My Cold and Beautiful Wife

Chapter 3973: Haven't confessed yet


Sylvie, who just happened to walk over, heard the word Tantek, subconsciously tightening her body, and her pupils contracted.

Ye Fan naturally noticed, but it was too late to close his mouth.

Wu Yanshu "kindly" explained: "It is said that the goddess of beauty has a bohemian sister named Brid, who is the **** of charm among the evil gods."

"Because Brid has been unable to satisfy himself, he has cultivated a kind of indefatigable is Tantek."

"Although Tantec is not cruel, it is by nature to reproduce, and regardless of race, it is easy to cause a huge shadow of trauma to the victim..."

"Fortunately, Tantek rarely appears, hiding in the depths of the earth or in some swamp caves, and is rarely encountered."

Felorica commented unsatisfactorily: "I really don't know how Brid came up to cultivate such a bunch of ugly millipedes to serve her."

Ye Fan had clearly noticed that Sylvie next to her was already trembling.

"You guys are busy, I... I've left a bit beforehand", Sylvie turned around and walked away quickly, as if she was escaping.

"Unexpectedly, the well-known head Sylvie is also quite introverted. I dare not listen to this level." Felorica thought Sylvie was just shy.

Ye Fan sighed, he completely understood why Sylvie was so taboo against Tantek.

I can't even imagine what dark moments she has experienced...

And her brother Hit, even using this as a threat, hurt her so repeatedly?

Stabbed to death with a single shot, so cheap that kid!

Ye Fan could even perceive that after Sylvie walked out of the library, she hid in a corner, constantly retching.

That kind of deep-rooted psychological and physical injury, I am afraid that it will be difficult to recover in this life.

Ye Fan glanced at the ugly tentacle monster, and said, "It's hard to escape by this thing, right?"

"Although Tantek is strong, it can still be dealt with if it is a gold-level cooperation."

"Since ancient times, many people have been rescued and escaped from Tantek Cave."

"It's just that most people, even if they survived by chance, would be unbearable, or because they could not stand public opinion, they would sink or commit suicide."

Wu Yanshu lamented: "If a monster like Tantek was really created by Brid, then it is indeed an evil god..."

Ye Fan didn't continue this topic much, "Let's talk about Death."

The second daughter didn't think too much, and then looked up the information about the **** of death and Qing Mingjiao.

When it got dark, they finally found out a summary, and they were all surprised.

"Qing Mingjiao turned out to be destroyed in the internal fight? I thought which adventurer guild eliminated them."

"According to the survivors, the fuse of this civil strife was the betrayal of the faith of Saint Ina."

"It seems that Ina fell in love with a certain man in the church, and was cursed by the **** of death, and fell into madness..."

Wu Yanshu blinked and said, "My child? Isn't it... Qing Jun's side is..."

Ye Fan stroked his chin, "It is very possible, but there is no conclusive evidence yet. This is a guess."

"If he is Yina's child, it means that after the destruction of Qing Mingjiao, Yina did not die, otherwise how could he give birth to him?"

"But... if this is the case, then why did Qing Jun become an orphan again? Could it be that he really abandoned him?"

Felorica was a little impatient when she heard this: "Hey, two great detectives, it's already late. I'm just a commoner. It's not easy to find a job I like, and I don't want to be fired."

Wu Yanshu smiled awkwardly, "Well, I'll clean up for you, and we will leave."

When she came out of the library, Felorica suddenly asked...

"Are you together?"

"Ah!?" Wu Yanshu was like a panicked little rabbit, blushing with his tongue knotted, "Wh...what?"

Felorika had a hint of narrowness in her eyes, "Could it be that she hasn't confessed yet?"

Ye Fan couldn't help but smile, this female scholar, there was a little devil in her heart.

"Felorica! What are you talking about? Ye Fan and I are friends, he has someone he likes!"

"Really? That's a pity," Felorica sighed: "I have known you for so many years, this is the first time that I brought a man to see me, thinking that something good for you is approaching..."

"I said you misunderstood!"

Wu Yanshu was so anxious that he almost cried.

