My Cold and Beautiful Wife

Chapter 3944: What's up

When the two arrived in the carriage, they immediately received warm cheers and gratitude from the passengers.

"Long live the Silver Fox Knights!"

Even if it is a golden civilization, not everyone is a cultivator, but more of them are ordinary people engaged in various industries.

In the eyes of passers-by, Ye Fan's few hands just now couldn't tell the reason, anyway, it was to beat the West Wind Railway Brigade away.

Moreover, Ye Fan must also be a member of the Silver Fox Knights. After all, the Silver Fox is the Silver Guild, and it must be better than the West Wind Iron Brigade!

"Haha, the big guy regards you as a member of our guild, how about it, are you interested in joining us?"

"Don't worry, although the bronze origin is a bit troublesome, our head is a sensible person," Kun Qi invited.

Ye Fan shook his head, showing that he was not interested. After scanning in the car, his eyes fell on an ordinary old man.

The old man sat in the position, holding a thick book in his hand, just looking at Ye Fan.

After frowning slightly, Ye Fan looked away.

"Let's go."

Ye Fan turned around and got out of the carriage.

Kun Qi didn't see anything special, and immediately followed out.

"Are you wrong, isn't this car?"


Ye Fan can actually conclude that the old man has a problem.

But after thinking about it, in fact, this matter has nothing to do with him, so he is too lazy to pursue it.

After returning to his car, Kun Qi tried to persuade Ye Fan to enter the Silver Fox Guild several times.

But Ye Fan's goal was to find Su Qingxue, so naturally he wouldn't waste time in any guild.

When Kun Qi saw this, he had no choice but to sigh.

After waiting for a while, the law enforcement team and rescue team of the Kaqiu Federation finally arrived late.

As the Federation under the Fitz civilization and on the fringe, the strength of the law enforcement team is naturally not much higher.

Ye Fan looked around casually. A group of silver-level guys can only fight with weapons and numbers.

The law enforcement team saw the iron tyrannosaurus lying in a pool of blood and heard the descriptions of the passengers.

"Kunqi, the Great Sword of Steel, didn't expect you to be so powerful? You deserve to be a person of Silver Fox!" The law enforcement captain said in awe.

"Don't get me wrong, it's all due to the Ye Fan brothers." Kun Qi is not greedy for merit.

But the people from the law enforcement team only looked at Ye Fan and found that it was a bronze race, so they didn't feel relieved.

In their opinion, it is nothing more than Kunqi is relatively modest and does not want to monopolize the credit.

"The Westwind Iron Brigade is notorious. The Iron Halberd Tonic killed many of our team members."

"This time you beheaded his mount, and also killed Lawson the Demolition, and Alchemist Ainiro. For a great accomplishment, the Federation will reward you!"

Kun Qi smiled bitterly, "I said it, it was not me who killed Ani Luo..."

"You don't have to be polite, we will not publicize it, you are worried that someone will retaliate privately, we understand this kind of thing", the law enforcement captain smiled and patted Kunqi on the shoulder.

After the law enforcement team left, Kun Qi looked at Ye Fan helplessly.

"I explained to them, they don't believe it..."

"It doesn't matter, it's not a big deal in the first place," Ye Fan said lightly.

"Don't worry, if you get the reward, I will explain to the group leader that I won't swallow it alone!" Kun Qi promised, patting his chest.

After some repairs by the rescue team's engineers, the train started again and successfully entered the jumping track.

After many twists and turns, the train finally reached its destination, Lommello.

"Ye Fan, do you know the meaning of'Lomero' in Fiz's ancient language?"

After getting off the car, Kun Qi asked with a smile.

"It means "Pearl"!"

Before Ye Fan could answer, Kun Qi had already said it.

With a fascinating expression on his face, "Our head is like a jewel in the sand, with dazzling light!"

"After this life and death crisis, I figured it out. I can no longer have a crush on her, I want to confess to her!"

Ye Fan smiled, "I wish you good luck, then... let's say goodbye."

Ye Fan has already seen that there is a cross-civilization service to the Shenqi Empire at the station in Lommelo.

Since he knew that Su Qingxue was the alternate saint of the Temple of Destiny, it was right to go to the Shenqi Empire first.

Long Ying broke into nothing, space teleportation, he also thought.

