My Cold and Beautiful Wife

Chapter 3966: Didn't come to me

"What is the old man?"

Wu Yanshu was puzzled.

"It's people who cheat in gambling," Ye Fan said.

"Dong Liushui cheated?

How do you tell? "

Ye Fan pointed to an ordinary accompaniment musician behind Zhihan Yinzheng.

"Have you seen the musician in purple?

Pay attention to his hands. "

Wu Yanshu took a closer look and found that the musician seemed to be listening to the music, but his hands were following the rhythm.

"He is pronouncing the law code?"

Ye Fan nodded: "The rhythm is no better than other languages, and it doesn't require too many gestures to express it."

"As long as this musician does not use professional musical gestures, others will not suspect that he is helping cheating."

"But Na Dong Liushui can read the musician's gestures through divine consciousness."

"Ms. Han played fast and made some fake moves. It was difficult to catch clearly, but the professional musician, who gestured in slow motion, was easy to read."

Wu Yanshu suddenly said, "Dong Liushui bought the musician in advance?

It's too damning, then why don't you go and expose him? "


Ye Fan smiled and said, "As long as the other party does not admit that he cheated, do you have any evidence?

That gesture can only be understood by them. "

"Then what to do?"

Wu Yanshu was a little anxious.

"It's very simple."

As soon as Ye Fan's voice fell, the musician who helped cheat had a pain in his heart, and he was busy covering his heart! Ye Fan didn't need to use the Heart Burying Thunder, just a little use of the same technique, and a little punishment.

How can the musicians watch the performance leisurely, make gestures, and stop cheating immediately.

Sure enough, the brows frowned on the pretty face of Dong Liushui.

Wu Yanshu was surprised when he saw this scene.

She knows a lot of mental spells, and can launch long-range attacks quietly.

But shouldn't Ye Fan be a swordsman or a warrior?

Moreover, this method is too concealed. With so many people present, no one noticed it?

After a while, the melody stopped.

"Miss Han, if you lose this round, you have to go to my house and play music for me alone," Dong Liushui said with a smile.

"Hmph, you won't speak before you win." Han Yinzheng's face was cold, but his eyes were somewhat worried.

If she really loses, she can't say nothing, after all, so many people are watching, not to mention the Dongliu family is not easy to mess with.

But if you go to Dongliushuifu, even if it's just a show, outsiders won't really believe it, and her reputation will be ruined.

"Well, Miss Yinzheng, Master Dongliu, please report each other's scores."

A beautifully dressed lady who came on stage was the owner of the phantom sound building and the referee in this blind tone.

Holding two sheets of music in her hand is the correct answer for both parties.

"Cousin should be fine, right?"

Wu Yanshu clenched his hands nervously.

"As long as Ms. Han is well-versed in music, she won't lose if she isn't under the turbulent waters," Ye Fan said.

"That's for sure. Dong Liushui is a swordsman. He doesn't learn or know how to play, and he hasn't heard that he knows the rhythm. The playing just now was very chaotic," Wu Yan said.

"In that case, there is nothing to worry about," Ye Fan said with a smile.

At this time, the two people on the stage had already started to report music scores... "Gongchi, Yiliu, Chichi, Siyi..." Han Yinzheng first reported a long list of music scores.

The lady boss nodded, "Master Dongliu, it's your turn."

Dong Liushui opened a folding fan and reported it leisurely..."600 million, six-five, close, chichi..." Whenever Dong Liushui reported a rhythm, Han Yinzheng's eyes revealed a touch of fear. Believe it! When all the reports were over, Han Yinzheng was already pale.

After the comparison, the lady boss shook her head to Han Yinzheng regretfully, and then smiled: "Congratulations, Master Dongliu, for winning this blind tone!"

At this time, many spectators who liked Hanyinzheng were depressed and sighed.

"It's over! Miss Yinzheng is going to be planted in the hands of this disciple!"

"How can you lose?

Impossible, where does this Dong Liushui come from such a strong musical attainment? "

"It shouldn't be compared! It must be cheating..." "Cheating?

You also have to show evidence, and be careful of Dongliu's family sue you for slander! "

A group of people dared to be angry and dare not speak, but they all spurned Dong Liushui.

"how so?

Ye Fan, hasn't the cheating been resolved? "

Wu Yanshu looked anxious and looked at Ye Fan.

Ye Fan was also a little dumbfounded at this time, shouldn't be! Is it true that Hanyin Zheng is inferior to humans?

Is this flowing water, is it pretending to be a pig and eat a tiger?

Even he was fooled?

"Master Dongliu!"

Wu Aofeng ran to the stage at this time, "My cousin is too playful, I don't know how to measure, I will pay you for her."

"This bet, can you accommodate yourself and change your bet?

After all, my cousin is in her boudoir, and she will perform at your house. I'm afraid it's wrong..." Dong Liushui's face sank when she heard it.

"Wu Aofeng, what do you mean?

I am also innocent and I have never married a wife. Is it because your cousin has suffered? "

"I... I didn't mean that..." Wu Aofeng's face was stiff.

"With so many eyes looking at it, I am upright, don't you people from the martial arts family put me in my eyes?"

Dongliushui questioned.

Wu Aofeng was sweating coldly, and Fitz talked about the law, so he was not afraid of the Dongliu family if he changed to the ordinary.

But now that he has managed to lose money, he has indeed lost.

"Brother, leave me alone, I am too strong, and I deserve it if I lose." Han Yinzheng's eyes were filled with tears and he was unwilling.

What's more, he lost to a dude in his most confident music?

"Miss Han understands the rules," Dong Liushui couldn't hide his smirk. "Miss Han, the bet can be made clear. You have to wear the costume of my choice. You can't regret it."

"Just wear it! Just one piece of clothing! I'm willing to bet and lose!"

Han Yinzheng gritted his teeth.

The audience below shook their heads and sighed. The taste of Dongliu Shui is known to everyone.

The costumes are the same as if they were not worn.

A delicate flower is completely about to be arched by a pig.

Wu Aofeng's eyes were full of despair, but he didn't know what to do, so he slapped his thigh with anger.

Dongliushui was triumphant, shaking his fan and about to step down.

At this time, a figure didn't know where it came from, blocking Dongliushui's way.


Why are you stopping this young master? "

Dong Liushui looked up, his eyes more puzzled: "You look...a bronze human?"

"Ye Fan?"

Han Yinzheng and Wu Aofeng were both stunned.

Wu Yanshu was dumbfounded, she didn't even notice when Ye Fan passed by.

"Why do you know each other?"

Dongliushui look at Han Yinzheng and them.

"Dong Liushui, I also want to gamble with you," Ye Fan said.

"Ha..." Dong Liushui smiled and said, "Who are you?

Why do you want to bet with me, I have to bet? "

Ye Fan thought for a while and said, "Just by...I also want Miss Han to play the piano for me alone."

There was an uproar at the scene, it turned out to be the robbing of women?

Han Yinzheng was stunned for a moment, shyly peachy blushed, lowered his head, and murmured: "I didn't even say he came to me..."

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