My Cold and Beautiful Wife

Chapter 4027: good habits

At this time, most of the people of Aslan in the sacred tree area were in the central square.

Everyone heard that the source of the sound was from the side of the sacred tree, and they all looked back...

In an instant, everyone's complexion changed suddenly!

"Is it the sacred tree?!"

"What happened to the sacred tree!?"

Ye Fan couldn't help but stunned, looking back, the scene in front of him really stunned him!

The dragon's blood sacred tree, which was originally vigorous and resembling a giant god, was withering rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye! ?

Starting from the roots, the blood color gradually becomes pale, like a seriously ill patient who has lost too much blood.

Because of the lack of flexibility, a heavy branch fell directly!

The place where the branch fell directly crushed hundreds of buildings!

Not only that, as the effects of wilting expanded, more and more branches fell from the sky and clouds! !


The buildings around the sacred tree were destroyed in a flash without warning!

The residents of the Dragon Blood Tree tribe were terrified, crying and fleeing, praying, worrying whether this was the punishment of the natural gods! ?

"How... how could..."

A face of Bynes also showed pain and shock!

He staggered a step, almost lost his footing!

"How could this dragon blood tree wither? What happened?"

Elder Tiltz was so dumbfounded, how come such an unheard-of-shocking event happened just now! ?

"Is it Hathaway? Isn't she in the temple now!?" Yaoguang guessed at this time.

"Nonsense! Although Hathaway has golden power, how could she destroy the Dragon Blood Tree?"

Turan hurriedly defended his fiancee: "That is the sacred tree where the **** of nature was born! Even the star **** can't easily hurt it!"

Although everyone knows that Turan is eager to protect his wife, they must also admit that Hathaway should not have this ability.

Ye Fan looked far away at this time and found that the sacred tree was indeed losing its vitality from within its foundation...

And because the whole dragon blood forest communicated together from the sacred tree.

The general death of this virus will spread to the entire forest.

Before long, the Dragon Blood Tree Tribe...will completely lose the Dragon Blood Tree!

At this moment, Bynes, who had recovered his senses, rose into the air!

His face was full of humiliation, took out his staff, and released the powerful chaotic power of nature.

"Don't panic everyone! We have the High Priest Bynes! The High Priest is the son of the God of Nature! He will definitely be able to repair the sacred tree!!"

Singh yelled, let the people not panic.

"Son of God?"

Ye Fan squinted.

Among the five major professions, one of the main special professions in the oracle is the "son of god".

Like its literal meaning, it is almost like a child of a god, and you can directly rely on the **** to get full care.

The Son of God does not simply borrow some power from the gods, but directly communicates with the gods.

In theory, as long as the Son of God is strong enough, there is no upper limit to the power that can be obtained from the gods.

As long as they can give it, the gods give it all.

They are the spokespersons of the gods!

As Bynes waved his staff, the chaotic magic power continued to condense.

However, the complete spell has not been displayed for a long time?

Bynes seemed to feel that something was wrong, and began to chant:

"Great Father, Du Muci, please respond to your child's call..."

Generally speaking, a child of God like him can use all natural magic without using chanting.

However, he is obviously in trouble...

"Looking back at the God of Nature!!"

Through singing, Bynes finally condensed the spell successfully.

A group of turquoise natural chaotic magic power, like a cyan wave, rushes towards the sacred tree!

The Aslan people present were overjoyed!

"It's a god-level spell!!"

"The sacred tree is saved!"

In the big world, the magic system has been very perfect.

Low, medium, and high-level magic can generally be used below silver. After all, the gold and silver races are generally talented.

And further up, it is the king-level, emperor-level, god-level, and the most dangerous forbidden spell magic.

Those who can use god-level magic start with the Star God, which is the magic created by the true gods!

Looking back at the God of Nature, any life in the natural world can return to its original vigorous stage.

This is almost the most powerful restoration magic of the God of Nature!


In the expectant and excited eyes of all Dragon Blood Tree people...

The cyan life wave just rushed out for a few tens of meters before it broke apart!


Bynes vomited blood, his hair was mostly gray in an instant, and his whole body was dying!

"High Priest!!"


Irrespective of other things, Yuheng rushed to Bynes and hurriedly checked his grandfather's body.

"how come……"

Singh looked solemn and asked anxiously: "Beddy Pavilion! What happened?"

" grandfather, he consumed his own vitality..." Yu Heng said with a strange expression on his face.


"The magic just used up the high priest's own vitality?"

"Impossible! Son of Nature God, the use of magic should be borrowed from the power of the gods, how can the Nature God let him consume his life..."

Just when everyone was arguing, a voice interrupted them...

"There is only one possibility!"

The Winter Law King Tierz suddenly became extremely serious, and said with his eyebrows: "The God of Nature...cannot provide him with power."

"Elder Tiltz, what do you mean by this?" Everyone was frightened.

Tiltz pointed to the sacred dragon's blood tree that was constantly cracking, "In the legend, the dragon's blood tree is the'mother' of the natural **** Du Muci."

"If the **** of nature still has power, how can he allow his birth mother to turn into rotten wood like this?"

Everyone's heart sank to the bottom, and they didn't dare to think about it anymore...

At this moment, Bynes said breathlessly.

"Naturally... Lord Nature God... I can't... contact him..."

Hearing this, everyone was ashamed!

Not far away, Ye Fan frowned.

Could it be... the **** of nature fell?


The endless deep space, alone, suspended a palace.

There will be no records in this space on any star chart.

Here is the Temple of Origin.

At this moment, in a dark hall, a group of adjudicators wearing golden masks are sitting around.

Some adjudicators are accompanied by one or two servants, while others are alone.

"Where's Simon, why haven't you come yet?"

After sitting quietly for a while, one of the adjudicators raised a question with a slight dissatisfaction.

"This guy, not being absent from the ruling meeting once or twice..."

"I've heard some news about it. Recently, Simon has walked quite close to Friega, the goddess of beauty..."

"Hey, you said he was rejuvenated?"

"In front of Friga, Simon was already very young..."

Just as a few people were chatting, an elegant man with a golden mask appeared on an empty seat.

"Everyone, it's not a good habit to gossip behind your back."

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