My Cold and Beautiful Wife

Chapter 4017: It's that simple

Kulatu fixed his eyes for a long time and sighed: "It seems that Mr. Ye really loves President Su, and he does everything he can to find a chance to show her love."

He was convinced that Ye Fan was the rumor behind the "infatuated species".

Ye Fan frowned. He loves Su Qingxue, but the main reason he wants to contact is to confirm Su Qingxue's safety.

Although the old foodie said that there is eternity behind Su Qingxue, nothing will happen.

However, if he didn't really contact him, he couldn't worry about it.

Anyway, there is nothing else at the moment, if there is a way to communicate, then I definitely can't let it go.

"Mr. Ye, if anyone can, it must be the High Priest of Bynes," Kurato said.

"Oh? Are you sure?"

"Naturally, the high priest has the highest decision-making power and has a veto power over the motions of the Presbyterian Church."

"Each generation of high priests has undergone severe tests and is recognized by all the elders in the clan before they can serve. It can be described as highly respected."

Kulatu admired his face and said: "Today's High Priest Bynes, he used to be an adventurer when he was young, and he was also a star **** powerhouse."

"He was once a guest of the Shenqi Empire, and he is still a good friend for many years with the current emperor of the Shenqi Empire."

"If the Bynes Great Sacrifice wants to contact it, it will be the Temple of Destiny, and it must be a face, let alone the Desire Alliance?"

Ye Fan's eyes lit up. Are you friends with the Emperor Shenqi Empire? That's probably ok.

Without Kulatu's guidance, Ye Fan quickly found Bynes' residence.

It was a tree house built directly on the dragon's blood tree, and it was not guarded by anyone. It was unpretentious.

But as soon as the two of them arrived in front of the tree house, a dangerous breath fell from the sky!

The air seemed to form an invisible barrier, a sharp blade.

As long as you go one step further, you will be split by those invisible air current blades!

Kulatu broke out in a cold sweat, his face turned pale and said: "Mr. Ye... is the breath of a beast!"

Ye Fan had noticed it a long time ago. As soon as he raised his head, he faced a pair of green eyes.

It was a blue-green snake-like monster that could hide in the bushes almost perfectly.

The two pairs of black feathered wings are covered with armor that resembles dragon scales.


When Ye Fan saw this thing, he couldn't help thinking of the monster like a snake.

It's just that this snake is very unusual, it doesn't seem to be weaker than the dragons of the Shenlong clan.

Presumably he was born in a golden civilization, and his innate qualities are much better.

"No wonder there is no guard, this thing is more sensitive than people..."

Ye Fan smiled, and then a green-gold light appeared in his eyes, and a wave of dragon power spread away.

In an instant, the two green eyes of the snake shrank, and they were so frightened that they escaped without a trace!

"Go in," Ye Fan said, looking at the dumbfounded Kulatu beside him.

Kurato smiled bitterly and almost forgot, this Mr. Ye is the dragon at the top of the food chain of all beings...

Entering the tree house, looking around, there are all kinds of books and scrolls.

Stepping on the wooden floor of the last time, making a "creaking" sound, as if to tell the old history of the house.

In addition to books, there are also bottles and jars on various tables, which seem to be research equipment for pharmacy and chemistry.

A huge boiler was placed on the hot flame spar, and some strange purple potion was being boiled.

Bynes buried his head in front of a desk, flipping through books, as if doing some research.

"Come on, scare my pet like that, why bother."

Bynes said casually, but the pen in his hand didn't stop.

"I have seen the high priest!" Kurato was very respectful, kneeling and saluting.

"Kuratu, don't you want to be home after not coming back for so long?" Bynes looked up and smiled.

Kulatu's eyes reddened, "Thank you for the high priest's concern. I am not worthy of the Dracaena tribe, not worthy of the Stad family..."

"What is worthy of, if you stay here, can Singh really kill you?"

Bynes looked at Ye Fan helplessly, "You have to learn more from Ye Fan and be thicker."

Ye Fan is full of innocence: "Old man, what's wrong with you? Just say I have a thick skin?"

"Dare you say, come to me, don't you ask me to do something?" Bynes urged.

"Do you have a thick-skinned face?"

"I am the high priest of the Dragon Blood Tree tribe. I just met once. You dare to go to my house by yourself and scare away my pets. Not only do you not apologize, but you also want me to do things. If you don't say you are a rogue, you are worthy of you. Up."

Ye Fan thought about it carefully, as if he was really a bit domineering, and said with a smile: "Don't worry, you did this for me, and I won't treat you badly."

Bynes smiled, "You and your grandmother... really look alike."

Ye Fan was stunned, "What do you mean, what happened to my grandma?"

"Heh... nothing," Bynes said: "Let's talk about it, what do you want me to do?"

Ye Fan didn't talk nonsense, "Can you think of a way to directly contact President Su of the Deist Alliance?"

Bynes squinted, "The alternate saint of the Temple of Destiny, Goddess of Destiny Su Qingxue?"

"Yes, that's right!"

"Why contact?"

"I love her!"


Bynes stiffened for a while, and took a deep breath, as if to convince himself not to get excited.

"What a romantic reason," Bynes smiled.

"You promised?"

"If I don't agree, you are afraid that I will demolish this house?"

Ye Fan grinned and smiled honestly: "That's impossible, you are the old friend of my elders anyway."

"Thank you..."

"At best, Dragon Eye will force you to control you mentally," Ye Fan said again.


Bynes' hand covered his heart.

Kulatu was already too scared to speak, just like a fool next to him.

What kind of communication in the underworld! ? Is it still what people said! ?

However, Ye Fan's grandma still knows Bynes? How is this going? Kulatu was shivering and didn't dare to ask more.

"I take back what I just said..."

Bynes shook his head and said, "Comparing your grandmother with your kid, you have wronged her."

Ye Fan didn't care: "Whatever you think, can you get in touch?"

"Naturally," Bynes nodded.

"How to do it? What's the procedure?" Ye Fan asked hurriedly.


Bynes blinked, seeming to feel a little inexplicable.

He pushed away a pile of materials on the desk, revealing a photo-brain device built by natural technology below.

After the power of the green chaos in his hand was injected into it, the two vines on the light brain surrounded Bynes' head.

"I'll talk to the headquarters of the Dexter Alliance directly, find Chairman Su, and when you are connected, just come and talk to her."

Ye Fan was stunned, "It's that simple?!"

Doesn't this mean making a phone call! ?

"Otherwise?" Bynes asked rhetorically.

Ye Fan smirked, really underestimating the old man in front of him.

I tried my best to get in touch with Su Qingxue, and went all the way. As a result, can anyone call someone anytime?

After a while, the optical brain communication was connected.

Bynes did a little manipulation, and the voice was released by the public...

"Hello, Destor Union Headquarters, Assistant Department, what do you need?" There was a gentle female voice over Guangnao.

"I'm Bynes from the Dragon Blood Tree tribe. I'm looking for President Su."

"Originally, your High Priest, is there anything wrong?"

Bynes said: "Why, I have to report to you?"

"Of course not, don't get me wrong, I will help you contact President Su..."

The little assistant didn't dare to offend, and after a report there, he finally transferred it.

Ye Fan waited by the side, and the heart that had been in the big scene for a long time actually "fluttered and flopped" fiercely.

After a while, there was a thoughtful voice over there...

"Hello, this is Su Qingxue."

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