My Cold and Beautiful Wife

Chapter 4156: what happened

Camp refuge cave.

With the distance of the two blue dragons, the area finally returned to calm.

"Father! Are you alright!"

Gu Hong returned safely under the **** of Huai Zhun and Zhou Xian, and "concerned" about Emperor Tian Zhao as soon as he arrived.

"Just a few of you back?"

Emperor Tianzhao took a look and asked.

Gu Hong hesitated slightly, and then showed a sad look: "Could it be that the ninth brother hasn't come back yet?

! "

"You still ask the lonely?

What about the old nine? "

Emperor Tianzhao asked.

"My son asked the ninth brother to come back first, but you also know that the old ninth has a stubborn temper and can't persuade him at all."

"He wants to cover for the son, saying that when the son leaves, he will come here to meet."

"Erchen didn't see him all the way, I thought he came back first, after all, the ninth brother is a golden cultivation base."

Gu Hong slapped the wall with a face full of regret, "I shouldn't have let him go!"

Emperor Tianzhao's expression did not change, but looked at the mysterious umbrella man behind.

"Huaizhun, with your strength, as long as the five-clawed golden dragon doesn't chase and kill you, you should protect yourself."

"I ask you, why did you come back first, but the ninth prince didn't come back?"

Huaizun frowned, this question is very sharp.

He wanted to say that he was only responsible for the safety of the eldest prince, although he helped Gu Hong to excuse himself, but he also admitted that he would not save Xinghe.

But if Gu Hong ordered him to retreat first, it would be a betrayal of the eldest prince, and his achievements over the years and the efforts of the Xuanming Royal Family would be in vain.

Just as he was at a loss, Zhou Xian, who was behind, took a step forward.

"Reporting to Your Majesty, Lord Huaizhun is also helpless. The two five-clawed golden dragons can move in space. Your Lord does not dare to leave Prince Hong too far."

"At first, I defended it with the ninth prince, but after the battlefield was chaotic, I couldn't take care of it."

"After all, His Royal Highness Xinghe is an academy student, a golden swordsman, and should be safer than the eldest prince."

"If Your Majesty wants to blame, please also blame Wei Chen. It was Wei Chen who was worried about the safety of the eldest prince and secretly sent a message to Lord Huai Zhun to tell him not to leave too far."

Gu Hong heard this, rolled his eyes, and quickly reprimanded: "Zhou Xian!! Why are you so confused!?

How can this kind of thing not be reported to this king first! ? "

Emperor Tianzhao's face was gloomy, "Zhou Xian, you are a gold ninth rank, second only to the Star God, and you can't even **** Prince Hong away?"

"My minister... guilty!"

Zhou Xian knelt down with sincerity.

Huai Zhun said nothing, and only then said: "Your Majesty, although I am waiting in the golden civilization, most people of the Shenlong family will never see them in their entire lives."

"Now in this bronze world, there are so many divine dragons suddenly appearing, and it is still a high-level five-clawed golden dragon battle. Zhou Xian's nervousness is inevitable."

Emperor Tianzhao sneered, " all have reasons, but there is no one to say a word of gratitude to Lao Jiu."

"Father, if the ninth brother has three strengths and two weaknesses, my son... my son is willing to accept all punishments!!"

Gu Hong looked sad and his eyes were red.

"Brother Huang, if the ninth brother has an accident, of course you will be punished, but you also need your own consent?"

Tian Hao had already returned at this time, and immediately scolded him when he saw the machine: "It is clear that we can evacuate together safely, but the command is improper, so that the life and death of the ninth brother is unknown!"

"In the end, the ninth brother treats you as a brother, but you only think about yourself!!"

Gu Hong's eyes showed a gloomy look, but knowing that now is not the time to refute and justify, he can only continue to be sad and sad.

"Imperial Father! My son is really worried, so I'll take someone out to find the ninth brother!"

Tian Hao said, brought the red-haired ghost and his party, and was about to go out.


Emperor Tianzhao shouted: "Isn't it messy enough!?

The Shenlong Clan only left temporarily, but they are still outside. "

"If you meet again, do you still have to find a way to rescue the loneliness!?"

Of course Tianhao knew that the old man would not let him go out, and immediately showed helplessness.

"My son's consideration is not good, and the father, the emperor, calm down."

Pang Xun said with a smile at this time: "His Royal Highness is also worried about the safety of the Ninth Prince. It is understandable that the brotherhood is deep."

Emperor Tianzhao looked at the faces of this group of people, and was inexplicably irritable.

They were all people from the past, how could he not know what tricks his two sons were playing.

In the past, when he saw it in his eyes and smiled in his heart, he would not be disgusted. After all, the family of emperors was like this.

But I don't know why, recently, he feels more and more tired... Could it be that, as Yu Shengyan said, he is... old?

Emperor Tianzhao looked at the vast sky outside with a memory in his eyes.

"Back then... I was alone in the Anda civilization, and was plotted against by villains, and was also besieged by monsters, so I met Mu Concubine."

"Mu Concubine is a heroic, courageous, and extraordinary hero. She helped the orphan get out of trouble, and then she became attached to Xinghe..." "In these years, I have been busy with government affairs and rarely visit her."

"If this time, Xinghe has a mishap... Gu Wu has no face, goodbye Mu Concubine..." Just when Emperor Tian Zhao was disappointed, two figures appeared from a distance.


"The Ninth Prince is back!"

As soon as Xinghe entered the cave, he subconsciously wanted to salute.

"My son has seen..." "No need to salute!"

Emperor Tianzhao went up to support him and said with a smile: "It's good to come back, it's good to come back..." Xinghe looked puzzled, not understanding what happened.

Since his mother Mu Concubine fell out of favor, he has not had physical contact with Emperor Tianzhao for a long time.

When Gu Hong saw this, he was a little uneasy, and his brows jumped.

Tianhao had a look of joy on his face, and went up to hug Xinghe happily.

"Lao Jiu, fortunately, you came back safely, I am really anxious to death this palace!"

Gu Hong bit the bullet and went up to concern: "Ninth brother, are you alright?

Thanks to you this time, if you make a mistake, this king will be uneasy for the rest of his life. "

"I'm fine. Thanks to Miss Chu Xi with me this time, it's a lot safer for the two of us to join forces."

Xinghe looked calm and didn't say much.

"Anyway, it's the eldest brother who owes you this time. If the ninth brother needs anything, just mention it to this king!"

Xinghe shook his head, "Brother, don't be polite, am I okay?"

Gu Hong smiled and said, "You're fine..." Emperor Tianzhao asked, "Old Jiu, the girl next to you is the girl next to Sword God, right?"

"Long Chuxi, I have seen Your Majesty." Long Chuxi saluted neither humbly nor arrogantly.

"Okay, thank you for accompany the ninth prince back safely, and there is a great reward for going back," Emperor Tianzhao said with a satisfied smile.

"Your Majesty, I accompany your Highness Xinghe because I want to watch the battle of the five-clawed golden dragon, not for a reward."

"However, His Royal Highness Xinghe, in order to save people, does not hesitate to put himself in danger. It is really admirable, you should reward him."

Long Chuxi said, looking at Gu Hong without shyness.

This made Gu Hong break out in a cold sweat, and clenched his hands again.

Emperor Tianzhao frowned, "Oh?

Lao Jiu, tell Gu the truth, what happened at that time? "

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