fan smiled bitterly, looking up at the starry sky.

He knew that the candlelight was telling the truth.

No matter how strict the laws and regulations, no matter how large a management organization, it is impossible to really control all the people in the world.

People have desires, and most of them are unsatisfied.

As long as it is profitable by pretending to be the name of the sword god, this behavior will continue to be banned repeatedly.

"Master, the maidservant knows that you must be looking for the princess back."

"But this fifth wife, master, you managed to save it."

"Of course, the slave and maid only told the master how to make a specific decision. The slave did not dare to say anything," Candlelight said.

Ye Fan sighed helplessly.

"I understand... why Lao Lin and Ji Wuming's group of guys can't get out of the world..."

"This kind of thing, if you don't know it, if you know it, it will always feel uncomfortable."

"People who do these things feel like a waste of time even to punish them, let alone correct them one by one..."

Ye Fan really understands what Lao Lin said at the beginning that he once gave mankind a chance, but mankind will go to destruction by himself every time, what kind of concept it is.

The sentient beings in the sun do have the power to open up the world in their hearts.

However, the dark side of sentient beings also exists objectively.

He believed that Lao Lin and the others must have been full of vigor before, and they had been jealous.

But after seeing many dark scandals again and again, naturally, I was so disappointed and finally gave up.

This time when the sentient beings opened the sky in desperation, they recalled a little bit of their hope in this world, but it was only that little bit.

Ye Fan couldn't help but have some fears. If he lived longer, would he become numb to the end of the world and sentient beings like those hidden world creators?

"Master Sword God, in fact, as long as strict laws are implemented to kill more people, kill chickens and curse monkeys, this kind of thing will naturally become less in the future."

"Crime cannot be prevented. What we can do is to contain it as much as possible," Gu Qing said.

Ye Fan smiled and looked at her, "Qing'er, someone pretending to be me is just the tip of the iceberg of all beings in the sun."

"Candlelight means that even if I am in the fifth wife, there are still people who dare to do this kind of thing under my nose."

"Once I really leave the fifth wife, it's even harder to say what kind of chaos will happen in this world."

Gu Qing was stunned, thinking about it, it was really so!

Not to mention anything else, if the Sword God is gone, the fate of the human race will become unpredictable.

Gu Qing couldn't help but looked at the candlelight and muttered in her heart, it's no wonder that Su Qingxue had handed over such an important resource as the intelligence network to this woman.

Although Candlelight had a weird temperament, his heart was as thin as a silk, and he could think far away.

"What's the master's plan?" Candlelight asked with a smile.

"Let me think about it for a while...As for what has been investigated, and the evidence is conclusive, let the sword bearer go and clear it out in my name."

"Yes, master."

Ye Fan sighed. Although he couldn't manage everything, he still tried to solve the problem as far as he could.

After a few days of play, the family returned to Kyushu.

Ye Fan didn't forget Chu Yunyao's request, and through perception, he found the location of the Shenlong Palace.

Today, he is not only an ordinary Azure Dragon, but also a Shenlong clan, so he feels particularly strong.

Coming to the Shenlong Palace again, there is no other strong Azure Dragon practicing here.

Ye Fan was also happy and quiet, and set up the set of equipment that Chu Yunyao gave him directly beside the huge beam of light in the middle.

I have seen a lot in Chu Yunyao's laboratory. In fact, Ye Fan has a basic understanding of many scientific research methods.

After turning on the spar energy, a whole set of equipment began to operate smoothly.

However, there are still some differences between theory and practice after all.

As soon as Ye Fan started the energy wave test, he found that the feedback data was somewhat flawed.

He was too lazy to ask Chu Yunyao one by one, groping for himself and making adjustments.

"This...should be adjusted larger..."

"What are the parameters here? Yes... do this first..."

Ye Fan fumbled to the left, and then clicked, facing the light key.

After spending a lot of time, the data that appeared on the screen was finally comprehensive.

"Huh? What is this?"

Ye Fan found that he didn't know what he had operated. It seemed that the data was not only complete, but also more.

However, less is no good, more is always okay, after all, it is always good to investigate more information.

Ye Fan thought so, so he didn't bother to adjust.

Being idle is also idle, Ye Fan practiced frantically on the sidelines.

On the side are high-tech holographic images, constantly popping up various data.

On one side is a big man, making some weird moves.

If this scene is seen by others, you must think it is some kind of performance art...

After practicing intensively for half a day, Ye Fan was panting and sweating.

Just as he could practice respecting, he suddenly heard the buzzing sound of the testing equipment next to him?

"Zi! Zi!"

Ye Fan was startled, and hurriedly went to the screen to check, and found that the data on it was jumping wildly.

"What's the situation? Could it be that this set of equipment is malfunctioning?"

Ye Fan was very depressed. If this were the case, she would have to be scolded by Chu Yunyao again.

If I knew it, I asked the woman what happened, as if it was really broken by him.

Just when Ye Fan hesitated, whether to cut off the energy...


Two strange breaths appeared in the Shenlong Palace!

Ye Fan looked back and frowned when he saw a man and a woman appearing.

It was a woman with long dark blue hair and snow-white skin. Her bright eyes were glowing with gray and blue light, her face was beautiful, and she was tall and graceful.

A long silver-white off-shoulder dress with very special material and elegant lines. It looks like a high-end product.

Behind the woman, there is a man with the same faint blue short hair and a sharp face, wearing this long black leather jacket, with a faint arrogance.

Although the coercion of these two people was a thousand miles worse than the previous tyrant duo, but...obviously, neither of them was from the Five Tais.

"What is this place?"

As soon as the two appeared in the Shenlong Palace, they seemed to find that the situation was not quite right.

They looked left and right, their eyes finally falling on Ye Fan and a bunch of equipment.

After frowning slightly, the woman reached out and clicked on a blue crystal bracelet on her wrist.

Soon the bracelet projected some complicated runes, which seemed to be some kind of text.

"No need to analyze, this is a bronze civilization, because that stupid bronze species sent the wrong interference signal with those backward equipment, so you found the wrong coordinates."

The man grinned and sneered: "However, it doesn't really matter which world you go to...Anyway, you can't escape from my palm."

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