But this is a shuttle between the civilizations of the big world, not to mention the huge consumption, and he is not familiar with the road at all.

With this kind of comfortable transportation, Ye Fan naturally didn't want headless flies to hit him.

In the troop of travelers, there is no mountain and dew, and it will not cause the temple to notice.

"Are you leaving now?" Kun Qi was disappointed, "We have just met, and we have gone through life and death..."

"Didn't you leave your contact information? We will meet again," Ye Fan said.

Kunqi had no choice but to say goodbye reluctantly.

After Ye Fan waved to him, he came to the ticket office of the station.

The public officials inside are basically the natives of the Fitz civilization, one by one bloated aunts.

"I want to buy a ticket to the Shenqi Empire."

As soon as Ye Fan finished speaking, the aunt at the counter let him go impatiently.

Ye Fan frowned, and directly took out a large bag of Fitz currency.

This is what he had previously sold a lot of fine crystal ore in exchange for.

"Money, I have it."

The ticket sales aunt was happy, "Bronze man, it's not a question of money. Cross-civilization trips require identity documents and cross-border documents above the federal level."

"Without these two things, no matter how much money you give me, the ticket cannot be sold to you. After all...Illegal entry is an offence."

Ye Fan looked embarrassed, so there is such a restriction?

If you think about it carefully, it's actually the same as the need for a passport for transnational countries. It's really necessary.

Ye Fan wanted to ask how to obtain those two vouchers, but the people in the line behind were already impatient and cursed.

Nothing, Ye Fan had to walk out of the station, planning to inquire about it, and find another way.

"Ye Fan? Why did you come out again?!"

A surprise voice came from Kunqi.

At this moment, Kun Qi was standing with a few men of the same stupid stature.

These people wear the silver fox logo on their hands or on their chests, and they are obviously also members of the guild.

"Deputy commander, this is the Ye Fan I just mentioned. He has a high level of swordsmanship, and he saved me!"

Kun Qi pointed to a man in silver armor beside him and said, "Ye Fan, this is the deputy head of An Jie. They received a letter from the law enforcement team and came to greet me."

Although Ye Fan was a little embarrassed, he wanted to ask someone to ask about the proof.

He stepped forward and greeted An Jie and others with a smile.

But before Ye Fan could speak, An Jie frowned and said, "Kunqi, don't talk nonsense, let outsiders listen, and even think that our Silver Fox Knights are a bunch of parallel imports!"

"Deputy commander, what do you mean? You don't believe me?" Kun Qi said dissatisfied.

"He is just a bronze human. Who do you think would believe that he repelled the entire Westwind Iron Brigade?"

An Jie whispered: "This incident is the glory of our Silver Fox Knights. Don't talk nonsense to shame the guild!"

Kun Qi looked aggrieved, but when he rose to the guild's face, he was embarrassed to say more.

Ye Fan didn't care, and said: "Kun Qi, there is something wrong, I want to inquire with you."

"What's the matter?" Kun Qi blinked.

"I just went in, and I heard that going to other civilizations requires identification documents or something, do you know how to do it?" Ye Fan asked.

Upon hearing this question, An Jie sneered, "Boy, stop thinking about it, our Silver Fox Knights will not accept low-grade bronze humans."

Ye Fan heard it inexplicably, "What do you mean? I said I want to join your guild?"

"Ye Fan, this is the case. If you are not from the world of Fizz, the path to obtain the identity credentials is mainly to join the Adventurer's Guild."

Kun Qi smiled bitterly: "I originally wanted to invite you to join, but... it seems a bit difficult now."

"Bronze people, just go to the bottom Bronze Guild. The Silver Guild is not something you can climb."

As An Jie said, he stretched out his hand and waved: "Well, let's go back to the guild, and the head of the group said, we want to celebrate Kunqi!"

A group of silver fox adventurers cheered, and they got into a hovering car while cuddling Kunqi.

Kun Qi gestured to Ye Fan to keep in touch, and left with a look of embarrassment.

Ye Fan scratched his head and muttered: "Adventurers...could it be possible that you have to register with Qingxue's Dexter Alliance?"

At this moment, a figure slowly walked behind Ye Fan from behind.

Ye Fan turned his head and asked with doubts: "Is there something wrong?"

The person here is surprisingly the old man who met his eyes on the train.

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