My Cold and Beautiful Wife

Chapter 901: Behind the scenery


Ye Fan also knows that he can't use medications casually, but he can't tell for a moment what this compound is.

He needs more information, more clues, to help him find this toxin...

In desperation, Ye Fan can only go to Su Xiaoxue and grab the woman's hand.

"Wife, I know that you are still very uncomfortable, but now only you can save Ling Yuwei..." Ye Fanyu has a long-lasting heart.

Su Xiaoxue wore an oxygen mask and a blanket, and nodded weakly. "I... what am I going to do..."

"Can you recall that the process before and after the whole poisoning, all the details, said to me without any words... Any information may be the key to finding the type of toxin!" Ye Fandao.

Su Xiaoxue recalled, saying: "I... I just feel a little disgusting, nausea... and then... the head starts to hurt, my breathing has become less smooth, the eyes are like flowers, and everything is good. One..."

Ye Fan frowned and fell into meditation.

The doctors and nurses on the side listened, and they all shook their heads and sighed.

"There are many toxins that can be caused by such symptoms. What can I do?"

Ye Fandao: "Wife, is there any other information? For example, do you smell something?"

“Smell?” Su Xiaoxue recalled, saying: “It seems... a bit sweet and sour... I don’t know... is it the smell of Weiwei’s room... because I didn’t smell it in the car. ......"

Ye Fan violently flashed his mind, and Huo Ran got up and said, "I know!"

"Sir, what do you know?" asked the doctor.

Ye Fan turned and said: "My wife smelled sweet and sour, and I didn't smell it. What did you say?"

The doctor was excited and shouted: "Cyanide!?"

Ye Fan nodded. "Only 40% of people can smell the cyanide. It can't be wrong... time is too late, fast!"

The doctor also realized that there is no time to delay, loudly: "Inject 10 ml of sodium nitrite and 80 ml of sodium thiosulfate into the patient..."

"Good!" Several nurses rushed to work.

Ye Fandao: "Prepare propofol injection, amyl nitrite..."

The doctors and nurses present heard a glimpse, but after careful consideration, they realized that anesthesia was also needed because of mechanical ventilation.

"Thank you, Mr. reminded, thank you very much tonight," the doctor on duty became more polite, and he had never encountered such an unexpected situation. If Ye Fan was not there, he would not be able to complete the treatment.

Su Guangxue looked at the man with affection and looked at Ye Fan's command and rescue, and the stone in his heart finally fell.

She is fortunate to go to Ling Yuwei with Ye Fan, otherwise, I am afraid that there will be two yin and yang separations tonight.

After the rescue is over, it has arrived at two in the morning.

Su Xiaoxue has recovered after oxygen absorption, and nothing happens.

However, Ling Yuwei was promoted to the intensive care unit and had to wait twenty-four hours to be clear about the specifics.

"Husband... Wei Wei, she can't wake up," Su Guangxue grabbed the man's arm, and his heart was still very scared.

Ye Fan frowned and said: "She was seriously poisoned. Although her life was saved, she had severe brain edema..."

"What about brain edema?" Su Guangxue asked.

Ye Fan sighed: "The brain is too weak. If she can get through, she can recover, but if... bad luck, there may be sequelae."

"The aftereffects?" Su light snow hand trembled.

Ye Fan can only honestly say: "Wife, you have to prepare for the worst, she may never be able to wake up again... although, this is only the worst possibility."

Su Qingxue bit his lip and faintly said: "You mean... she will become a vegetative?"

"Almost, but she is a congenital martial artist, definitely stronger than the average person, and since she spit out the capsule, she still wants to live, not wanting to die...

As long as there is still the idea of ​​living, the body will fight against death. She still has at least half the probability of being able to recover," Ye Fandao.

Su Qingxue was red and almost shed tears. "When she went to school, she was always the most optimistic one, so lively, so chic... How could she want to take poison to commit suicide... she will be fine."

