My Cold and Beautiful Wife

Chapter 4102: Is there a problem

"Sword God thinks, what in this world can make people like you and me willing to be wronged?"

Zhong Xuyou's rhetorical question made Ye Fan's thoughts spin... After a while, Ye Fan thought of a somewhat "absurd" reason.

"The mysterious biological mother of King Longye, is it yours..." Zhong Xu nodded, "It's my daughter."

Ye Fan immediately understood! In addition to blood and kinship, what else could make such a creator willing to be used?

"You are not his master, you are his grandfather!?"

Zhong Xuyou said with a smile: "It's my grandfather, but he's also a master. This kid has really cultivated with me since he was a child, and I also really intend to teach him all my skills."

Ye Fan was puzzled: "Then Longye King knows that you are his grandfather?"

"He knew, but he never called me that."


Zhong Xuyou sighed: "Since I was young, I like to play the world, live in no fixed place, and don't like to be bound."

"The only daughter, who is also estranged from me, doesn't meet very often."

"I didn't come back to see her until she told me that she was going to marry a man from the Shenlong family."

"When I found out that the man was Long Tatian, I knew that this matter was not simple."

"It's just that my daughter is already pregnant with his flesh and blood, and she swears she will save the child..." "Although I have been absent from Shenqi all the year round, I also know that Long Ziyang and Long Siyou both eat people and don't spit out bones. ."

"But this Long Tatian was only a stunned young man back then, and he and my daughter really loved each other..." "However, once the world knows that Long Tatian is with my daughter Zhong Xuyou, then this matter, But it's not easy."

"Also, I don't want my daughter and the child in my womb to be used by the Long Ziyang family..." Ye Fan was stunned, "So you forcibly hid your daughter and grandson, and didn't let Long Tatian follow them. together."

"Yeah, because of this, my daughter has become more estranged from me, so that Ye Wang, the child, has always had a prejudice against me."

"But I don't regret it, only by keeping a distance from Long Ziyang's family, the Ye Wang will not go into the crooked way," Zhong Xuyou said.

Ye Fan laughed, "But after so many years, Long Ziyang and the others are just a signal for help, why don't you come over and protect their family?"

Zhong Xu had a depressed look on his face, and suddenly cursed: "It's your fault!!"

Ye Fan was stunned, "What?

You didn't protect yourself, what does it have to do with me? "

"My precious apprentice, I read books on sages and sages since I was a child, and it's not right for people."

"As long as you can come up with evidence of Long Ziyang and Long Siyou's crimes, I can also persuade this child."

"But look, now there is no evidence of guilt, and secondly, the position of the patriarch has been taken away, no matter how you look at it, you are too domineering!"

Zhong Xuyou took two sips of wine and said, "If I don't rescue them today, how can I be a teacher in the future?"

Ye Fan was really speechless.

Wasn't it that he couldn't figure out Long Ziyang's tail all the time?

"Sword God, there is another piece of advice, please listen to it..." "What?"

Zhong Xuyou pointed to the sky.

"Now, the sky of this dragon domain is covered by your sword intent."

"But, on this day, there are still eyes... staring."

Ye Fan frowned, "You mean 'dragon'?"

"I didn't mention anything, that's all I have to say!"

Zhong Xuyou shook the empty wine gourd, and made some new wine for himself and added it.

"It's almost there. I'll give you the truth you want, but you never know. Are you really going to have a few tricks with me?"

Ye Fan thought for a while and said, "The last question..." "No."

Before Ye Fan could ask, Zhong Xuyou had already answered.

"You know what I'm asking?"

"What else could it be, just ask me if I will always protect a few of them."

Zhong Xuyou laughed and said, "They used my daughter. If it was convenient for me, I would have killed them long ago."

"Don't worry, it's just one time today. From now on, it doesn't matter who they die at the hands of me."

Ye Fan narrowed his eyes, "Are you sure?"

Zhong Xuyou sneered: "Long Ziyang should also know that my patience is limited."

