My Cold and Beautiful Wife

Chapter 3942: Not what you use

Kun Qi was speechless, "You really don't understand anything?"

Through chatting, Ye Fan probably knew that the combat power levels of bronze, silver, and gold actually have sub-levels.

According to the "fineness" given by the Star God Compass, there is a comparison chart, each layer is divided into nine segments.

In general, the color segmentation of the compass is relatively accurate without interference from foreign objects.

As for the Star God, it was difficult to segment because of too many factors of change, and only relying on actual combat to evaluate strengths and weaknesses.

Ye Fan really heard about this for the first time, and Han Yinzheng didn't talk about it.

Maybe Han Yinzheng just felt that there was no need to say more, and in their Yinshuang civilization, there was no need to divide it so carefully, there were not many who could reach Baiyin.

It didn't take long for a star shield on the train to open.

A group of passengers suddenly breathed a sigh of relief, waiting for the rescue team in the desert.

"Boom boom boom——" At this moment, heavy footsteps came from one side.

Everyone looked out and found a team of seven or eight people approaching the train.

A strong man at the head, holding a huge halberd spear, riding an earth dragon wrapped in steel armor, his deterrence is amazing! "Damn it! Iron Halberd Tonic!?"

Kun Qi recognized the person, his face changed drastically, "He actually showed up by himself?

! "

"That's the knight?"

Ye Fan is quite fresh.

"Yes, he is an earth dragon knight, and this earth dragon is covered in iron armor with alchemy. It is called the iron tyrannosaur."

Kun Qi was trembling all over, "Well, Tonic is Silver Nine, and with that earth dragon, he can break his wrist with Jin."

"Moreover, the knight is more restrained from swordsmen like us in close combat, let alone a few helpers around him."

Ye Fan blinked, "Why?"

"what why?"

"Why does the knight restrain the swordsman?"

"What is your problem?

Isn't this common sense?

This is how any book and academy teach! "

"As long as the tactics are reasonable, there is no restraint," Ye Fan said.

"Do you know swordsmanship?

Hey, it's useless to tell you, and you don't understand..." Kun Qi also said carelessly, looking out the window irritably.

While talking, Tony had already brought members of the Westwind Iron Brigade to Lawson's body.

"Oh, poor Lawson, it was so ugly when he died."

A girl with a hot exploded head and a naked umbilical, riding on a suspended motorcycle, said with a belly laugh.

For the death of the members, a group of Westwind Iron Brigade members had no sympathy on their faces.

"The captain is a sword wound. It seems that there is a strong swordsman in this car," one member said.

Tony patted the steel Tyrannosaurus under his hip.

The dragon lowered his head and directly ate Lawson's body into his mouth. After chewing a few times, the blood flew across.

"Whoever killed Lawson, come out, if you don't come out, everyone in the car will die."

Tang Li's huge square face said blankly: "I only count three."

Some passengers in the car didn't panic at all at this moment.

"A mere bronze bandit guild, are you going to die?"

"Don't you see that this is an astral shield?

Can you come in? "

With a shield, many people feel confident.

Tony didn't talk nonsense, and quickly finished the count three times.

"Ainero, let these idiots open their eyes."

The afro girl giggled, jumped off the floating motorcycle, and put her hands directly on the sand.

"My dears, the astral shield is actually just a kind of magnetic field... In alchemy, this is nothing new..." At the same time as the voice fell, a huge purple appeared on the ground in the area where the train was located. Magic circle! "Damn! This Enero is an alchemist!! And the level is not low, maybe higher than me!"

Kun Qi was upset: "I should have calculated it a long time ago, and the Westwind Railway Brigade must also know that the train has a shield..." Ye Fan was wondering what it meant, and saw that the sand had changed.

After some unrecognized metals were formed in the alchemy magic circle, a series of interfering magnetic fields were generated.

As the metal continues to increase, the train shield begins to fall apart! "Zizzi—" With sparks splashing around, the entire train's shield system was burned down! Kun Qi patted his thigh vigorously and glanced at Ye Fan.

"My friend, it's not good to ask you for something like this the first time I meet..." "But if I die, I still beg you, tell us the leader, I...I like her!"

After Kun Qi said, the anti-sword rushed out! "Oh?

Out? "

Tang Li said solemnly: "Report your name."

"Silver Fox Knights, Great Sword of Steel, Kun Qi! Iron Halberd Tonic, you can't escape! Our Knights are already on their way!"

Kun Qi shouted loudly.

A look of disdain appeared in the corner of Tony's eyes, "When you are bluffing, it is best not to tremble in your voice."

"From Lommelo to the Howling Desert, there is no direct way to the teleportation point. No matter how fast you Silver Fox Knights, it will take a long time."

Kun Qi swallowed his throat and clasped the giant sword firmly: "Then try it!"

But before he finished speaking, the steel tyrannosaurus had already pressed forward suddenly and roared towards Kun Qi! "Roar!" The terrifying sound made Kun Qi's whole body numb.

At this moment, Tonic's iron halberd swept away, knocking Kunqi's giant sword into the air! The giant sword rotated a few times in the air and plunged into a piece of sand.

After losing the steel sword, Kun Qi was even more embarrassed and bloodless! "With this strength, it seems that the Silver Fox Knights are not that great..." A sullen expression appeared at the corner of Tang Li's mouth, driving the earth dragon and making a surprise attack on Kunqi! "blast!"

Kun Qi quickly accelerated himself to dodge, but even if he cast the acceleration spell, there was no earth dragon coming fast! The earth dragon caught up with Kun Qi in a big stride, and opened his mouth with the fortified metal teeth to crush him! Kunqi was able to roll over, and after avoiding the earth dragon's attack, he saw an iron halberd of Tony, which had already pierced him! The cooperation of the mount and the knight makes Kunqi like a bird in a cage, unable to escape at all! Kun Qi was desperate, and in order to win the favor of the head of the group, he was careless! "clang!!"

After a blast of metal, the cold death that Kun Qi imagined did not come... He was stiff, staring at the scene in front of him... In fact, the members of the West Wind Iron Brigade at the scene also showed their doubts. Expressions.

A broken edge of an iron halberd landed in the sand not far away.

Tony’s weapon was cut off! ?

"Ye... Ye Fan?"

After Kun Qi came back to his senses, he saw a figure that he didn't expect at all, standing by his side! Ye Fan didn't know when he got out of the car, his expression was indifferent, and in his hand was the steel giant sword that Kun Qi had been knocked out of.

The heavy giant sword, taller than Ye Fan, was held in one hand, as light as nothing! Seeing this scene, Tony's generous face showed a serious look for the first time.

"Ye did you do?"

Kun Qi asked blankly.

He didn't even see Ye Fan's trajectory.

How could suddenly the Earth Dragon Knight's weapon be cut off?

This is totally against the common sense of swordsmen and knights fighting! How did he approach, from what angle he shot! ?

The group of people from Westwind Railway Brigade are all hell! Ye Fan turned around, glanced at Kun Qi on the ground, and sighed.

"Sword, not what you use like that..."

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