My Cold and Beautiful Wife

Chapter 4126: dragon

The world changes color!

Dozens of real dragons burning with different dragon flames, shuttled and tossed, and the aura of aura triggered the vision of heaven and earth.

Lightning and thunder, wind and rain, and dark clouds roll in, as if the end is coming!

Soon, these dozens of dragons lined up in front of Ye Fan according to their realm.

At the head are three blue dragons, followed by five golden dragons, thirteen fire dragons, and twenty or so dragons...

These were the demon dragons that Ye Fan brought out from the East Emperor Ruins.

During the tens of thousands of years when Ye Fan was in retreat, they were also in the Dragon Pond and never came out.

Some demon dragons died in the middle, but with a solid foundation, most demon dragons survived.

However, it is indeed not easy for a demon dragon to advance to the Shenlong family, and there are very few who can become a blue dragon.

Of these three blue dragons, the strongest is the daughter of the patriarch Jin Yao, Jin Yu, who has been for five eons.

The other two blue dragons were only three robbers.

Compared with Xiao Jin, the evolution speed of these demon dragons is really slow.

But Xiaojin followed Ye Fan and went from heaven to earth. There were many adventures, and the supplements he ate were too numerous to mention. With Ye Fan's advice, the progress was naturally rapid.

Compared with the Divine Dragon Clan in Jiuyuan, these demon dragons have actually made great progress.

As long as it is a Shenlong family, even a Jiaolong is not comparable to an ordinary gold-level cultivator.

From that Silvi's silver-winged flying dragon, it can be seen that he can fight against the gold level.

Qinglong, even more so, is beyond the reach of ordinary star gods.

The Shenlong family is strong in physicality and recovery, and the innate racial advantage allows them to easily defeat other races in the same realm.

Under the Creator, except for a special case like Ye Fan, no one dared to say that they could defeat Qinglong.

Even if it is less than eight calamities, it is almost an existence that cannot be killed.

And you can't kill Qinglong, but Qinglong can kill you. This is an insurmountable gap.

"Lord Sword God, call me to wait, but what chance can I serve you?"

Jin Yu led a group of dragon companions and humbly lowered the arrogant dragon head.

They believe that they have made rapid progress and are far stronger than tens of thousands of years ago.

But compared with this one, it is not a concept at all!

Ye Fan exudes the aura of the Nine Tribulations Azure Dragon, if the aura is fully activated, it can scare them out of dragon urine!

"In a few days, in this world, there will be a group of outsiders hunting."

"I hope that they will regret coming to this world."

Ye Fan briefly explained his plan.

Jin Yu and the others quickly understood the meaning, and there was a look of anticipation in the huge dragon eyes.

"Don't worry, Lord Sword God, we will definitely prepare a unique hunting event for them."

Ye Fan nodded, "Although most of those guys are nothing to worry about, it's hard to keep a few powerful ones, and they may temporarily move rescue troops."

"If you are in danger, don't force it, and I don't want you to die."

Jin Yu smiled and said, "Lord Sword God, without you, where would our family be today?"

"I haven't had a chance to repay the Sword God. If the opponent is too weak, this hunt will be boring."

"What's more, life and death have fate. I have evolved from the demon dragon, and I have already seen life and death in the dragon pond, so why should I be afraid?"

The remaining two Qinglongs also agreed.

"Yes, I'm just waiting for this to practice my hands."

"It is my fortune to work for Lord Sword God!"

A piece of flattery, very loud.

After all, following Ye Fan and tasting the sweetness, if Ye Fan can give more pointers, he can take a few more advanced steps.

There are dragon belts and self-enlightenment, but they are completely different!

Ye Fan knows it well, but if this group of dragons can continue to improve, it will also help him a lot, which is mutually beneficial.

"Lord Sword God, everything else is easy to say, but there is one thing that I'm a little worried about," Jin Yu said.

"What's up?"

"If the prey that comes, finds that we dragons are waiting here, they will definitely be more vigilant, and even hug into a group."

"How can we keep them scattered and not discover our whereabouts too early?"

Ye Fan frowned, this is a problem.

These golden civilization guys are not stupid. When they see the Shenlong family, they naturally won't take the initiative to move up.

Once they form a group and withdraw directly, it will be a waste of effort.

Ye Fan couldn't do it himself, let alone make the whole thing seem premeditated.

Even then, he would have to pretend to protect these guys, which would be funny.

"If there is any way to make these people spread out and keep them farther away, and then I will deal with them one by one, it will be easy," Jin Yu said.

Ye Fan thought for a while and came up with a plan.

"The thunder beast in the Amakusa world can be used."

"Master Sword God is saying, use these beasts to attract the attention of those people and distract them?"

Ye Fan nodded, "Not bad."

The Amakusa people can't count on them, because they move too slowly, and the Thunder Beast's speed is very fast, just enough to be used as bait.

"Although I can use the Dragon Eyes, the range is limited. If the distance is long, I'm afraid I can't control these beasts."

Ye Fan smiled, "I have an 'Ancient Barbarian Beast Mastery' here, you should be able to learn it easily."

"Using the beast-fighting technique, even if they are separated by thousands of miles, they can make them act according to the plan."

This method was obtained from the ancient fairy world of the earth back then, and Ye Fan has never had the chance to use it.

I didn't expect that in such a distant day, in such a world, it would be handed over to a group of dragons.

It was easy for Jin Yu and others to learn this kind of low-level magic, and they quickly mastered it flexibly.

After finding a group of thunder beasts and controlling them, they were no longer afraid of the Shenlong clan and acted obediently.

Seeing this scene, Ye Fan felt somewhat emotional.

In fact, these thunder beasts, just like those Amakusa people, aren't they also lives?

But he couldn't be perfect either, and he had to sacrifice something for the bigger picture.

As the station's position got higher and higher, Ye Fan couldn't help but feel especially how he felt when Ye Wuya made some cruel choices...

"I have to transfer most of the Amakusa people and some scattered tribes, and I will leave them to you."

Ye Fan couldn't let the Amakusa people hide by himself, he could only use the world of swords to temporarily take these people in.

After a lot of work, there were already hundreds of millions of Tiancao Ren in Ye Fan's world of swords.

They didn't know what happened, they just thought it was some kind of miracle, and they all worshiped in various ways.

Ye Fan asked Han Yinzheng to take care of it, and don't let the local natives fight with them.

After the dragon hunt, let them go back to their hometown.

However, Han Yinzheng had a different opinion, "Since they were sent in, why should they be released again?"

Ye Fan was stunned, "Did you stay here all the time?"

"The world is big enough, and you can keep expanding if you want."

Han Yinzheng said: "If that's the case, why don't you join some races and try to develop multi-racial culture?"

"Just like the big world outside, isn't it also the contact of various races that promotes the progress of civilization?"

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