My Cold and Beautiful Wife

Chapter 830: Song of spring


Although the two are legendary powerhouses, it is not difficult to think faster, but there are many people on the island and there are also many masters.

So in order to be on the safe side, they are still more willing to slow down, step by step, and take a group of their own subordinates.

At the crucial moment, as long as someone controls the scene for them, they just want to harvest the head.

"According to the intelligence of the sky, the passage of the stone in front of it is equipped with a secret compartment.

From there, there will be flammable gas on both sides, and it will ignite and detonate directly. It is extremely lethal, so we walked around! "Sylvia said."

Michael nodded. "We are copying from the left side, you are from the right side."

"Angel, if you encounter an enemy, keep fighting, don't chase," Silvia reminded.

"Oh, the elites of Bahamut and Buffalo are all blocked in the hundreds of thousands of miles away, and are restricted by the eyes of the people."

These devil's minions are not there, nothing terrible, if the people on the island meet us, I am afraid they will only run away! ”

"Sally leaves a group of Nether Guards, all of which are the product of the hybrid of humans and dark creatures. Although they are ugly monsters, they can also hurt people, or be careful," Sylvia said.

Michael's long sword waved, "Our holy king, full-time is to kill these monsters in the dark!"

In a word, Michael took the lead and rushed out.

Sylvia saw it, didn't say much, waved her hand and went up the mountain from the other side.

The men brought by the two are all elite soldiers, and they are all good at repairing.

All of a sudden, the two people avoided the good avenue, plunged into the woods, and climbed from the rugged mountain roads on both sides.

After passing through this area, the front is already a market town.

A variety of stone houses, and some wooden houses, with the construction of the terrain, are of different colors, presenting a beautiful picture of the island.

After the confluence, Michael frowned: "Why is there no one on this island? Are they not planning to escape?"

Sylvia also had some doubts: "According to the intelligence of the sky, they have two passages for emergency escape on the west and north sides, but the people we sent to stare did not see Signs of evacuation."

"Don't they plan to stay on the island and fight with us?" asked Michael.

"That is because they are looking for a dead end..." Sylvia sneered: "Our ships are surrounded by this sea, they escape, and they don't escape, they are all dead."

Said, Sylvia pointed to the market town in front, said: "There are strong explosives buried in the road, in the middle and on the left side of the road. We will not have anything to do from the road on the right side."

Michael smiled and said: "The devils, buried in the old nest they built, are really willing."

Sylvia didn't say much, with her own people, driving straight from a street on the right.

The two people were so vast that they rushed across the street, but they did not find anyone who came out to block them.

"Strange, I can't feel the breath. Did they give up the resistance?" Michael frowned, and with his and Hillia's cultivation, it was reasonable to say that he would first discover the enemy.

Sylvia also felt very surprised. "According to the intelligence of the sky, there are weapons underneath the blacksmith shop in front. There should be someone ambushing, from both sides..."

"There is no one at all, will it be a problem with the intelligence of the eye?" Michael suspicion.

Sylvia shook her head, "it is reasonable to say that there will be no mistakes."

"Maybe it is intentional? Zhuge Tianming is Xia Guoren after all, and Tianye is also the organization of Xia Guo. It is the same root as Lucifer. Will it be that they collude in secret, but actually entice us to go to the island?" Michael guessed.

Sylvia was immersed in meditation. "It may be that they are guilty. We approached and looked at it again. In front of the headquarters of inferno, there must be someone in the castle."

Just as a group of people passed a flower bed, a mermaid statue in the middle of the flower bed suddenly exploded!


At the moment of the sculpture blasting, a lot of dust is spreading!

"All luck is resisting! It is poison powder!!"

Michael and Sylvia opened the shield of Aura and Magic almost instantly, but the people they brought, some of the reactions did not keep up, and were contaminated by these dusts.

All of a sudden, these people began to appear partial ulceration, and the toxins quickly spread into their bodies, and they fell to the ground in pain.

"What's the situation!? Sylvia! Not that all the traps tell us all the days!" Michael was furious, and rushed out of the dusty area with his own people.

Because there has been nothing before, everyone has taken it lightly, but at the end it has lost more than a dozen elite players.

Sylvia couldn’t help but suspect that Ghost Valley provided intelligence. She pressed the communicator in her ear and found that the signal was disturbed and could not talk to the Ghost Valley messenger.

After the number of looks changed, Silvia said: "The front is the castle. We directly attacked and dig three feet. I don't believe that the people on the island can evaporate!"

Michael had to bite his teeth, but he had no idea what to do with the intelligence of the sky.

The pedestrians came to the castle tens of meters carefully and carefully, and the two heard the melodious sounds there.

"This dark breath... good life is disgusting," McKale's eyes flashed.

Sylvia also found the person who finally appeared in front of her. She looked up and saw a glimpse of the scorpion.

"Finally found you... Sally..."

I saw that on the top of the castle's highest dome, the white silver long hair with the sea breeze Sally leaves, like the goddess in ancient mythology, sitting gracefully.

In her arms, holding a golden harp, she played a beautiful movement gently.

Listening to the fresh and moving tunes, as if the situation in front of me, did not let Sally have any concerns.

"Mendellsson's 'Spring Song'... It's really good," Michelle immediately identified what the movement was.

Sylvia is more suspicious in her eyes, because she found that Sally did not have any anger and urgency, but she also cast a cold mysterious smile on them.

"Here she is alone... Asazil, Asmonis, they are not there, what she wants to do," Sylvia said.

"What do she want to do! Even if she is not good at the present, but it is not your opponent, it is not going to catch her, Lucifer will be subject to us!"

"Because she is obviously not our opponent, other people are not there, she is still playing the piano here, don't you think it is too strange, can you escape her why not escape?" Sylvia asked.

A glimpse of Michael, think about the sudden appearance of the poison powder trap, there is indeed a drum in the snack.

"First surround her, she can't escape, and then carefully search the surrounding situation, send people down, get in touch with people at sea to see if anyone escapes from the island... The closer to victory, the more cautious... "Silvia looked gloomy."

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