My Cold and Beautiful Wife

Chapter 4038: Play him

Ye Fan keenly perceives that this is not a mental attack, but a piece of memory... The memory of the Creator is very precious, and it also contains a lot of the history of the development of Aslan civilization.

Although this is not a complete memory of the God of Nature, it is also an extremely complex piece of data.

Fortunately, Ye Fan's thousands of primordial spirits can be shared and received, and massive mental power can be absorbed like a sponge.

Among these memories, what interests Ye Fan most is the content of Simon...After all, Simon is actually an Aslanian that Dumuzi watched grow up.

From a certain perspective, before entering the temple, they were regarded as Du Muci's protégés... Du Muci's understanding of Simon, not only his background, but also his various weaknesses.

However, Sai Meng Qing was out of blue and killed the teacher.

However, Du Muci was really powerless because of his strength being limited by the Lord God's ability.

From this point of view, the main gods are rather aggrieved. They are more like a group of "tool men", and there is no room for improvement.

They are like a group of public officials arranged by Chuangshi Shen to perform their duties in their respective positions.

Once the temple does not give shelter, in fact, the main **** may be killed at any time.

"Hi..." Ye Fan took a deep breath and opened his eyes again, returning to reality.

This time, through the analysis of the Dragon Blood Sacred Tree, I really benefited a lot! It's just that the more you touch the top of the big world, the more...

But the arrow was on the string and he had to send it. He had no way out.

Thinking about it, Su Qingxue went deep into the Shenqi Empire, so meticulously laid out, she also knew this.

Ye Fan now understands why Su Qingxue wants him to accept this commission... Although Su Qingxue probably doesn't know what the secret of the Dragon Blood God Tree is, she definitely knows that Ye Fan will gain a lot from coming here. .

After removing the Promise Formation, Ye Fan walked out of the temple.

It was only two days outside at this time, but the beauty ceremony just happened to be in the final selection.

Surrounding the Dragon Blood Sacred Tree, tens of thousands of Aslan people are paying attention to this grand event.

The lively business atmosphere is unimaginable. Two days ago, this place was just destroyed.

Ye Fan was quite satisfied. It seemed that the psychological quality of these Aslan people was good.

"Mr. Ye! You are out!?"

When Ye Fan came to the judges' seat, Kuratu and others immediately greeted him.

A group of well-dressed judges and elders also got up one after another.

In fact, everyone was a little surprised. Originally, why did Ye Fan take ten and a half months to come out, but it was over in two days?

"Still judging?"

Ye Fan asked casually.

The elders looked at each other, and the leader hurriedly said: "The top ten has been decided, or... Mr. Ye will make the final decision?"

Ye Fan waved his hand, "My aesthetic is different from yours, you can figure it out by yourself."


The elders were not too polite, and immediately returned to the judges' seat.

Ye Fan didn't have much interest in the ceremony. Seeing Singer and Nolan present, he asked directly: "What happened to the Spruce Tribe?"

"Back to the young master, although Hathaway and Leimen didn't go back, the Spruce Tribe should have inquired about the situation here from elsewhere."

"At present, I only know that the High Priest of Udi is recalling the Star God powerhouses of the Spruce Tribe, including the Five Race Alliance, and is also stepping up to find their own Star God powerhouses to return."

Nolan said: "Although there is no clear evidence, I suspect that they have privately planned to unite and put pressure on our Dragon Blood Tree tribe."

Ye Fan was not surprised when he heard this news.

The Aslan civilization has a long history. Although the major tribes usually have just such a few star gods, it does not mean that the total number is just that small.

If the tribe is in trouble, it will inevitably invite some strong people outside.

"I was in the temple this time, investigating the problems before the sacred tree...It should be someone infused with some kind of'toxin'."

"This is not a general poison, but a restrained energy toxin, specifically designed to deal with the Dragon Blood Tree."

"The person who can make this kind of thing...must be a creator-level existence."

As soon as these words came out, everyone present immediately thought of an identity... "This group of spruce tribe guys are really shameless."

"The Dragon Blood Tree was almost destroyed, and now you still want to attack us as a guardian of Aslan civilization?"

"After all, it is Simon's hometown. The higher the achievements of Simon, the status of their spruce tribe will naturally rise!"

Singh said sternly: "So, Simon provided the toxin to kill the tree, and Hathaway was the executor. From the beginning, her various actions were running towards the tree?"

"Father, you wouldn't really believe it. What is the special relationship between Mr. Ye and Hathaway?

That woman is just acting! "

"Turan was used by her and deceived by her! From the beginning, the woman just wanted to find a chance to marry smoothly and enter our tribe!"

Kulatu Road.

Singh frowned. Although the eldest son was still not pleasing to the eyes, he did not say anything against him this time.

As the person who led Ye Fan to the tribe, Kulatu was considered a "great hero" this time. Many people in the clan were very grateful to Kulatu.

Beidi Ge asked puzzledly: "There is one thing that I find strange. Since Hathaway has never seen Young Master Ye before, why would she meet Young Master at a glance?"

Everyone feels like it's in the mist.

Seeing this, Ye Fan smiled and said, "Guess and guess, just ask me directly?"

When a group of people wondered, they saw Ye Fan grab it.

The golden dragon claw is like an extremely precise mechanical arm. From the guest seat of the Beauty Ceremony, Hathaway who was watching the ceremony was caught directly! Hathaway was wearing a skirt, volleying across the auditorium like this, with her legs dangling, how embarrassing it was! She clutched her skirt frantically, turning into anger from shame.

"Let go of me! Ye Fan!! You are too much!!"

She never expected that as soon as Ye Fan left the customs, he would directly give her another "pick up" operation! Such a large crowd, Hathaway's appearance, really made the Dragon Blood Tree tribe people laugh.

Everyone no longer regards her as a goddess now, she is a female spy! Ye Fan threw Hathaway in front of him and pinched the woman's chin with one hand.

Hathaway did not flinch this time, staring at the man coldly.

"Don't think that you can do everything... You imprison me and Elder Leimong, my foster father will not let you go... The patron saint will not let you go!!"

Ye Fan grinned, "Finally stop acting?

Then tell it honestly..." "What to say..." Before Hathaway finished speaking, Ye Fan's eyes had turned into green gold! Dragon Eye instantly broke through the woman's spiritual defense line! Even if Hathaway is Golden strength, but Ye Fan gets serious, it is impossible to stop this spiritual torrent.

"Dragon Blood Tree, did you get the medicine?"

Ye Fan asked.

Hathaway looked sluggish, "It was... from my foster father..." The people around were shocked and angry, and it was indeed the conspiracy of the Spruce Tribe! But at the same time, I felt curious. Since Ye Fan could ask the answer so easily, why didn't he do this before?

Ye Fan seemed to see through everyone's thoughts, and smiled: "I used Dragon Eyes to her before, will you believe me or trust her?"

Singh and the others couldn't help but feel ashamed, indeed... if they hadn't experienced these things, they might really be unable to distinguish good from bad.

"Wonder girl, why did you choose me as a target?

You know me before? "

Ye Fan continued to ask.

Hathaway shook her head: "I don't know...but...I can see that you are the strongest in this tribe..." "Why?"

"Because... I am blind."


Ye Fan suspected that he had heard it wrong, could it be that his dragon pupil had failed?

This woman is playing with him! ?

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