My Cold and Beautiful Wife

Chapter 3971: Not like

Su Qingxue is coming to Bang Plating?

Ye Fan immediately refreshed, "Where did you get the news?"

"You really like President Su, your eyes are all over," Wu Yanshu said unexpectedly.

"I don't like it."

"That is……"

"I love her," Ye Fan said.

Wu Yanshu was stunned, staring at the man blankly for a long time before he came back to his senses.

She didn't know how to face Ye Fan's "straightforward", so she cleared her throat and said:

"I... Didn't I agree to Qing Jun's side and help him check Qing Ming teaches things?"

"Just now I asked a friend to help, contact her to read some information."

"She said that if you want to investigate, you will go there as soon as possible, because President Su will come in a few days, and the Desert Union Building will not be open to outsiders."

Ye Fan frowned and said, "Your friend is a staff member of the Dexter Alliance?"

"To be precise, it is the librarian in charge of the library."

"Many of the commissioned materials of the Desert Alliance are preserved for follow-up investigations and so on."

"The Cangshu Pavilion in Bang-plated has stored almost the entire Shahai's various materials for the past ten years."

"I also caught a glimpse of some information about Qingming Sect in the Union Library."

"Perhaps when Destor Alliance cleared out some dark guilds, it attacked Qing Mingjiao."

Ye Fan asked hurriedly, "Did she say, what did Qingxue do in Bangtan?"

"This is not clear. Maybe it is a routine inspection, or maybe it is an important commission that needs to be personally directed. Who knows?" Wu Yan said.

Ye Fan thought about it, no matter what Su Qingxue came, as long as he came, he would definitely be able to see it.

In this way, it saves a lot of trouble.

"Your name is'Qingxue', you are really skilled", Wu Yanshu's tone is complicated.

"It's been tens of thousands and thousands of years, can you be unskilled?" Ye Fan said.

Wu Yanshu looked at him, not like slanderously, and couldn't help asking: "Do you really know President Su?"

Ye Fan smiled, "I said she is my wife, do you believe it?"

Wu Yanshu pursed his lips without saying a word.

"Yeah, you don't believe me even after I said it," Ye Fan shook his head and turned around and said: "Don't act alone. Go and check the Qingming Sect's information. I'll be with you."

Wu Yanshu responded and watched Ye Fan walk away.

After a long time, Wu Yanshu sighed long.

"It's better to say...reluctant to believe?"

After Wu Yanshu finished speaking, he felt a bit too embarrassed, covering his face that was rapidly turning red.

"No, no...He is the man Yinzheng likes, Wu Yanshu, be sober!"

After persuading himself for a long time, Wu Yanshu looked around and made sure that no one had seen it before rushing back to the room.

Not long after the woman left, a man with a frown came out from behind a courtyard pillar. It was Wu Hengtong who happened to be passing by.

Wu Hengtong's face was deep, thoughtful...

The next day, Wu Yanshu came to call Ye Fan as promised, and went to Cangshu Pavilion together.

However, before going to Zangshu Pavilion, she had to stop by the Kachu Federal Research Institute to formally submit her thesis.

In the car, Ye Fan asked casually, only to realize that Wu Yanshu's research turned out to be a unique spatial transmission model.

In theory, if it can be successfully completed, it will greatly improve the efficiency of communication between the big world.

The reason for studying this is because the Wu Family came from the Silver Civilization, and everything is not easy to start from scratch.

Wu Yanshu thought that if the Great World Teleportation could reduce the cost, many materials of the Silver Civilization could be delivered to the Fitz Civilization.

Her starting point is still to help the family and the Silver Race, but she is also very worried about where she will go in the end.

Came to the institute, completed a series of identity authentication and submission procedures, everything went well.

Wu Yanshu breathed a sigh of relief, "Okay, next, I'll wait for the review."

"Will the Great Sage of Gaosha deliberately deny you?" Ye Fan asked.

"Impossible. First of all, my research field is different from that of the Great Sage of Gaosha. He has no right to supervise and review."