Ye Fan nodded, thinking about it too, if Zhong Xuyou was so easy to be used all the time, he would not have been the national teacher of the Shenqi Empire for so long.

"Everything that should be said, has been said, can the Sword God let him go?"

Although Ye Fan was a little unwilling, Zhong Xuyou was so frank that he still had to give this face, not to mention, he really wasn't sure about keeping people.

Time returns to flow.

In fact, only a few people, including Long Ziyang, knew that the time was suspended just now.

"Ye Wang, the Sword God has agreed to let you take them away, why don't you thank the Sword God?"

The clock must be right.

King Longye frowned and said, "Master, there is no evidence for Sword God, why are my father and them guilty?

It's time to let people go! "

Zhong Xu smiled helplessly, "Okay, you're right... Then let's go."

After saying that, Zhong Xuyou casually performed a space teleportation move and left with Long Ziyang and the others.

At this time, Ah Qun came behind Ye Fan and said, "Young master, let the tiger go back to the mountain, it will be difficult to kill in the future."

"As long as he still wants to die, I always have a chance to kill him."

Ye Fan felt that there was a little favor in selling the clock this time, which was actually not bad.

He had a hunch that sooner or later he would have another intersection with Zhong Xuyou.

"Sword God, since you have become the new patriarch, according to the ancestral system, there will be a succession ceremony..." Long Bahuang said.

Ye Fan waved his hand, "No need, starting today, this system will be cancelled."

"This...what kind of system is this!?"

"Yeah, the rules can't be messed up!"

A group of elders immediately questioned.

Ye Fan smiled and said, "Aren't the rules already rewritten since I became the patriarch?"

For a time, the elders were at a loss for words again, and they stopped talking in angrily.

"By the way, I have some other things to be busy with. You can report the affairs of the patriarch of the Shenlong royal family to this uncle next to me in the future."

Ye Fan stretched out his hand to introduce and said, "He is fully responsible for the daily affairs of my patriarch."

Ye Fan's purpose was to prevent Long Ziyang's lineage from continuing to use the Shenlong Royal Family.

As for the position of the patriarch, Ye Fan himself has no interest in doing it.

When Aqun heard it, he was stunned for a moment, and then he could only smile bitterly. He knew the thoughts of his young master.

However, as long as he helps Ye Fan share his worries, he doesn't care.

Originally, he was more familiar with the Shenlong Royal Family, and it was not difficult to deal with it.

"Absurd! It's absurd!!"

Long Yuxian couldn't bear it any longer, and scolded: "Sword God! Even if I wait to recognize you, you can never humiliate the entire Shenlong Royal Family!"

"Although the patriarch is not the most powerful person in the royal family, he is the manager of countless royal children, and he is the face of the royal family!"

"As soon as you became the patriarch, you handed over this power to an old servant?

Don't deceive people too much! ! "

Ye Fan said with a playful look on his face: "Small characters like Long Siyou and Long Tatian can be the patriarch. My uncle Qun is just an agent of daily affairs, so why not?"

"Long Siyou and Long Tatian are not as good as Long Ziyang, but they are still Star Gods..." Before Long Yuxian could finish his words, he suddenly felt a sudden surge of dragon might! When Ah Qun raised his hand, a divine thunder at his fingertips turned into a mad dragon, and shot a dragon crossbow, which was the "Lei King Arrow"! "Boom!! -" Thunder Dragon cut through the sky, completely shocking all kinds of doubts! As the divine thunder change move of the Heavenly Secret Dragon Crossbow, this is the Six Tribulations Azure Dragon Technique! Long Yuxian and a group of elders were stunned to discover that the "old servant" in front of them was not as simple as they thought! ! Ye Fanxin said that this Ah Qun was quite alert. He only used the Six Tribulations Azure Dragon Skill and did not reveal too much, so that Ye Wuxie's identity would not be easily revealed.

"I'm an old servant, I'm going to represent the affairs of the clan, is there any problem?"

Ye Fan asked again.

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