My Cold and Beautiful Wife

Chapter 825: Ancient god


Ai Er nodded. "Yeah, let them know, they only worry about me, don't know, but don't have to get involved in the underground world."

Otherwise, why do I have to pretend to be a man and keep changing my face? Not just to prevent anyone from doubting it. ”

Ye Fan was amazed, but then he was even more puzzled: "Ai Er... oh... the president."

"Just call me Ai Er," Ai Er said.

"Good... Ai Er", Ye Fan is also a bit confused, how to call the other party: "I still don't understand, relying on your ability, to avoid Oleg, to avoid Frederick's proposal, it is easy.

Why do you have to run me here and drag me down? It’s not always, I have to come to protect you? ”

Ai Er’s eyes showed a sigh of apology. "I'm sorry, I really can't think of anything else... It's a long story, it involves the Tenjin Magic Training Institute..."

"What is the Tenjin Magic Training Institute?" Mu Mumu curious.

Ye Fan felt that these things did not need to conceal the women, so he said: "Get on the bus first, say on the road."

When everyone returned to the car, Song Yang did not go with him, so he could sit down if he squeezed.

"Where are we going?" Su Xiaoxue asked.

Ye Fan drove the car and said: "I wanted to take you to Purgatory Island, but the situation there is still unclear. I am afraid that there will be an accident on the road.

Moreover, Yueying and Yunyao are not there. It is impossible to bring them all abroad at once, so... it is still the safest to stay in Huahai. However, it is true that there is only one place in Huahai that is safe."

"Jiangnan Military Region?" Ning Zi thought about it.

Ye Fan nodded. "Yes, I will let Lao Xie arrange it. At the same time, let the Dragon King know."

"Why do you want the Dragon King to know, will it be too complicated?" asked Ning Zi.

Not waiting for what Ye Fan said, Su Xiaoxue said: "It is to be complicated. Now that the Magnesium people want to get the formula, then Xia Guo will certainly not allow such a thing to happen."

“Yes,” Ye Fan said with a smile: “General Robert thought that I was guarding each other with the Dragon Soul and guarding each other, but there was no absolute ally in the world, no absolute enemy.

The enemies of the enemy are friends. The reason why I was able to fight with the old dominators and the holy king court for two years was to drag the dark parliament down.

In the current situation, we must first control the missiles of the Magnesium Nationals. We will be stronger than our military, and we will not be able to keep everyone on the island. A missile of sufficient weight will destroy an island... This kind of thing must not happen.

At present, only the navy and missiles of Xia Guo have the capital to compete with the magnesium country. After all, Yunyao has made a lot of technology from the Earth's axis, which makes the magnesium people very jealous. ”

The girls nodded, but the foggy night was a bit worried: "Brother, although this can reduce the danger and greatly curb the military action of the Magnesium, but ... you owe the Xia Guojun military, and they may borrow later. I will talk to you about the conditions."

Ye Fan sighed. "People are in the rivers and lakes. They can't help themselves. Let's go through this pass first. This is not a small-scale one-on-one battle. We are facing the army, even more powerful enemies... ..."

Fog night frowning: "Isn't Princess Ai is not there, with the strength and prestige of ‘air’, isn't it possible to deal with those warships?”

"I'm sorry..." Ai Er shook his head. "I can break down and destroy those warships, but they won't give me plenty of time and space."

Regardless of someone blocking me, even if I let go of a warship, it would take at least a few minutes, because those alloys are inherently stable and difficult to decompose.

Once they found out, they could launch missiles directly. I can protect myself, but they can't stop their missiles.

What's more... If you really ruin the million-dollar warships of the Magnesium Army, then this hatred can be big..."

Ye Fan smiled. "Ai Er, you don't have to blame yourself. This kind of thing can't be done by anyone. Otherwise, the army will develop any army."

I can only say that you and I are not strong enough. Who makes me not the Doomsday King, not the epic powerhouse like the Valkyrie? If I really stand on the top of the world, they are not afraid to offend.

You still tell me why your marriage is related to the Tenjin Magic Training Society..."

Ai Er said: "You may not think of it, in fact... the Prince Frederick is also a magician."

"What!?" Ye Fan really did not expect, the Prince of the Principality, and this identity! ?

Ai Er nodded: "He is very strong. He recognized me in a royal exchange. But he did not expose me, so... we were friends.

You may not understand that I am in the royal family. Although I have parents and relatives, I am actually very lonely... No one knows what I really are, so... there is a person who can talk, actually very good. .

Only in these few years, Frederick suddenly told me that I hope that I will join his mentor, the God of the Doomsday Magical Training...

The Doomsday King has trained many disciples. The seminar itself has many strong people. Their disciples are also very powerful. However, the Doomsday King seems to be very optimistic about me, and I hope that I can join them. ”

"What do you mean is... The reason why Frederick wants to marry you is not a simple marriage of the royal family. In fact, is the last kingship to recruit you?" Ye Fan suddenly realized.

"Gentre... I have a crush on me, but I refused him, and I really didn't want to join the seminar." Ai Er bit his lip and said: "I took it from President Maxim. When I passed the Association of Abilities, I agreed to the old president and guarded this neutral organization.

If I join the doomsday power, it will be involved in the battle between them and the ‘the ancient gods. That’s not what I want, and it will also be the same. ”

"and many more!"

Ye Fan wondered: "You just said... the ancient gods? What is that?"

Ai Er strangely said: "Ye Fan, you don't know? Didn't the Dragon King mention it to you?"

"No, I heard this name for the first time," Ye Fandao.

Ai Er was surprised, but he still explained: "In fact, I only know about it, because Frederick once mentioned it to me.

The Tianshen Magic Training Association has always had an old enemy, the ancient clan of Xia Guo.

Since the end of the king of law became the leader and changed his name to the last day of the kingship, among the clan of Xia Guo, as the epic powerful martial artist, he formed an ‘the ancient gods’ and competed with the last kingship.

It is said that before the appearance of the ancient gods, there were many contradictions between the clan, and a scattered sand was the emergence of the Valkyrie, so that the strong among these clan would be united.

The Doomsday King wants me to join them. In the final analysis, I hope that I will take the powers against the ancient gods. ”

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