My Cold and Beautiful Wife

Chapter 859: not my business


Ye Fan was not afraid of him. When people stared at themselves, he stared at the people. The two eyes looked at each other for a while.

When Ye Longyuan finally blinked, he moved his eyes.

Ye Fan is proud of his heart. Hey, on the thick skin, he is not afraid of anyone.

After the speech hosted by the conference, Ye Longteng, as the Dragon King, made a speech at the opening of the conference and introduced everyone on the stage.

These heads have made detailed introductions, but to Ye Longyuan, Xiao Fengshan and Zhou Wei and others, they only made an introduction - the judges.

What makes Ye Fan somewhat surprised is that this Ye Feng is actually one of the judges.

Although it is said that the repair of Ye Feng, it is indeed enough to evaluate the participants of the scene, but how to look at it is like the taste of the relationship.

"This selection, Ye Longyuan judges, is the general judges, all candidates, whether or not they can be selected for the hidden dragons, will be judged by the general review.

I can tell you that the chief commander of Hidden Dragon is the general commentator of Ye. All of your selected people will be taught by him in the future.

The general comment of Ye is also the dragon king I used to be. His strength and his qualifications are far better than me.

From this point, everyone should be able to see that the importance of Hidden Dragon in Xia Guo is definitely not a unit of our Dragon Soul, but a powerful teacher who supports each other with our Dragon Soul!

I hope that everyone... can show the best of themselves in the selection of tomorrow, and join the hidden trumpdy of Xiaguo! ”

Everyone heard this, they are all in vain, this is the news that most people don't know.

Unexpectedly, the status of Hidden Dragon is so high, it is no wonder that so many heads are coming, and the selected ones can bring so many benefits to the family and the sect.

The identity of Ye Longyuan has made many people feel awe and curious. After all, Dragon King has always been open to public names. Whoever was the last Dragon King, no one really knows.

"Now, please deputy general comment, Mr. Xiao Fengshan, announce the rules of this selection", Ye Longteng.

Everyone is wondering why it is not the general comment of Ye Longyuan, but looking at Ye Longyuan’s cold expression, I probably understand it... This general commentator does not seem to like talking very much.

Xiao Fengshan smiled and stood up and said: "This selection, we hope to recruit more young talents, no longer with simple personal cultivation and talent, as the sole basis.

In order to make Hidden Dragon more team-oriented, cohesive and strategic, we will conduct a 100-person chaos trial, which will allow the team to form a knockout..."

When this was said, there was a lot of exclamations on the scene, which was not known before.

Under such a rule, some individuals are strong, but the children who are not able to do so in the Zongmen or the family are quite weak.

Unfortunately, no one dared to collide with the judges, so many people had to forcibly endure and secretly shook their heads.

However, Chu Yunyao is a happy rejoicing. After all, the Chu family's younger brothers are all going to the mercenary group to fight for two months. The level of tacit understanding is self-evident, and the group battle can make up for their lack of cultivation.

The woman couldn’t help but look at Ye Fandao: "Do you know this rule early?"

Ye Fan shrugged. "I know, luck is good... Again, the more this situation, the less able to underestimate the enemy."

In fact, Ye Fan has a thought. From the turbulence of the underground world in these two years, the doomsday power seems to be more active than before.

Will it be because the dispute between the ancient gods and the doomsday powers has reached a certain critical moment, so... as a clan recruiting young talents, Hidden Dragon has to slow down the requirements for personal strength, but also pay attention to Team and number of people.

If he guessed it correctly, Hidden Dragon should not only be the son of the famous and ancient Wumen.

In Hidden Dragon, there should be a large number of clan children. This is also why, in Zhoujiacun, I heard that young people were chosen to be clan and taught martial arts.

Xia Guo’s clan, ancient gods, and hidden dragons have been accumulating power...

Xiao Fengshan continued: "In order to make some families and sects with a small number of people more fair, we allow private alliances before the start of tomorrow.

However, each team cannot exceed ten people. Once the team members are identified, they are registered and cannot be changed.

Of course, if some young talents are more confident, they can also become a team alone.

In addition, once registered as a team, it is not necessary to advance and retreat together. We allow betrayal, allow temporary changes to the camp, and allow for temporary alliances in the trials.

About how to win... You can knock your opponent down, you can't fight, give up fighting, or leave the battle zone...

but! Can't kill! Once you intentionally kill, immediately cancel the qualification for selection!

All in all, this is a very open and large-scale selection, specific rules, there will be documents issued to you. ”

After Xiao Fengshan introduced the rules, the meeting quickly ended, and there was not much nonsense. Everything was simple.

When the meeting dissipated, most people were not relaxed.

Because of this group battle rules, the alliance before the game, the exchanges between teammates are very crucial.

Soon, some family and sects with friendships began to talk to each other about the alliance.

Of course, there are also some masters who dislike their peers and begin to wonder how to choose stronger teammates.

There are a total of nine people in the Chu family and the Shenhuo, and these young people have just experienced the cruel battlefield test, mutual trust and understanding, and do not intend to call strangers to join, after all, ten and nine, there is not much difference.

So, when the group left the conference hall, they went back to the accommodation building to take a break.

The judges and heads of the rostrum, after leaving the venue under the **** of the army, went to the special rest area.

Ye Longteng walked to Ye Longyuan and smiled and asked: "Brother, seeing the child, it is quite a bit like you."

"I can't see it, it doesn't matter to me." Ye Longyuan's tone is cold and cold.

Ye Longteng frowned. "Why, although it was difficult to explain with Ye Fan in the past, blood is thicker than water, and the father seems to..."

"The second child", Ye Longyuan directly interrupted his words, his eyes sharply said: "I Ye Longyuan has only one son, called Ye Feng, I am born with you, other ... have nothing to do with me."

Ye Longteng sighed and shook his head. "Well... you are the boss, you have the final say."

Ye Longyuan blinked and looked around. "Where did the wing go?"

"Hey, I just saw him, I haven't seen it. This kid... Let him live a good life, be a judge, and be familiar with the heads. It's really restless." Ye Longteng said: "It won't Going to Ye Fan, is it for the last time you were hurt, want to retaliate? No... I have to find him!"

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