My Cold and Beautiful Wife

Chapter 3968: correct answer

Han Yinzheng didn't dare to look at it at all, and put his head aside.

Immediately afterwards, the spectators who rushed to watch were all gasped and exclaimed! Wu Aofeng also squeezed in front, saw the numbers inside, looked back at the two in astonishment.

Dong Liushui is familiar with this kind of surprise.

He opened the folding fan and said with a smile: "It's nothing more than a small trick. This young master has been around for so many years, this is all a small scene."

"Boy, today is a happy day. I got what I wanted and invited Zhenger to play the piano for me."

"So, I don't want to kill people either. If you apologize to me, I will treat it as it didn't happen..." "Don't be moved, don't need to thank me, I'm so kind..." Ye Fan With a smile on his face, he could see that Dongliushui was indeed harmless.

This young master doesn't seem to have a formal appearance, but there is not much, the arrogance of the golden race that despises other races.

As Fitz’s golden nobleman, it is indeed rare and precious, and it is quite kind.

Dong Liushui was talking, but the proprietress of the Magic Sound Building next to him was pulling at the corner of his clothes.

"Master Dongliu, wait a moment..." "What's the matter?

Boss? "

Dong Liushui was puzzled, looked back, and found that everyone around him also looked at him strangely.

There seemed to be ridicule, pity, and even...sorrow in his eyes.

"What are your eyes?"

Dong Liushui showed a hint of doubt, and immediately showed an expression of disbelief, and looked at the black ball.

He quickly stepped forward and looked at the bottom of the black ball... the next moment, Dong Liushui opened his mouth wide, his whole body was like petrification! 2304! Shocking numbers! The atmosphere of the scene is as embarrassing as it is.

The victor's testimony just published by Dong Liushui, the benevolence of the victor, now it seems, how ridiculous.

"Impossible... How can I... make a mistake?"

Dong Liushui murmured, his eyes fluctuated, and seemed to have suffered a great shock! "Hehe, Master Dongliu, don't be too sad when everyone makes mistakes," the proprietress persuaded.

"It seems that I have met a master, no wonder I dare to kill my life!"

"It's probably Mongolian, isn't this bronze human being said to be playing for the first time?"

"You believe what he says?

I think he is pretending to be a sand pig and eating dragons, just pretend! "

No matter what the audience talks about, Han Yinzheng is already happy! "Ye Fan! You won!"

Han Yinzheng rushed forward, ignoring everyone's gaze, and hugged Ye Fan.

At this moment, Wu Aofeng's eyes flashed green, and he gritted his teeth, but had nothing to say.

After all, it was this bronze human who saved his cousin.

Wu Yanshu let out a long sigh of relief in the distance, but his eyes were a bit complicated.

Ye Fan patted Han Yinzheng's back lightly, "So many people are watching, the unmarried girl, isn't that good?"

"I don't care! You gambled for my life, can I repay you..." Han Yinzheng thought about the panic in his heart just now, still moved to cry.

Ye Fan can't laugh or cry, betting on life?

Then you want the other party to have the ability to take his life?

He just stood still and didn't do anything, and the other party couldn't help him.

What's more, he couldn't lose this game at all.

There is no need to use Wushuang to forcibly see through the black ball, Ye Fan only needs to "eternally in an instant" after shaking the numbers! Time freezes, walks to the black ball calmly, opens it and reads the numbers, and then puts it back. No one will find it on the spot! Unless there is someone on the scene who has the same strength as him, or is good at the power of time, otherwise, he will be invincible! Ashamed, the Eight Tribulations Azure Dragon skill was actually used for gambling. The ancestors of the Shenlong clan knew it, and wondered if the coffin board could not be held down.

"Dong Liushui, take it?"

Ye Fan asked.

Dong Liushui slowly turned around, looking at Ye Fan seriously like never before, as if he wanted to see something.

"Not satisfied", Dongliu Shuidao.


Do you want to have another game? "

Ye Fan said generously: "I don't mind, I can give you three chances."

The people around laughed bursts of laughter, knowing that Ye Fan was responding to Dong Liushui's mockery just now.

Dong Liushui shook his head, "Although I am not convinced, but...I admit defeat."


Why? "

Ye Fan curiously asked.

"I'm pretty sure. It was 2301 just now, but I don't know how you changed the number. I can't beat you until I find out your method."

Dong Liushui's tone was flat, but his eyes were full of unwillingness to admit defeat.

"Master Dongliu, if you lose, you lose. You still slander Ye Fan for cheating?"

Han Yinzheng was not irritated.

"Zheng'er, cheating can be invisible to people. It is also a skill, not a slander.

I gave up too, don't you say that. "

Dong Liushui looked depressed, and said to Ye Fan: "Where do you live?

When I figure it out, can I dare to play again? "

This was what Ye Fan was waiting for. Dong Liushui approached actively, which saved him some effort.

"I live in the Wu family, but I will give you three days at most. It is out of date."

"Enough," Dong Liushui said, stepping down and leaving.

A thrilling Black Nine gambling game, so that the audience who came to the Phantom Hall, all called it out.

The news that Bronze Humans had won Dongliushui spread like wildfire, and it also raised Han Yinzheng's popularity to another level.

In the car back, Han Yinzheng found out that the old man was his cousin Wu Yanshu, and was also very surprised.

However, knowing that Ye Fan had rescued Wu Yanshu and escorted him along the way, Han Yinzheng looked at the eyes of the two men, somewhat amused.

"Ye Fan, are you obsessed with my sister's beauty?

Only the hero saves the beauty and takes the initiative to approach? "

Han Yinzheng did not shy away from it, and asked in front of the two of them.

Wu Yanshu listened and lowered his head shyly.

"what are you thinking?

It's a coincidence, because Miss Wu can help me make suggestions, we only cooperated," Ye Fan said helplessly.

"Oh, that's it," Han Yinzheng breathed a sigh of relief secretly.

In Wu Yanshu's heart, there was a slight loss.

"Mr. Ye is really lucky, and he was able to beat him upright. Today, my Yinzheng family wants to thank you." Wu Aofeng's voice was somewhat yin and yang.

Ye Fan shook his head, "Actually, Dong Liushui should have won today. What he said is the correct answer."

"How about this?

Everyone sees it is 2304," Han Yinzheng said.

Ye Fan chuckled. He took advantage of the time to stop and revise this answer himself.

Therefore, when he heard Dong Liushui and reported the original correct answer, he was really surprised.

Because Ye Fan hadn't noticed that Dongliu Shui had any signs of being old.

"This Dongliushui... how famous is it in Bang?

What's the evaluation? "

Ye Fan asked.

"The well-known Young Master Waste, although he is a golden nobleman, his strength has always been in the Silver Three. He is said to be a swordsman, but he can only play some fancy sword moves and just pretend to be."

"It's very good at eating, drinking and having fun. The regular customers in the casino, although the technology is very good, but gambling this thing, who can really make money from it?"

"And he's famously lecherous. Several times I found out that he was secretly buying women's underwear by himself, and he was also involved with a few beautiful widows..."

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