Recalling the past years of youth, the two experienced, Su Xiaoxue is difficult to accept such a reality.

"Oh! Scorpio! Vivian! Vivian! How is she going!?"

A white fat man ran to the intensive care unit and stepped on his slippers. It seemed to be too hasty, and he had not had time to change his clothes.

Lying outside the window of the intensive care unit, watching the coma inside Ling Yuwei, the white big fat man was crying.


The two recognized that this is the agent of Ling Yuwei, who had already had a small contradiction.

Only since Ye Fan demonstrated his strength and repaired the Krob family, he never dared to mention the matter of the Magnesium Corporation. He accompanied Ling Yuwei to develop his career in Xiaguo.

"Mr. Ye, Su Zong, Vivian, she will be fine, right!?" Olissani was panicked.

Upon hearing this question, Ye Fan and Su Qingxue were silent.

This scared Olissani, he patted his head hard. "I know! I know! I should watch her take medicine every day!! It is my negligence!! My fault!! ”

“Eating medicine?” Su Xiaoxue wondered, “What medicine is Weiwei eating?”

Olissani snorted and found himself leaking, but when he thought about it, he felt that everything was late, and he said: "Actually... Vivienne has taken amitriptyline for more than three years..."

"What kind of medicine is that?" Su Xiaoxue puzzled.

"Depression, anxiety disorder..."

Ye Fan directly answered the woman's question, and also understood why suddenly Ling Yuwei's mental state collapsed.

In fact, Ling Yuwei had already had psychological problems. It was only because of drugs that he was not discovered. It may also be in the face of Su Xuexue, trying to pretend to be okay.

After Su Xiaoxue listened, her eyes suddenly became wet. "Is it because of... the marriage contract?"

Olissani bitterly said, "Since one time, a man who claimed to be Vivian's fiance, after looking for her in the magnesium country, Vivian was more and more anxious, and several times in the crew. Strike after temper.

These things, we all help her to press down, because we know that it is not the real she... she is too stressed, at work, in life...

A person is in the Magnesium country, although she is a queen, but a few friends, all of whom are jealous of her and those who secretly slander her...

Later, after taking the medicine, Vivian finally controlled her emotions and gradually improved, but the company did not allow such things to leak, and you also understand the reasons.

Recently, she returned to Xia Guo. After meeting Miss Su, I have to cooperate with a new movie. She is very happy.

I think she seems to be very stable and seems to be getting better. She didn't stare at her taking medicine... I didn't expect it... suddenly... suddenly..."

After hearing these words, Su Xiaoxue finally couldn’t stop, tears slipped down, and she couldn’t wipe it clean...

Ye Fan couldn't help but feel embarrassed. For Ling Yuwei, a girl who yearns for freedom and longs for the movie career, she is unconditionally married to Ye Feng... perhaps more difficult than letting her die.

And for many years, the pressure exerted on her from all aspects, in her heart can not be opened, and eventually became a depression, it is normal...

Behind the international scenery, there are too many bitterness and suffering that are not known to outsiders.

"I don't know, Vivienne can't go back to the film and television circle, she will be better, right? She is the best Vivian after all..." Olissani flatted her mouth and smiled. ask.

Ye Fan discovered that this agent, in fact, really cares about Ling Yuwei, could not help but patted his shoulder, "As long as I believe her, she will naturally wake up."

Olissani nodded hard, "thank you."

As he said, Ye Fan’s brow wrinkled, and his eyes showed a hint of helplessness.

Not long after, a man who walked the wind, calmed his face and walked outside the guardianship.

Su Xiaoxue saw this young man, and he was so angry that he couldn’t wait for Ye Fan to open his mouth. The woman first asked: “Is it satisfied now?? This is the result of your Ye’s!!”

Come, just just went to the Dragon Soul to report, and came to Huahai to find Ling Yuwei's Ye Feng!

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