My Cold and Beautiful Wife

Chapter 4011: Ferryman

With Ye Fan's current realm, it was far from reaching the level of crossing the river.

But with the help of the white space, he has entered the realm of the creator, so he can somewhat feel that kind of call in the dark.

That is the unknown realm that makes the Creator feel awe, restless, and hesitated, but there is also a trace of yearning...In the Eastern Emperor Realm, I have seen the information of the Eastern Emperor and Di Jun, and it seems that they are going to cross the river.

Presumably many other immortal beings, creators, have also rushed in the same direction.

However, whether crossing the river can unlock the temple, all the mysteries of the great world, in fact, no one can say.

Because as far as I can see, I haven’t seen anyone who came back after crossing the river... "Master, whether it is what you want, an eternal peace of life, or what the master wants, the truth of all this..." "In fact, in the end, There are only two ways."

"Unlock the secret behind the temple, or...cross the river."

Speaking of this, Ye Qun's eyes were a little ruddy.

"Master once said more than once that he is not as talented as his elder brother, and the Demon Dragon Emperor, who is stronger than him, has no full confidence in subverting the temple."

"It wasn't until the appearance of you, the master, that the master saw a glimmer of hope..." The reason why Eternal has been collecting the emperor's seeds and chasing the power of the emperor is that he knows that only the power of the emperor has the opportunity to be above the temple.

And Ye Fan's unparalleled might be the best and final answer among the powers of many emperors.

Ye Wuya couldn't have this strength. He knew his limits best.

Therefore, he chose to hand over the mysteries that need to be solved such as the Shenlong royal family, academy, and temple to Ye Fan to explore.

He himself chose the river that hasn't left for a long time... Ye Fan took a deep breath and chuckled softly: "He still likes to be self-righteous. How can he decide that I won't cross the river?"

"The big deal, lift the temple upside down, if it really doesn't work, it won't be too late to cross the river."

"Amitabha Buddha," Baal said suddenly: "Master Sword God, although I don't understand, what exactly is the'crossing the river' in your mouth, but Mr. clear."

Ye Fan was silent, he could actually understand some of Ye Wuya's state of mind.

When comprehending the mystery of opening the sky, the perspective he once entered was mostly Ye Wuya's memory.

Because of this, Ye Fan was particularly unhappy in his heart.

"What's the meaning?"

Belfinger suddenly realized what he said, "Is the foster father never coming back?"

Everyone was silent and did not answer.

"Uncle Jun Yang! Say it!"

Belfinger asked, clutching Ye Qun's wrist.

Ye Qun slowly took away the female devil's hand and sighed, "Didn't the master say,'I have eaten almost, what else is left?"

Belfinger never expected that such an understatement would be a farewell! ?

However, this is exactly what Ye Wuya has always done. He accidentally broke the world.

Belfinger sat slumped on the ground rare, and wept with tears..."Foster father..."...The turbid waves are filled with mists.

The public does not cross the river, but the public crosses the river bitterly.

On the billowing river, there is a vast smoke and no end in sight.

The stone ferry is covered with moss, leaving the mottle of the years.

Standing on the bank, Ye Wuya took off his coarse cloth and put on a bright crimson brocade robe.

In this gray world, it became the only touch of color.

Ye Wuya's hand slowly brushed his collar.

On the inside of the neckline of this brocade robe is embroidered with a clever "you" character.

"I said earlier, this dress is big, but you don't believe it, huh..." After a while, a small boat appeared on the river in the distance.

A boatman wearing a hat and wearing a fur coat, paddling his oars, slowly approached the shore.

The boat doesn’t know how many years it has been used for. It has no texture or material. It just has a lot of scratches, which seem to be left by passengers.

Some were deep and some were shallow, but none of them really caused any damage to Ye Xiaozhou.

"The boatman?"

Ye Wuya looked at the boatman, under the hat, it was pitch black and there was no face?

"The ferryman."

The voice of the boatman came from the darkness, vicissitudes and plain.

"The ferryman?"

Ye Wuya smiled: "Are you here to pick me up?"

"Whoever crosses the river will pick him up."

Ye Wuya nodded: "I'm crossing."

Just when Ye Wuya wanted to step on the boat, he realized that he couldn't move on.

The boat in front of you is clearly under your feet, but it is like the corners of the world, it is difficult to set foot?

"The public wants to cross the river, and the boat fee has not yet been given."

"Boat fare?"

Ye Wuya was happy, "What do you want, how much do you want?"

The ferryman did not answer, but the meaning was very clear. It was for Ye Wuya to look at it.

Ye Wuya thought for a while, and took out the cloth bag that he had always carried with him.

Inside, there are a pile of cooking spices in bottles and cans.

"Look at this... OK?"

The ferryman silently took the cloth bag, and his dark face seemed to take a serious look.


As soon as the voice fell, the ferryman flicked his hand and threw the bag of seasoning bottles directly into the bottomless river! ?

Ye Wuya opened his mouth, halfway his hand, but let it go.

"Get on board."

The ferryman turned around, ready to punt.

This time, Ye Wuya jumped on the boat easily.

The boat slowly left the ferry, and before long, disappeared into the vast river mist... "He is gone."

Dragon's blood tree.

After being quiet for a long time, Ye Fan sitting on the stool suddenly said.

"Master, can you feel it?"

Ye Qun's voice trembled with a trace.

Ye Fan shook his head, "I don't know why, anyway, there is such a feeling..." "The young **** is babbling, even if the foster father goes to that river, he will come back sooner or later."

Belfinger wiped away his tears, got up and gulped down the remaining rice and meat, seemingly not wanting to waste it at all.

Barr squinted his eyes and said, "They're back."

Ye Fan naturally felt it too. Five decent coercion flew toward this platform.

"Tianxuan, Tianquan, you don't wait for us, what good things are you secretly eating?"

The beautiful Aslan man at the head had a friendly smile, but there was a hint of arrogance in his eyes and tone.

Behind him, there are three men and one woman, although they are good, they are not as good as him.

However, the strength of these people is obviously higher than that of Belfinger and Barr.

Ye Fan knew that these were the other five of the three dragons and four evils.

"I have seen the Evil Dragon Emperor!"

Although arrogant, the handsome man and the others still bowed to Ye Qun respectfully and bowed down on one knee.

As for the existence of Ye Fan, they just glanced at it lightly and ignored it.

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