My Cold and Beautiful Wife

Chapter 907: How is the situation?


Ye Longteng took a deep breath and thought about it again and again, "Because you still owe me the last thing!"

Ye Fan blinked, but he should have three things in the Dragon Soul. The first one was used during the Taiji Gate and stopped the battle.

The second one was used on Ye Feng, when Ye Fengsheng Road was placed.

Unexpectedly, the last third thing, Ye Longteng also intends to use it in Ye Feng...

"You want me, don't kill him?"


"Do you want to be clear? Really want to use this last chance for this waste? You should know that one of my promises, the value of multiple values..." Ye Fan was a bit unwilling.

Ye Longteng is very determined. "No matter how difficult he is, he is my relative, I can't let you kill him, let him go now."

Ling Baiguang on the side saw it, and felt that he could not kill it, or don’t kill it. Otherwise, things would be too big to handle.

"Mr. Ye, I think the Dragon King will handle it properly, and you will let him go."

Ye Fan was silent for a while and said: "Well, man, I don't kill. Three things that owe the Dragon Soul are paid off."

Said, Ye Fan loosened his foot.

Ye Longteng breathed a long sigh of relief, and he had already stunned a cold sweat.

Ye Feng was a ecstasy of a sudden escape. He climbed up and stared back at Ye Fan with a vicious look: "You wait... I will let you pay the price sooner or later!"

"Shut up! Don't hurry up yet!? You are not enough to be a shame!" Ye Longteng furiously scolded.

Ye Fengqi took his head and knew that he couldn't hope that Ye Longteng would help him anymore. He couldn't beat him, but he had to go slowly to Ye Longteng.

But at this moment, Ye Fan suddenly raised a hand from the back, a sword is like a fine needle, straight to the next dantian of Ye Feng!


The sword intentionally penetrated the body of Ye Feng, and at the same time, the leaves of Ye Longteng and Ling Baiguang did not have time to shout.

Ye Feng was even unaware, and felt that for a moment, the whole person turned around and the aura of the whole body began to collapse!


The painful Ye Feng was paralyzed and fainted directly in the place. The blood flowed out of his abdomen and dyed the clothes.

"Front!!!" -"

Ye Longteng screamed and ran up to pick up Ye Feng’s wrist and felt the pulse inside. His face was pale.

" turned out to be..." Ye Longteng looked back at Ye Fan and was too angry to speak.

Ye Fan said indifferently: "I promised not to kill him, but I did not say, I will not abolish his cultivation.

Such people in the world, there are repairs that will only harm more people, be an ordinary person, and save him too much.

I advise you to bring him back to the clan, don't let it out, or else... you can't save him next time. ”

Dantian was broken, even if he wanted to recover, and then practice, he had to pay a lot of effort.

Ye Feng’s body was repaired, and it was so abandoned. For Ye’s or Ye Feng himself, it’s a huge blow!

Ye Longteng’s eyes were full of bloodshot eyes. He couldn’t imagine that his brother and grandmother, knowing how his son was abolished, would be a scene. He couldn’t help but slam the ground with pain. “Do you know!

Ling Baiguang was also a long time, only to react, and shook his head.

Although he felt that Ye Feng’s death was not enough, the waste was completely ruined.

Ye Fan lazily cares about this. If he didn't agree with the Dragon Soul three things, how can he kill this Ye Feng today? This guy is too dangerous, there is no bottom line.

Even if he abolished his cultivation today, Ye Fan also intends to let the eyes of the eye continue to follow, to ensure that he will not secretly do evil.

"Ling Zhangmen, I asked Yunyao to check some methods for treating cerebral edema. Why don't we go up and see the situation of the sputum?" Ye Fandao.

Ling Baiguang squatted down, although he felt that he was gone, some were not right, but they kept it, and it seemed to be increasing. So he nodded: "That... trouble Mr. Ye."

Ye Fan and Ling Baiguang walked back to the hospital building, and Ye Longteng did not stop. He had quietly picked up the coma Ye Feng and went to Ye Feng for treatment.

No one knows that in a building far away, behind a window, Ji Yutang, a blue-colored robes, sits on the sofa leisurely, holding a telescope, watching everything happening...


After checking the indicators of Ling Yuwei, Ye Fan, according to the information sent by Chu Yunyao, used the limited conditions of the hospital to allocate some medicines and added them to the infusion.

With the experience of treating Feng Xiaohui before, this time Ye Fan's confidence is sufficient. After all, from the situation, Ling Yuwei is not very serious.

After waiting for the treatment of Ling Yuwei, Ye Fan said goodbye to Ling Baiguang and returned to the home of Egret County.

At this time, it was already two o'clock in the morning, except for some insects, the night was very quiet.

Ye Fan jumped directly to the balcony of his room on the second floor, and took out the smoke bought on the way home. One person was facing the night, swallowing clouds and smog...

In his mind, in fact, I never forget, those pictures in the afternoon...

Ye Longteng’s words and thoughts always make Ye Fan feel confused.

At this time, the door was knocked and Ye Fan turned back and found that Su Xiaoxue came over.

Because there is a day when the situation will be reported to Su Xiaoxue, so the woman must not ask him what happened in the hospital today, there should be other reasons.

"Wife, come in."

Su Shixue, wearing a pink nightdress, pushed in the door and carried a tray with some lemonade and freshly washed fruit.

"What's the matter?" Ye Fan had some accidents. The woman gave him food and drink.

"I know that you are not sleepy, it is not uncomfortable to smoke, drink some lemonade," Su Xiaoxue said softly.

Su Xiaoxue put down the tray, sat next to the man, picked up a lychee, peeled it out and sent it to Ye Fan’s mouth.

"Husband, eat a lychee, I just bought it at the supermarket in the evening," Su light snow road.

Ye Fan was a bit flattered. This gentleman had such a gentle and sorrowful, and he had a mouthful of mouthful, very sweet, but there was a dim sum...

"Wife, what happened to you today?"

“Hmmm?” Su Shixue blinked. “What do you mean? Don’t you like to eat?”

Ye Fan shook his head. "It's a little uncomfortable. I feel that my wife is talking a little softer now."

Su Xiaoxue listened, snorted and docilely leaned on the man's shoulder. "Husband... I feel that I sometimes do too much, not good enough for you. I will be good to Yue Yingjie and Ning sister in the future. Learning, better for you..."

Ye Fan was embarrassed to hear it. She took her to her lap and took the woman’s waist and said: "No need to learn anyone. When I like you, I like you, not like other people.

Besides, I feel that your wife is a lot more awkward than before. For example, you wouldn’t let me put you here, hehe..."

Su Xiaoxue felt that the man's hand was walking down the skirt of his own, and the sensitive face was also puffed.

But she is actually not as resistant as before, but she likes such intimate actions.

"Husband, you won't dislike me, right? If I do something wrong and say the wrong thing, you won't leave me..." Su Xiaoxue glared at the man's neck and shouted.

Ye Fan knows that the woman is still worried about the daytime things, bowing her head and smelling her delicate hair, saying: "As long as you have been jealous, I will always like you."

"In case I am not careful, don't you worry about it?" Su light snow asked.

"Then I will hit your ass." Ye Fan pretended to be serious.

"Oh..." Su Shixue's face is close to the man's chest. "I will be embarrassed... my husband will not leave me."

Ye Fan smiled and caressed the woman's hair with pity. The woman is really a creature at night. The deeper the night, the more revealing the weak side.

Holding a fragrant wife, and smoking for a while, Ye Fan asked: "Yes, my wife, what happened to Ye Feng?"

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