Felorica shrugged, "Well, misunderstanding is a misunderstanding, why are you so excited?"

After finishing speaking, Felorica smiled and put her hands in her pockets, then turned around and walked away.

Wu Yanshu looked nervous and didn't know how to face Ye Fan.

"You have a very good friend, she cares about you very much," Ye Fan said.

Wu Yanshu was stunned, then smiled and nodded, "Well, she is my best friend."

The two tacitly avoided the sensitive topic.

Back at Wu's house, I found a few strange cars parked outside.

When Wu Yanshu looked at the diamond-like badge on the car, his expression was disturbed.

"It's the car of the Zircon Chamber of Commerce! Is it because of the Great Sage Gaosha that the Gao family came to the door?"

When the two entered the mansion, they realized that things seemed a bit complicated.

In addition to Gao Zhen, there was a young man with a grim appearance.

A group of people brought several guards with good cultivation bases, and even gold-level masters accompanied them.

Wu Hengtong sat with his face sinking like water, and Wu Aofeng beside him gritted his teeth, seemingly daring not to speak.

But Han Yinzheng's eyes were red at this time, and standing there seemed to be greatly wronged.

Seeing the two came back, Gao Zhen introduced the young man: "Feiyu, that bronze human is Ye Fan."

There was a hint of chill in Shuang Feiyu's eyes.

He stood up and went straight to Ye Fan, his eyes with the arrogance of the superior.

"It was you who killed my servant Frosthen and helped Han Yinzheng escape the marriage?"

Ye Fan basically understood the whole story when he heard it.

Feelings This is the guy who forced the marriage cold Yinzheng at the beginning, but now I don’t know what happened. He joined the Gao family and chased the Fitz civilization?

Because of Han Yinzheng's affairs, the Shuang family and the Wu family can now share the same honor and disgrace.

After all, once the Wu Family successfully ranks among the noble families of Fitz, the lives of the Shuang Family and the Gao Family will be difficult.

Taking advantage of this, to suppress the martial arts together is naturally a top priority.

Han Yinzheng was obviously the first breakthrough they found!

Even if you can't directly hurt Wu Yanshu, take Han Yinzheng back first!

"It's me," Ye Fan admitted generously.

When Han Yinzheng heard it, he looked nervously concerned.

"You are frank... you are not afraid of revenge from the Shuang family?" Shuang Feiyu squinted.

"If I were you, run now," Ye Fan said.

"Haha! What a arrogant kid, you can kill Frostscar, you are indeed a bit capable. Don't worry... Today I am here to pick up my fiancée. Let's settle the bill slowly..."

Ye Fan looked at Han Yinzheng, who had never dared to say anything, "Miss Han, could it be... they threatened you with your family?"

"They caught my father..." Han Yinzheng choked.

Ye Fan thought that it was true. He thought a little, and said, "Shuang Feiyu, the Gao family is about to die. If you want to save the Shuang family and your own life, now abandon Miss Han and join the Wu family. This is the only choice."

Shuang Feiyu suspected that he had heard it wrong, "Boy, how can you be so self-confident that you dare to provoke me and Chairman Gao face to face?"

"Feiyu, this person is very cunning! Beware of being attacked by a mental attack. Today, my father just accidentally took a break and took a long rest before he came back," Gao Zhen reminded.

"President Gao, don't worry, when I go out, I take my baby with me, just to guard against some villains."

Shuang Feiyu said, pulling out a jade pendant with swirling patterns on his chest.

"Dinghai Profound Jade?" Gao Zhen laughed, and wanted to take out a jade pendant, the same material. "It seems we want to go together!"

Ye Fan frowned. He found that this kind of jade could stabilize the energy fluctuations within a certain range.

If it is a normal mental attack, it is equal to being hindered by an energy wall, disrupting the effect of the mental attack.

Ye Fan had never seen this kind of jade in the Fifth Wife. It should be a precious product of the world of gold and silver.

For these nobles, Dinghai Xuanyu is equivalent to the "bullet armor" of spiritual power.

It's front of him, it won't work...

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