My Cold and Beautiful Wife

Chapter 3988: What are you giggling

The huge explosion caught a group of members of the Silver Fox Knights off guard! The people of Stanley Blade quickly gathered around, looking at the ruins in front of them, their expressions shocked! "how so!?"

Wu Hengtong waited and hurried to the scene, looking at the yard where there was only coke left, tears bursting into tears! "Inkstone!! My granddaughter!!"

No matter how you look at it, everyone in the house is frustrated! Wu Aofeng was also completely dumbfounded, and he didn't care to lose his attitude, grabbing the Kulatu on the side and roaring loudly! "How do you protect my sister!?

what happened! ? "

Kuratu looked solemn and said: "From the intensity and characteristics of the explosion just now, it should be the Proso Ball..." "Proso Ball?

Isn't that a product of an alchemy taboo that has been abolished?

! "

Alchemy is a very miraculous academic. It has benefited all major races to the greatest extent, but in fact, more alchemy is enough to destroy civilization.

Proso Ball is a highly concentrated explosive discovered by an alchemist named Proso accidentally.

Only one pill can cause gold-level destructive power and cause a devastating blow in a small area.

Because this kind of alchemy weapon is too simple and rude and has great lethality, it has been strictly forbidden to build.

"There are no regular channels, but a small amount will remain in the black market, but..." Kurato said solemnly: "Proso cannot be shot from a long distance. I suspect that the killer is someone in the house!"

Everyone looked at each other as soon as he said this.

The people of Silver Fox and Stanley Blade disliked each other, and both looked at each other suspiciously.

"Heh... isn't it, what's the difference?"

Wu Hengtong looked vicissitudes of life, "The inkstone is gone, everything is over..." "Grandpa!"

At this moment, the voice of Wu Yanshu came from the other side of the courtyard.

Wu Hengtong and others looked over in disbelief, and found out that Wu Yanshu was standing there! On the side was Sylvie with a complicated look.

"Inkstone! You... Are you okay?

! "

Wu Hengtong hurried up and looked up and down whether his granddaughter's body was injured.

"Grandpa, I'm fine, yes..." Wu Yanshu reached his lips and changed slightly: "It was Captain Sylwei who found out in time and brought me out."

Wu Hengtong and Wu Aofeng were startled at first, and then both showed some shame.

They originally only regarded Sylvie as a "spare tire", but at the critical moment, they all depended on this woman! "Head Sylvie, you are my martial arts benefactor!"

Wu Hengtong bowed to thank you.

"Mr. Wu, you are welcome, this is my job." Sylvie sighed in her heart. In fact, she didn't like taking credit.

But if you tell everyone that what Ye Fan has done just now, they will definitely not believe it, it is really outrageous! Until now, Sylvie was in a panic, why did she suddenly move from the scene of the explosion to the outside of the courtyard?

It is a pity that Ye Fan is unwilling to show up, so she can only bite the bullet and become the benefactor.

"Grandpa, where is President Otavi?"

Wu Yanshu asked.

After being mentioned by her, everyone discovered that Otavi hadn't shown up yet?

Reminiscent of what Kulatu said just now, this attack was probably done by the people in the mansion... all the people couldn't help but sweat! "Damn it! Could it be the bomb dropped by Otavi!?"

Kun Qi cursed.

"You don't talk nonsense! Without evidence, we won't believe it!"

Kulatu said sternly.

"There was such a big explosion, Otavi was gone, is there any more direct evidence than this?

Is he deaf! ? "

The adventurers of Stanley Blade were a little bit frustrated at once.

Otavi disappeared strangely, indeed no one could see it strangely.

"Head Sylvie, no matter what, please be sure to protect the inkstone. The other party has done everything, so we can't rest assured!"

Wu Hengtong had completely distrusted Stanley Blade, so he could only hold on to the "life-saving straw" of Sylvie.

"Mr. Wu can rest assured that Miss Wu is not only the object of protection, but also our friend."

The people of the Wu family were moved and saw the true feelings in adversity, and now they had a much higher opinion of Sylvia and Silver Fox.

At this time, an underground passage plated in Bang.

In the gloom, in addition to the gurgling underground waterways, there are also various small monsters living in the dark.

A flash of silhouette made a group of small monsters panic and jumped into the water.

However, it didn't take long for the figure to stop.

"Where are you going in such a hurry?"

Ye Fan's face was calm, and the person who stopped him was Otavi dressed in a mask.

As soon as Otawei discovered that Wu Yanshu was not dead, he keenly sensed that the situation was not good, and directly entered the underground network through a hidden hole.

But he didn't expect that in front of Ye Fan's divine sense, his whereabouts would be completely hidden.

"You shouldn't be in that room." Otavi also gave up running away, just a little puzzled.

Ye Fan squinted, this guy, even knew that he went to the Dexter Alliance Building?

He judged from the beginning that what he left was just a clone?

Sure enough, it was the high-level federation who cooperated with Otavi, otherwise he would not know where he really was.

"Let's talk about it, who told you to kill Wu Yanshu?"

Ye Fan is straight to the point.

"Say... will you let me go?"

"I will consider letting you live," Ye Fan said.

Otavi sighed and looked around.

"Did you know that Fitz's construction craftsmanship and quality are second to none in the world, especially urban infrastructure..." "So?"

Otavi showed a sense of determination, "So, even if there is a fierce battle, this place may not collapse."

Before he finished his words, Otavi's golden-level chaotic power had already covered his entire body.

His previous coercion has always been around Golden Five, but at this time, it has climbed to Golden Seven! At the same time when Otawei pulled out the silver dagger, his body was already in front of Ye Fan quickly! Assassins are not good at frontal attacks, especially against opponents that cannot be crushed, so Otavi's attack is obviously an illusion.

He walked around the side quickly, flying over the wall, and directly fleeing from the other side of the waterway! But Ye Fan's speed was beyond his imagination.

Before Otavi could accelerate completely, Ye Fan stretched out his hand and dragged him down from midair abruptly! Otavi showed a look of consternation in the air, his movements were all seen through! ?


Otavi was thrown into the stream! A carp prances, Otavi jumps out of the water! Accompanied by a weird energy fluctuation, the body entered a black-gray mist! In an instant, this mist also enveloped all the underground waterways in! The line of sight was completely blocked, and the chaotic particles frantically interfered, making it impossible for the divine consciousness to inspect the surrounding situation smoothly.

Ye Fan stood still and lost Otavi's whereabouts.

"This is your profound meaning?"

"Yes, this is my profound meaning, the'mist'. I didn't expect that you could force me to use the profound meaning to escape."

"Ye Fan, although you don't know where you came from, you are really strong..." "Sorry, it's not the time to fight you, I'll take one step ahead."

Otavi's voice gradually drifted away.

Ye Fan sighed and turned around.

Just as he turned around, behind Ye Fan, a cold dagger pierced the back of his head! Ye Fan stopped moving and stood still, motionless.

In the mist, Otavi's figure emerged.

"This is my profound meaning,'Mist of Murder', I can't think of it, in the mist, I can assassinate you from any angle in an instant..." "You are very good, but a pity... You shouldn't have an experience in the underground waterway. Rich assassin..." Otavi sighed, but in his words, he was somewhat proud.

Sure enough, he had the last laugh...but the next second, Otavi shuddered! As if it was something dangerous, it directly entangled his entire soul, and his back was chilly! There is no room for Otavi to dodge, a powerful hand suddenly covered Otavi's brain! "Hey, what are you giggling?"

Otavi's eyes were full of horror, because he only discovered that the "Ye Fan" he was piercing was a clone of chaotic energy! ?

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