"Moreover, as long as any one of the great sages who has passed the review passes, it must be handed over to the Supreme Court."

"Unless my thesis is really not qualified, no one can stop it," Wu Yan said.

Ye Fan nodded, so it seemed that this Fitz civilization really attached great importance to scientific research.

The two of them had just walked out of the gate of the institute, and a luxurious floating car stopped in front of them.

The two men who got out of the car were elegant middle-aged men wearing grey hats and meticulous clothes.

The other person looked younger but had a fatter body and looked like a wealthy businessman.

When Wu Yanshu saw these two people, his expression was immediately awkward, and a small hand subconsciously grabbed the corner of Ye Fan's clothes.

"Know?" Ye Fan asked.

"Great Sage Gaosha, and his son, Gao Zhen, president of the Zircon Chamber of Commerce..."

Suddenly, Ye Fan encountered a deadly enemy?

He didn't believe it. It was a coincidence. It was definitely someone in the Federation who had whispered the letter, knowing that Wu Yanshu came to submit the materials today and came here specially.

"Isn't this the girl of the Wu family? I heard that you went to the Shibao Research Institute and came back so soon?"

Gao Sha said with a smile, with a gentle expression on his face, as if he didn't know anything.

"I have seen Great Sage Gaosha, I...something happened to me temporarily, so I can only come back first," Wu Yanshu whispered nervously.

"Oh? What are you doing here today?"

"I'll submit the paper..."

"Really? It's really scary. I'm still busy studying at your age. How can I dare to think about the research paper."

Gao Sha smiled graciously: "It's a rare encounter. Why don't you go to my laboratory and sit down? I can also help you read the paper."

"Huh?" Wu Yanshu looked away, wondering what to do.

"Miss Wu Yanshu, my father rarely appreciates younger generations so much, he can be invited to the laboratory, but it is so glorious, you will never refuse, right?" Gao Zhen said with a smile.

"Thank you, Great Sage Gaosha, but my paper has been submitted, and now I can't modify it," Wu Yanshu replied.

"It's okay. Talk about academics. Thesis is temporary. For us great sages, learning is endless, isn't it?" Gao Sha smiled.

Wu Yan was embarrassed in writing and didn't know how to refuse.

"Miss Wu wants to check the information for me, so I don't have time to chat with you for the time being."

At this time, Ye Fan reached out and hooked Wu Yanshu's fragrant shoulders, patted, and calmed down the girl.

"Who are you?" Gao Sha frowned.

"Father, this seems to be the Bronze Human of Dongliushui who bet on Heijiu in the Hall of Fantasies," Gao Zhen had a wide range of ears and eyes.

"Bronze human?" Gao Sha showed disdain, "I am the great sage of the Fitz Research Institute. I invite Miss Wu to discuss academia. It is not your turn to talk."

Ye Fan said: "Great Sage Gaosha, as a doctor, I advise you, don't work so hard, your body is very dangerous now."

"Are you a doctor? Nonsense, our research institute has someone to take care of my body all year round, and we need you to mention it..."

Gao Sha was about to reprimand, but he felt his scalp tighten, and his blood pressure went up!


Gao Sha's body twitched, staggering, and he was about to fall down on the steps!


Gao Zhen hugged him quickly and shouted in panic: "Father! What's wrong with you?! Come on!"

Several Gao's entourage hurried up to help.

Wu Yanshu was also at a loss, but she knew that Ye Fan must have done something.

"Don't be nervous, your father just worked too hard, he has become ill, he has a brain should be fine for a while."

"Stroke? What is that?"

Gao Zhen looked annoyed: "My father has always been in good health, so you must be the one who caused the ghost!!"

"There is no proof, don't slander people, this is the research institute, should you talk about science?" Ye Fan said lightly.


Gao Sha couldn't speak at all at this time, half of his face twitched, his eyes fixed on Ye Fan, but helpless.

Ye Fan was too lazy to care, got on the car with Wu Yanshu, and drove away.

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