My Cold and Beautiful Wife

Chapter 4081: why care

the next day.

Wu Yanshu was naturally very happy to learn that Ye Fan was willing to go to Geta together.

As for the disappearance of the Fuzhong Han Yinzheng, Ye Fan also explained to Wu Hengtong and others.

Although Ye Fan said that Han Yinzheng was helping him, everyone stared at him with a look of "understood".

Ye Fan was helpless, but he was too lazy to explain.

However, the expressions of Silvi and Wu Yanshu were somewhat resentful.

Although Ye Fan was escorting her, Silvi chose three gold-level adventurers and followed them all the way.

When Wu Yanshu arrives at Geta, he will continue to protect him for a period of time, which can be regarded as the completion of the final **** mission.

Several golden adventurers were so excited when they saw Ye Fan with their own eyes, they almost cried.

Obviously, in the minds of many adventurers, Ye Fan has been passed down as magical! Going to Geta this time, everyone did not go to the Temple of Wisdom to take the teleportation array.

Ye Fan no longer needs to hide his strength, and directly in the yard of the Wufu, he draws a dragon shadow fragmentation.

The people present were stunned and dumbfounded, as if they had seen a miracle.

Even if Geta is separated by 108,000 miles, but after teleporting a few more times, it will arrive.

It didn't take long for Ye Fan to bring a few people to Geta, the highest power center of the Fizz Civilization.

Ye Fan was also the first time, in a real sense, to see a city with the highest level of golden civilization.

The scale of this city has completely surpassed any city Ye Fan has ever seen.

From the underground city with a depth of tens of thousands of meters to the vast floating islands in the sky.

The entire vast area and countless buildings of different styles are shocking.

It is unimaginable how many billions of life are living here.

"This is the pinnacle city of Fizz Civilization. Geta, Fizz's Eye, Hands, Feet, and countless famous great sages and divine casters are all here."

Silvi looked in awe, even as an adventurer, she admired these people who promoted the development of civilization and kept innovating.

"Where is the Fitz Institute?"

Ye Fan asked.

"It's there!"

Wu Yanshu obviously knew it for a long time, and immediately pointed in a direction.

Looking for what Wu Yanshu said, the group arrived at the research institute.

As a result, Ye Fan and the others were all stunned.

This turned out to be a dilapidated old building?

There are only five floors in total. Although the area is not small, the whole body is covered with rust and stones have fallen.

Compared to the splendid novelty buildings around it, this is simply too shabby! "Yan Shu, are you sure you're in the wrong place?"

Sylvie asked.

"It can't be wrong. How can I admit my mistake in the place I have longed for since I was a child?"

Wu Yanshu said.

Ye Fan took a closer look and squinted: "It should be here, let's go in."

Hearing what Ye Fan said, everyone naturally stopped being suspicious and hurried in.

There was only a dozing old man at the gate. Wu Yanshu took out his documents, explained his identity, and entered the building.

But just after taking a few steps, the scene in front of me suddenly changed drastically! The old and dark hall was instantly transformed into a bright and boundless hall, with various advanced intelligent mechanical assistants walking back and forth.

People in fancy clothes, but busy doing things, shuttled to different floors.

"It turns out that there is something else in the world?

! "

Wu Yanshu said proudly: "The reason why the Fitz Institute has kept the original site is because it has commemorative significance."

"But the internal structure has been transformed by generations of great sages, and it is completely a world."

"And the people who can work and study here are all Fitz's top figures, and they are not afraid of some young people sneaking in, so the guards are also very loose."

Sylvia envied: "To be able to do research in such a place, a great sage is indeed a noble profession. It is much better than us adventurers who live in the wind and sleep in the wild and exchange their lives for bounties."

"If the research fails, the scientific world is actually very cruel. Many great sages end up under pressure and commit suicide..." Wu Yanshu said nervously: "I... I am still young after all, and I don't know what the future will be. how is it."

"The research can't be fruitful, and it's a big deal to return to Bang Plating, but don't think about it," Silvi said.

Wu Yanshu smiled gratefully and nodded.

Just when Wu Yanshu was going to report to the management office, a man and a woman in white elegant clothes came over.

"If I'm not mistaken, this is the most popular 'Sword God' recently, right?"

The man had short silver-gray hair, handsome appearance, and a proud smile on the corner of his mouth.

After Ye Fan entered the research institute, some people actually noticed his existence.

It's just that some are unsure, and some don't care.

It was not until the man stopped them and called out their identities that some people stopped to discuss.

"Is something wrong?"

Ye Fan was not surprised that his identity was discovered.

"Shouldn't we ask first, our identities?"

The woman who spoke, with a round face, blue hair, and glasses, was equally arrogant.

Ye Fan said lightly: "There are only two kinds of people who stop me but don't report their identity."

"Which two?"

"The first one is to seek trouble, and the second one is self-esteem."

"But no matter what kind, I'm not interested in knowing their identities..." The silver-haired man frowned, "Sword God is so powerful, it's a pity that this is the Fitz Institute, you can't scare you by pretending. Who."

"We only admire the wise, and we don't give too much attention to those who dance with swords, no matter how powerful they are."

"How bold! How dare you talk to the Sword God like that!?"

A few people from the Silver Fox Knights behind him quit, but they regarded Ye Fan as their idol.

"Look, that's why I hate dealing with you big old men..." The silver-haired man sighed: "Sword God is surrounded by such a group of people, it's really unsightly."


"do not move!"

Just when a knight wanted to draw his sword, Silvi stopped it! Silvi gestured around with her eyes, and everyone discovered that the ground, walls, and even some passing mechanical guards had already revealed various weapons in an instant! "This is the Fizz Institute! Hidden Dragon Crouching Tiger! Do you really think you can use force at will?"

Sylvie reprimanded.

The blue-haired woman smiled and said, "This auntie still has some brains. If you drew your sword just now, you would be coke now."

But at this moment, there was only a burst of explosions around! ?

"Boom boom boom! -" All exposed weapons, no matter where they are, even those robots, should explode and blow up! In an instant, chickens and dogs jumped on the spot! At the same time, the silver-haired man's heart seemed to be controlled by something, and he screamed in pain! "Ah!--" The man fell to the ground grimly, his face pale.

"Sword God! You dare to do it here!?"

The blue-haired girl panicked.

Ye Fan sneered: "The reason why you dare to stop me is because I believe that I will be concerned about my reputation and will not do anything to your little characters."

"Because once I make a move, I will bully the weak and lose the demeanor of a master. Even if I kill you, I will only be despised by others, so the gains outweigh the losses, don't they?"

The eyes of the man and woman were fluctuating and flustered.

"Unfortunately, from the very beginning, you made a mistake..." "What... what?"

The woman asked in a trembling voice.

Ye Fan snapped his fingers and pierced the silver-haired man's knee! The silver-haired man cried and howled again, tears and snot flowing out.

Ye Fan said in a calm tone: "At my level, if I want to kill someone, I will kill someone. I will kill anyone who dares to talk a lot. Why should I care about reputation?"

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