Ye Fan became more mysterious as he listened, "Why?"

He has always felt strange that Yongheng really cares about the false name of an academy chief?

"There used to be a golden race second only to the four major golden civilizations, the Diesel tribe."

"In the long and long history, they were not even close to the Fitz civilization."

"Until... there was a student of a college who, after going through a huge change, suddenly led his own tribe and slaughtered their mother, the leader of the Daisel tribe."

When Ye Wuya said this, he took another bone in his hand.

"What you said... is eternal?"

Ye Fan remembered that Lao Lin mentioned that the earliest fortune in eternity was to die to create their golden civilization.

"It seems that Lao Lin mentioned it to you."

Ye Wuya nodded: "Since then, the Daisel tribe has never recovered and has become the last in the golden civilization."

"But in fact, Diesel is not to blame for this incident. They never expected that Eternal would suddenly rebel."

"Eternally, in the earliest days, the objects that were also cultivated by the Daisel ethnic group have a very good relationship with each other."

Ye Fan wondered: "What happened? Could it have something to do with the lover of the chief of the Eternal Academy?"

"You kid, you have a lot of information," Ye Wuya nodded with satisfaction.

"Really?" Ye Fan was stunned.

Ye Wuya nodded: "Don't say absolute, but never leave ten."

"At the earliest, Eternity did not awaken the emperor, and he was just an ordinary silver race genius."

"Until his lover, after entering the temple as the chief, Bizarre disappeared..."

Ye Fan heard it very rarely, "Missing? Can I still go missing after entering the temple?"

"According to the temple's statement, she was assigned a task to take a post somewhere in the big world."

"However, Eternal doesn't believe that his lover will give up the feelings between them for the sake of the temple."

"Originally, even the first seat was for eternally pampering that woman and deliberately gave it to her."

"As a result, Eternal did not expect that it was precisely to give up the chief, but instead made him lose his lover forever..."

Ye Wuya said with emotion: "Speaking of which, this eternal year was also full of blood, and he was so angry that he became a beauty, and then he rebelled."

If you change to another person, you may not believe that someone will fight against the temple for their lover, or even attack their own mother.

But Ye Fan can actually understand it.

If the temple is good, any force, it hurt Su Qingxue, and even made her disappear...

Ye Fan knows that he will do everything he can, unscrupulously!

In fact, the higher the position, the more genius a person, the easier it is to be lonely.

It's hard to find a confidant, and finally meet a loved one and lose it somehow? Naturally can't bear it!

"So, Eternity asked the temple to talk about it, and the temple allowed Dyssel to take care of the race he created, which caused... the eternal rise to slaughter Dyssel?"


Ye Wuya said: "It was at that time that Eternity awakened the power of the emperor. In order to strengthen himself, he began to collect the emperor seed from all over."

"When he wants to come, he also knows that if he wants to truly overthrow the temple and find out the truth, his strength is not enough, and the power of the emperor... is his greatest hope."

Ye Fan wondered: "But what does this have to do with the chief of the academy and'Dragon'?"

"What are you in a hurry?"

Ye Wuya looked at a pot of sheep and scorpions with a bit of depression, "take a few bites first, and then speak slowly."

Ye Fan was speechless, so he had to accompany the old foodie to another half of the meal.

When the meat was almost eaten, Ye Wuya didn't forget to put some vegetables in the mutton soup that looked like carrots.

After doing all this, he smiled satisfied and continued: "Did you know that the chief of the academy, there is a weird one?"

"Old foodie, don't sell it anymore," Ye Fan said helplessly: "Just tell me what's going on."

Ye Wuya jokingly said, "In order to trace the truth about the death of my brother, I traced it all the way to the temple and the academy."

"As a result, I accidentally discovered that the chief of the academy would disappear every ten generations."

"In other words, like the eternal lover, there are actually many missing chiefs."

"It's just that some of them disappeared after entering the temple, while others disappeared and never returned..."

"Although there are countless places in the big world, it is not difficult to find a place to live in seclusion."

"The strange thing is that there has been no rumors about the disappearance of the chief, and there has been no discussion or record..."

Ye Fan frowned, "You mean, it's likely that the temple is behind, deliberately controlling public opinion?"

"Besides this explanation, I really can't think of other possibilities."

After Ye Wuya finished speaking, he asked, "You know, who are the top ten seats in the history of the academy?"

"Probably know that the first is the dragon, the second is the destiny, and the third is eternity..."

Ye Wuya nodded, "There is also Fiz's Most Sacred Master Kongel, Anda, the daughter of the **** of war of Anda civilization, oh, you must have heard of the other Sammon, known as the "Patron saint of Aslan."

"As for the others, they are also the arbiter of the temple, but what is interesting is that they were not chiefs back then..."

"In other words, the chiefs who were once better than them have not been listed in the top ten in history by the academy, which is equivalent to the official level and erased them."

Ye Fan couldn't help being stunned, "This is all right? Isn't anyone aware of this?"

"What if you noticed it? Even the old nobles of the golden civilization don't dare to question the temple, let alone it's nothing to do, so why bother?"

"How many more people can, like Eternal, have been competing with the temple openly and secretly, but let the temple have nothing to do with him?" Ye Wuya smiled.

Ye Fan was uneasy when he heard it, and frowned, "It looks like...the chief of the academy, there is indeed a problem...what special troubles will you encounter when you become the chief?"

"Now, do you understand why you need to investigate'Dragon'?" Ye Wuya asked.

Ye Fan thought for a while, and said, "Dragon is the number one in the history of the academy. In theory, it is stronger than the Destiny, but it has never appeared. Obviously, it has not become the arbiter of the temple."

"But even if the Shenqi Empire's dynasty changes, the Shenlong imperial family will stand tall..."

"It can be seen that most of the Shenlong royal family are his descendants, and he has always existed, and he has dealt with some troubles behind his back."

"In this case, Long, as the strongest academy chief, has a high probability of knowing and even participating in these secrets..."

Ye Fan actually felt that the disappearance of the chief of the academy was mostly directly related to Long, but there was no actual evidence.

"The genius who can take the chief, with eternal ability, should be able to find a lot of them."

"However, the general chief is useless. It must be the chief who can directly enter the temple and become the adjudicator."

"Eternal himself can't go to the academy again, ordinary people don't dare to really compete with the temple..."

When Ye Fan heard this, he had completely understood.

"So, I, someone who has enmity with the temple, will never turn back, and has the opportunity to become a judge, just meet his requirements?"

Ye Wuya nodded, "You kid, but it's not easy for eternity, the baby who only waited... from start to finish, he was not willing to let you die."

Ye Fan took a deep breath. It seems that the old foodie was investigating Pangu's death and digging into the secrets behind the temple.

And eternity is also because of the disappearance of the lover, and it is necessary to discuss with the temple to find out the truth.

Although the two big brothers are separated by hundreds of thousands of miles, the ultimate goal is locked on the body of the strongest known in the temple and the academy, the ‘dragon’.

And he is the "key" that opens the door to the truth and has the greatest probability of success.

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