My Cold and Beautiful Wife

Chapter 4047: Obviously won


Breed and Severin naturally recognized this trick, but Simon hadn't mentioned it to them before, and Ye Fan mastered this trick!

Ye Fan took advantage of the fact that the opponent hadn't fully reacted yet, desperately trying to get rid of it again!


The potential in the body is stimulated again!

In the Yutian Shenlong state, Ye Fan has tested that he can open the six-fold disintegration for a quarter of an hour close to harmlessly!

In terms of realm, it is impossible to crush them.

The other party comes prepared and knows his roots, so all skills are empty!

The only way is to do all you can to make a wave to see if a miracle can be achieved!

Eternity in an instant!

Time and space froze again, and Ye Fan once again called out the unparalleled emperor's sword from the beginning, burning and jetting out, like a black gold mad dragon that swallows everything!

"Dimensional exile!"

Ye Fan slammed a sword suddenly, and the forty-weight external release disintegrated, and he had no idea to what extent the sword intent had been strengthened!

The shocking sword intent light blade turned into a sword intent tsunami that swept away in anger!

At the same time, Neel, the silent **** of death who has been hiding in the dark, suddenly exerted his strength!

The entire still space suddenly expanded at this moment!

Ye Fan saw that his sword intent was about to destroy Brid and Severin, only to find that the location of the two was constantly being pulled away! ?

This seemingly unwavering space unexpectedly expanded so fast that it surpassed Ye Fan's sword intent rushing speed! ?

Damn it!

Is it because everything in this space is static and fixed, so it can be copied infinitely! ?

Generally, opening up space requires a little bit of excavation, because space changes and is unstable.

However, the dead space of the **** of death Neel is absolutely stable!

This also means that Reaper only needs to continue to "pipeline replication" to continuously expand this space.

No matter how fast Ye Fan's sword will attack, it can't be as fast as this guy can copy space!

The sword intent like a rainbow can be successful at first sight, but it's just such a short distance, but he couldn't hit these two people!

If Ye Fan reached the realm of the Creator, he might be able to break through this space forcibly and destroy Nair's rules.

However, he just lost such a breath!

The slightest difference is a thousand miles away!

Just as Ye Fan was upset, Brid and Severin suddenly disappeared! ?

Ye Fan hurriedly used his spiritual knowledge to search all directions...

But as soon as he searched, Ye Fan found out that he had been tricked!

His perception was increased hundreds of times in an instant! ?

It was like sounds, images, and information began to explode into his mind!

It is perception manipulation! This Severin is waiting for his divine consciousness to search, so as to carry out anti-kill!


The tingling of the brain, even if it was in the state of the Emperor God Dragon, made Ye Fan suffer!

And this kind of pain cannot be shared by the power of the green wood and the dragon blood battle armor!

Taking advantage of Ye Fan's loss of consciousness, a dark shadow that was too small to be noticed came behind Ye Fan...

A thin, tiny and unsearchable needle light gently pierced Ye Fan's back heart...

When Ye Fan noticed that something had entered his body, it was too late!

The energy injected by the fine needle continued to spread along his nerves!


Ye Fan's throat can no longer scream, every nerve, every cell is being corroded, and the feeling of pain is enhanced...

Even if he had nightmares, he couldn't imagine it!

Severin's voice appeared in the distance again.

After completing this painful stitch, he knew that Ye Fan could no longer be threatened.

"Hey...boy, yes, you still hide such an amazing power?"

"But what about the Yutian Shenlong, you are not the Shenlong after all."

"In the face of our three gods joining forces, you shouldn't have any fluke. It's useless to resist..."

Brid also appeared again and smiled and said, "I said, no matter how powerful the sword is, you can't hurt us, it's meaningless."

"Entering Nair's death world, even if you are the creator, don't even want to go out easily."

Ye Fan couldn't refute it, the pain had penetrated into his consciousness, making it difficult for him to stay awake...

In fact, Ye Fan was mentally disturbed every moment.

Many of his judgments are already illusions created by the three of them.

He thought he had captured the other party's whereabouts, but it was actually delayed, or even wrong judgment.

The battle at the creator level was too unfamiliar to Ye Fan, and it made him feel a kind of powerlessness...

Ye Fan's eyes went dark, and he fell down again, his eyes blank, and his whole body seemed to be frozen.

"Huh? Isn't this going to work?"

Brid asked: "Severin, how many times did you inject him?"

"One thousand and five hundred times..." Severin took a deep breath.


Brid seemed surprised, and then looked at Ye Fan, and said, "This kid, you really can bear it. Didn't commit suicide?"

"His awareness of survival is very strong, and his willpower is firm, which is really outrageous. I have never encountered it anyway. It is more than a thousand times painful and still able to hold on."

Severin said: "This kind of guy is the most terrifying. He must never be given a chance. If he does it, he must be completely destroyed!"

"This boy's soul has reached the immortal form of the Eight Tribulations Azure Dragon, and has the emperor's sword intent to protect the body, so it is not easy to kill."

"To kill him, he must first let him give up his will to resist..."

Brid giggled and said, "Isn't that my turn to play?"

She raised her hand again, calling out a large number of colorful poisonous insects, and the poisonous insects quickly crawled all over Ye Fan's body.

Soon, the poisonous insects entered Ye Fan's body from various organs of Ye Fan's mouth and nose.

Poisonous insects can only invade by secreting toxins because they are not enough to destroy Ye Fan's body.

Not only that, a large number of poisonous insects lay eggs inside, and continue to multiply more insects.

Ye Fan's body became swollen, and various toxins, under the 1,500-fold pain enhancement, stimulated all Ye Fan's pain nerves...

Ye Fan could no longer retain his complete consciousness at this time, but in his subconscious, the will of steel made him support it firmly!

"Don't give up?"

Brid simply took out another serrated sharp blade, with a dazzling cold light lingering on it, which was an artifact-level weapon.

She stepped forward and chopped off Ye Fan's fingers one by one.

Ye Fan couldn't resist at all at this time, but the power of Shenlong still quickly repaired his body.

"It's an unkillable monster..."

Brid simply pierced Ye Fan's various joints with the tip of a knife, and cut off his meridians.

After a severe ravages, Ye Fan had turned into a blood man, but found that the soul still showed no signs of letting go.

"Severin, did you give him enough pain? Why is he still holding on?"

Brid is already impatient, this kind of taste of clearly winning, but how can he not kill the other party... as if they are the one being humiliated!

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