My Cold and Beautiful Wife

Chapter 4161: why are you laughing

Not long after, a fat man with a big belly, dressed in gold and silver, and very flamboyant, walked in.

"The Bie clan, the Anda Chamber of Commerce Biedongtian, pay tribute to His Majesty Emperor Shenqi!"

At this time, Emperor Tianzhao had a calm expression on his face, and raised his hand gracefully.

"Get up, why don't the president come here today?"

Bie Dongtian grinned and said, "I came here this time because of the natural disaster of the beastly beasts in Lingyuan."


Emperor Tianzhao didn't ask much, looked at him quietly, and let Bie Dongtian speak for himself.

"I don't know, what is your Majesty going to do with the flood of magical beasts?"

"A lot of goods in the Chamber of Commerce have been damaged halfway because of monsters recently. I'm really anxious."

Only then did Emperor Tianzhao say: "The location of the ridge is special, and it is close to the Anda civilization. I don't know where the Anda civilization is. What do you think about this natural disaster?"

Bie Dongtian sighed, "To tell the truth, I am also the director of the Golden Roulette Conference."

"The news I just got is that as long as the natural disaster does not cross the border, the Anda Civilization side will not pay attention to it."

"But... as a result, the trade of our Anda Chamber of Commerce will be interrupted for a long time."

"Your Majesty, the Chamber of Commerce is involved in the necessities of life for a large number of ordinary people. Please calm down the natural disaster as soon as possible..."

Emperor Tianzhao asked, "If during the pacification process, the beasts went to Anda, what would happen to them?"

Bie Dongtian smiled and said, "I'm here for this!"

"Oh? What do you mean?"

"Your Majesty, I am in charge of foreign affairs on behalf of the Bie clan, and I can still speak at the roulette meeting."

"As long as Your Majesty agrees, a temporary alliance between Shen Qi and Anda will be established to be responsible for this time when the demon beasts are in charge of pacifying the chaos. I can convince about Anda."

Emperor Tianzhao's eyes lit up, "Temporary alliance?"

"That's right," said Biedongtian, "Your Majesty sent a member of the royal family to contact our Anda Civilization to be jointly responsible for this disaster."

"If the magical beasts didn't invade Anda, it would be the best. If they enter Anda's territory, we will be responsible for sending Anda warriors to resist."

"In this way, the two sides can communicate with each other, and any problems can be resolved through negotiation, and there will be no misunderstandings."

Emperor Tianzhao made more sense the more he listened, "Good! Good! Don't be president, you are indeed a talent sent by Anda, this idea is really good!"

Emperor Tianzhao couldn't help but pointed at the civil and military officials present in disgust.

"You all have a good look! Listen carefully! This is the attitude of sharing your worries for the lonely and doing things for the country!"

"If there are more people like President Bie, this natural disaster will need to be delayed until the end of the dragon hunt!?"

The officials present bowed their heads in shame.

"Royal father, don't the president's suggestion is very good. As a prince, I have to do my part. I am willing to share the worries for the emperor!" Tian Hao said immediately.

Now that we have cooperated with Anda Civilization, the hidden dangers have been eliminated, so naturally we cannot let go of this great opportunity!

"His Royal Highness has a distinguished status, and he has no experience in leading troops, so it's better for my son to go!" Gu Hong refused to let it go.

Emperor Tianzhao was annoyed when he saw the greed and shameless appearance of these two sons.

If it weren't for his own lack of skills, he would have liked to do this by himself!

However, if you don't send members of the royal family, it will not be enough, making Anda feel that he doesn't care.

Bie Dongtian said at this time: "Your Majesty, on the side of Anda civilization, if there is no accident, it should be the direct line members of the twelve heroic clans."

"Whether it is the Crown Prince or Prince Hong, any member of the royal family will not humiliate their noble status, please rest assured."

When he said this, Emperor Tianzhao suddenly felt a shudder in his heart...

