My Cold and Beautiful Wife

Chapter 4107: free will

Han Yinzheng saw that Ye Fan was silent for a long time, thinking that there was a big problem.

"Ye Fan, what's wrong with you?

Am I doing something wrong? "

Ye Fan took a deep breath and murmured meaningfully: "Perhaps... 'free will' really doesn't exist?"

"What did you say?"

Han Yinzheng was even more confused.

Ye Fan felt that it was necessary to explain it to Han Yinzheng, the "novice Nuwa".

"Yinzheng, do you think thinking has boundaries?"

"Boundaries of thought?"

Ye Fan nodded: "Yes, for example, when you shape life forms, you can't shape them into shapes that you have never imagined."

Han Yinzheng asked back: "Isn't this a matter of course?

I have never imagined, how to shape it? "

"But the question is, when you have identified what a 'human' is, can you really identify other forms of life as a 'human'?"

Ye Fan gave an example: "For example, I come from a bronze civilization, and I have black hair, while most golden races are blond and silver."

"But no matter what the color of the hair, the difference in skin color and facial features, we can all be counted as 'people'."

"But if you were asked to create a snake or a bird, would you still be able to categorize them as 'people'?"

Han Yinzheng said with a smile: "The snake and the bird are not human at all!"


"Because they look different."

"But do Aslan and I look the same?"

Han Yinzheng said: "People need both hands and feet, so there must be a standard for the outline..." "The question is, who set this standard?

On what basis did the person who first set this standard set it? "

Being asked by Ye Fan, Han Yinzheng didn't know how to answer for a while.

"Look, when you haven't been to Wutai, the bronze civilization you know is an extremely backward, barbaric world that is full of blood and blood."

"If you never go to Wutai, the bronze civilization you know will never change."

"From a certain point of view, your visit to Wutai is an ideological breakthrough."

"By analogy, will there be a day when you will find out that 'people' don't have to have hands and feet, eyes and a nose?"

Han Yinzheng's eyes are a little confused: "Is there such a possibility..." Ye Fan sighed: "I thought that this is the world I created, these beings are the lives I created, what they become, they should be I'm in control."

"However, at present, if we want to develop civilization, we must have 'people', but human beings seem to have been fixed in this shape."

"In philosophy, there is a concept called 'free will'."

"Simply put, all changes in the body, including the mind, are not entirely determined by physical cause and effect."

"From this point of view, free will should have no boundaries, just like the infinite universe in the big world, it has infinite possibilities."

"However, if 'free will' does not exist, it means that all your thoughts and actions have a 'scope'!"

Ye Fan said sternly: "That is to say, you can only make 'people' look like 'people'. No matter how you try, people will look like this."

Han Yinzheng had goosebumps all over his body, more or less, he finally understood.

"You mean... even if you are the creator, you can't fully control the life you create?"

"Because... in the world we live in, everything has been established with strict rule boundaries?"

Ye Fan nodded: "Actually, when I was in the fifth wife, I already noticed that many problems felt like a system, with rules and regulations, and they were limited to certain rules."

"I thought that when I reached the realm of the creator, I could break this kind of frame, but... it seems that it still won't work."

"However, this is just my conjecture for the time being, whether free will really exists, I have to try more..." Han Yinzheng's expression became a lot more serious, "Suddenly I feel that I am doing something very heavy. "

"Music is the expression of your thoughts. You can try more and see if you can see a completely new civilization."

Han Yinzheng nodded, "I see, I will try more new methods, and even change some instruments and use different notes..." "It's the best, it's going to be **** you."

"You know how hard I work?

I feel like I've been playing the piano for hundreds of years, can you give me a break? "

Han Yinzheng asked with an aggrieved look on her face.

Ye Fan smiled, "If you want to rest, rest, can I still force you to be squeezed?"

"Then should you reward me with something?"

Han Yinzheng immediately climbed up the pole.

Ye Fan felt that there was no problem, "Tell me, what do you want?"

Han Yinzheng smiled beautifully, and suddenly hugged Ye Fan's arm, leaning against the man's arms.

"Yinzheng, you..." "Shh, I'll sleep in your arms for a while, okay?"

Ye Fan was silent, unable to bear to refuse such a humble little request.

He sat down on the grass on the hillside, let Han Yinzheng lean on him, and closed his eyes to rest.

From the high slope, Ye Fan can see the villages in the distance. These primitive beings are developing their own civilization step by step.

In their bodies, the blood of unparalleled sword intent was flowing.

Because of this, they break the mountains and crush the rocks and are strong.

Ye Fan reckoned that if they knew how to practice swords, they should be able to do more with less.

Of course, they themselves didn't realize it.

Then again, these swordsmen were created by him, so he is very talented in swordsmanship.

Then their big world, the fifth wife, is too complicated.

Then... Could it be because the dragon is all-encompassing that it has created so many rich civilizations?

Could it be that the big world they live in, all these rules are set by the dragon?

Only by reaching or surpassing the dragon can we truly obtain "free will"?

If this is the case, the vast beings are only living in a "cage", like countless pets kept in captivity by dragons, is it a kind of sadness?

It is true that life has its own needs, how can a child know the joy of a fish if it is not a fish?

Perhaps ignorance is a blessing.

But cultivators like him, countless people who pursue the way of heaven, if they knew that "the way of heaven" is just a cake drawn for them, how would they feel?

When you know that the "happiness" and "sense of achievement" you get are just cold "rules", can that really satisfy you?

"Crossing the river...Crossing the river...Old foodie, this is all you can think of, the only way out..." Ye Fan thought about it a lot, and before he knew it, the time passed.

Until Ah Qun's voice came from outside.

"Master, the people who are supposed to come have already arrived."

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