My Cold and Beautiful Wife

Chapter 4128: absorb

4128 Attraction

A group of elders such as Longbahuang have turned green!

These avatars are also transformed by the emperor's sword intent, no matter the lethality or coercion, they are stronger than them!

Conservatively, they should all have the fighting power of the Star God!

The point is, there are hundreds of giants? !

Doesn't that mean that Ye Fan alone can dispatch hundreds of Star Gods! ?

"The patriarch is worthy of being a sword god, and his handwriting is extraordinary. These hundreds of clones are afraid that the entire Shenqi Empire will tremble!!"

"I have never heard of which adjudicator and main **** have such magical powers!"

"It is unheard of for a clone to have independent consciousness and act separately!!"

A group of elders is both sighing and flattering, and the chain continues.

Ye Fan thought it was funny, "I only took out more than two hundred, and I didn't take out 10,000 clones. Are you exaggerating?"


The eyes of the elders are about to fall out!

"Patriarch, don't you have more than these clones?!"

"Dang... there are really tens of thousands of such Sword Intent clones!?"

The elders' tongues trembled.

Ye Fan shrugged, "It should be there, I forgot it myself, but it's just a small trick to win by quantity. In front of a real master, it can't play a key role."

It's not just using the sword intent to shape the spirit, the higher the cultivation base, the more the number.

Ye Fan shook his head. Mass-produced things are not very rare for him.

There were several elderly elders next to them, and their faces were not right. They took out a few spiritual pills and swallowed them, suppressing the shock.

"Haha... as expected of the Sword God..." Long Yuxian smiled awkwardly.

The elders couldn't help but sigh in their hearts. Of course, it was "God", but they didn't listen to it. Are they talking about "human" words! ?

Even the well-informed elders were shocked, not to mention the group of candidates below.

Almost everyone is pale, and the black-gold liquid swordsman in front of them is like an invincible nightmare!

"Don't be nervous, this is just a test, each Sword Intent clone has the same combat power."

Ye Fan said at this time, "Although you can use all your skills, just go all out."

A daring talent asked respectfully, "Patriarch! How can I pass the test?"

"It's very simple, the ten men and ten women who fight to the end will be automatically selected for this dragon hunt," Ye Fan said.

"What if you win? Can you be selected directly?" a man asked.


Ye Fan simply replied: "All of you together, you can't win any of my clones."


Thousands of people at the scene fell into a long silence again...

More than 200 young talents, even more annoyed, looked at the man who "asked more questions".

Ask what? Involve them in humiliation together!

Ye Fan waved his hand, "Okay, let's get started, and declare in advance that if you can't stand it, you will withdraw from the martial arts field."

"Although I won't kill you, but if you don't know what you can do... the pain of flesh and blood is inevitable."

Having said that, many people immediately retreated.

Even some family elders began to let their precious children withdraw quickly, and they were very worried.

Ye Fan didn't care so much, and let hundreds of clones make moves directly.

In an instant, in the entire martial arts arena, sword lights danced wildly, dragon flames roared, and various tricks of divine dragon nine transformations emerged one after another.

As soon as the fight started, everyone's attention was once again attracted by these Sword God clones.

At first, they also felt that it was impossible for all clones to have their own independent consciousness, which was too outrageous.

But when I really looked at it, I found that these clones were all top sword kings! Martial arts master!

The impeccable swordsmanship, the unpredictable movement of the gods and ghosts, and the skills of seeing these clones can make those clansmen present feel ashamed!

"Hey... This old man has been practicing hard for 30,000 years, but he is not as good as a clone of Sword God..."

Among the elders, an old man with white hair sighed.

The elders next to him were also silent, but their eyes were obviously a little sour.

"Patriarch, forgive me, do these clones have their own souls? Why are they all adaptable?"

Long Yuxian couldn't help it, and asked the doubts in his heart.

Ye Fan said lightly: "Forget it, they all have most of my combat abilities, and naturally they also include combat experience."

"How is that possible? No, the patriarch can divide the primordial spirit into tens of thousands, right?"

"Whatever the points, it's enough to directly shape the primordial spirit. I usually have nothing to do, so I shape a few hundred, and gradually there are more..."

Ye Fan replied casually, but the expressions of the elders next to him had completely collapsed!

Nothing to do... Create hundreds of primordial spirits! ?

This... how can they take this word! ?

"The patriarch is the creator, and naturally has the magical powers of creation. You don't have to think too much about it," A Qun said with relief.

A group of people listened, and finally felt a little better. Yes, it must be because the Creator can do this!

Just as he was talking, fifty or sixty candidates in the martial arts field had already been eliminated.

Some of these people fled by themselves, and some of them failed in basic skills and were quickly defeated.

Just when the remaining 100 people thought they had a good chance, the situation suddenly changed!

These Sword Intent clones have even strengthened their swordsmanship again, and their speed and strength have been improved again! ?

"Every time, these clones of mine will improve their combat power, but they are all at the same level."

Ye Fan smiled and said, "These clones use my swordsmanship."

"If you want to come to me today to ask about swordsmanship, then try to persevere as much as possible."

When the swordsmen below heard this, they all became excited and took it seriously.

As time passed, batch after batch of men and women were brushed down.

The number of Sword Intent clones in the field has also been reduced to more than fifty.

Ye Fan just started and looked at it seriously.

I have to say that among these people, there are indeed a few good seedlings.

"Abundant talents..."

With Ye Fan's current vision, the swordsman who can make him fall in love must be a genius among geniuses.

These people must not only have solid basic skills, but also have their own unique understanding of swordsmanship.

Moreover, this kind of understanding must be recognized by Ye Fan. It is not purely flower work, but has development potential.

"Hehe, patriarch, our Shenlong royal family is the genius of Shenlong who has almost taken over the entire world."

"What you've seen is the blood and blood of generations of geniuses. Even if it is impossible for them to become talents, naturally there will be no shortage of geniuses."

"If you can get the guidance of the patriarch, it will not take many years for the swordsmen in the clan to have a blowout!"

"Yeah, although I don't expect another emperor sword to appear, but more top sword kings will greatly enhance the combat power of the entire royal family."

A group of elders were very proud when they saw Ye Fan complimenting the children.

Ye Fan didn't pay much attention to what they said. His eyes were all attracted by a dazzling figure...

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