Any royals?

Wait, I am not the only two sons!

In Tian Zhao's mind, a figure that he had never considered before suddenly popped up.

"This matter, think about it again, you all retreat first!"

Gu Hong and the prince wanted to say something, but Emperor Tianzhao left.

The two groups of people stared at each other hostilely for a while, and they had to retreat first, planning to go back and find a way to seize the opportunity.

After Emperor Tianzhao left the Qiming Palace, he went around and came to the Mu'an Palace.

"Your Majesty, don't you mean..." Yu Shengyan followed behind, seeming to understand something.

"Hehe, Gu was in the hall just now, and I thought of it, Mu Concubine is the real descendant of the twelve heroes, the blood of the Zuoqiu clan."

Emperor Tianzhao smiled and said, "After so many years, Gu almost forgot about it."

"In terms of being familiar with the Anda civilization and dealing with the Anda people, is there anything more suitable than Mu Concubine?"

Yu Shengyan nodded with emotion: "Indeed, the 'Zuo Qiumu' back then was also a generation of outstanding female middle school talents. It's really a shame that Your Majesty can deceive him."

"Go away! What is cheating!? Gu and Mu Concubine are the truth in adversity!"

Emperor Tianzhao was also used to the vicious tongue of this courtier.

"But Your Majesty, you will never let the empress do the battle, right? Although there is no problem with strength, but..."

"You, you! Yu Shengyan, your head was kicked?"

Emperor Tianzhao laughed and scolded: "Lao Jiu's body is the blood of Gu and Mu Concubine. Isn't he also half a descendant of the twelve heroes?"

"Prince Xinghe?"

"Yeah, in this alliance, in the royal family, who is more suitable to be the person in charge than Lao Jiu?"

Yu Shengyan looked astonished, "Your Majesty Shengming."

Emperor Tianzhao was also very proud, "This is called wide-opening of ideas. You, a military advisor, are also old!"

After that, Emperor Tianzhao rushed into Mu'an Palace, intending to tell Mu Concubine about this matter.

After Emperor Tianzhao left, Yu Shengyan's expression was subtle.

He hooked his finger, and an unremarkable **** came to him.

"Go and check, Bie Dongtian has been in contact with someone recently..."

Outside the City of Fate, in a quiet courtyard.

Long Ziyang was sitting cross-legged under a giant tree, and he slowly opened his eyes when he noticed someone was coming.

"It's you?"

The old man in gray stood in front with a smile on his face, it was Ah Qun.

"Having lived here for some days, I thought, you will change place."

Long Ziyang grinned, "Sword God asked you to come?"

Ah Qun nodded, "Master, let me tell you, kill yourself, he is too lazy to get his hands dirty."

"Ha ha…"

Long Ziyang laughed loudly when he heard the words, "Sword God can really joke... To be honest, since I entered the eight calamities, I really don't even know how I died."

"Don't worry, you'll know soon," Ah Qun said with a faint smile.

Long Ziyang squinted, "I really didn't expect that the Sword God would be so relentless in pursuit... But before I fight, I want to ask you something."

"What's the matter?"

"Ye Wuxie, is that you?" Long Ziyang's eyes were like torches.

Ah Qun didn't say anything, just smiled.

"Eight robbery blue dragon, it won't come out of nothing, it won't be such a coincidence..."

Ah Qun found a stone bench beside him and sat down silently.

"You already have the answer in your heart, so why ask more."

Long Ziyang heard the words, his eyes shining brightly: "Sure enough! I won't die so easily!"

"However, even if the Sword God is in person, he can't do anything to me."

"My dragon soul is immortal, even if you are Ye Wuxie, what can you do?"

Ah Qun sighed and shook his head with a smile.

"why are you laughing?"

Long Ziyang felt slighted, which made him very annoyed.

Even if he was not a big man before, but he has endured humiliation for so long and achieved eight calamities, he should be respected!

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