My Cold and Beautiful Wife

Chapter 916: Amaterasu


Ye Fan squatted down, and thought that the officials in the East City would be almost the same. Even Fusang’s defense province sent people over?

"Husband, let's go out first, I'm fine," Feng Yueying got up.

Ye Fan nodded. For the time being, he didn't have time to talk to the woman. He sorted out his clothes and went out.

Under the leadership of Wei Ming, the two men came to a heavily guarded private room and saw two Fusang officials who had specially arrived in suits.

When the two officials saw Ye Fan, they all got up very respectfully, ninety degrees.

The bald officials said: "The dear King of Hell, you come to the East, there is a far-reaching welcome. I am the deputy officer of the Defense Department, my name is Ichida Ichiro."

Another middle-aged official with a square face introduced himself: "I am the Minister of Security, Yamamoto. This time, the death of Shenyin threatened the staff of Jinxiu Group, which was the first time we accepted it."

Ye Fan nodded. The two officials were also at a very high level in Fuso, and they were all real powers. Going up, they were ministers and prime ministers.

They personally ran over, showing that this incident has caused the attention of the highest level of Fuso, enough to involve the issue of national security.

However, this is normal, not to say anything else. With Ye Fan’s status in the underground world, he will come to Fuso. The officials will know that they will be very nervous.

If you send a cat and a dog to come to see him, it is definitely not to dare.

"Sit down, I heard that you have any important information to tell us?"

Ye Fan took the woman to sit down and asked the door to open the door.

Ibaro Ichiro solemnly nodded and said: "I would like to ask Lord Lucifer, do you know that you were a teacher of the old dominator era, one of the top ten legends of the previous generation, the Black Emperor, and he has a sister?"

Ye Fan blinked. "You don't have to go around this big circle. Even if I have a conflict with the old dominators, even if we have a life and death battle, it is because the concept is different from the ideal. The Black Emperor is my enlightenment teacher, he will always be All my masters.

As for...I don’t know if my master has a sister, why, does he have a sister? ”

Ibaro Ichiro nodded: "Yes, and... his sister, Black Ji, is the leader of Shenyin."

Ye Fan’s heart was awkward. “Are you sure?”

"It is not inconsistent. Before Shenyin threatened the staff of the Splendid Group, some of the big consortia and groups in Fusang have also been intimidated.

In the end, in order to suppress domestic public opinion, we gave a lot of money to God and made peace talks, secretly hiding these things.

I just didn't expect that this time they started to work on the Jinxiu Group. After investigation, we discovered that Shenyin’s leader, Black Ji, is the sister of your teacher’s black emperor...”

On the side of Yamamoto, he took out a paper bag and took out some old photos inside. He said, "Look, who are these photos..."

Ye Fan took the photo and saw that it was mainly a photo of a man and a woman.

"This is... when my master is young?"

Although the photo has been around for a long time, it is still recognizable. The handsome young man is the black emperor.

Next to the Black Emperor, there is a beautiful Oriental beauty who looks more beautiful than him.

"This is the appearance of Black Ji and the Black Emperor when he was young." Yamamoto is a true color.

Ye Fan said strangely: "How can you investigate this? Even if you don't have this information, your Fusang intelligence department is a bit powerful."

Ichida Ichiro smiled bitterly: "Hello, this is actually not necessary to investigate, because this is what we found in our file."

"Archives? What files?" Ye Fan wondered.

Ichida Inaba sighed and said: "In fact, nearly a hundred years ago, we Fusang had formed an ancient warrior army called "Azure", similar to the dragon soul of Xia Guo.

In order to cultivate a force that can be highly competitive in the underground world, we have trained the best warriors around the world.

Among them, the young black emperor and black Ji sister at that time were members of Tianzhao...

However, because the Emperor believed that the plane and the huge ship were the real big killers, the warriors in the war did not have much use.

Therefore, I am not willing to give sufficient funds, and the talents are not enough. The sunshine has not been successfully formed.

Although we don't know what happened later, after all, the time interval has been too long, and the war has caused a lot of data to be lost.

But at least one thing can be sure that Shen Yin has premeditated this time. It is likely that Hei Ji wants to avenge his brother, the Black Emperor. ”

Ye Fan thought about it and asked: "But even then, how do you know that Black Ji is the leader of Shenyin? She took the initiative to contact you?"

"We were also unaware of it, but after we were threatened with extortion by God, we have been trying to investigate the background of Shenyin. Therefore, through continuous investigation, it is the news that Shengui is the leader of Heiji.

Moreover, Shenyin has always been in the darkness of our hibiscus, and there are always clues to be found, which should not be wrong," Ichida Ichiro.

Although Ye Fan still has suspicions in his heart, he also believes in a few points. Because it is not the case, it is unreasonable that God wants to provoke him.

Song Xinghe alone controlled the gods, he did not believe.

If these photos are true, there is someone like Black Ji, then everything makes sense.

At this moment, Ye Fan’s mobile phone rang.

When Ye Fan saw it, it turned out to be the number of the foggy night, and immediately picked it up, "Hey?"

There was a low voice in the foggy night, "Well, Ye Fange..."

"You are all right? Where are you going? How can the mobile phone not get through, suddenly disappeared? What happened?" Ye Fan hurriedly asked.

The foggy night is secluded: "I'm sorry, Ye Fange, I didn't have a phone before. I... see my grandfather."

"You... Grandpa?" Ye Fan squatted. "You are not the whole family..."

The foggy night said: "I thought that my grandfather was gone, but I saw him today. Because it was too sudden, my heart was very chaotic, I am sorry, I did not contact you in time."

"Hey, the island is not an employee of Jinxiu Group. He is a reformer of Song Xinghe. Do you know?" Ye Fan asked.

"Song Xinghe's people? I... I don't know. After I saw my grandfather on the road, I got off the bus. The man didn't follow me," said the foggy night.

Ye Fan listened to the girl's voice, and it felt weird, and it seemed to be unreasonable, but he didn't want to ask more on the phone, so he said, "Where are you? Going back to the hotel?"

"I am at a secret base in the Defense Ministry. My grandfather is now a special adviser to the Ministry of Defense." The foggy night said: "Ye Fange, my grandfather told me that behind the gods is Black Ji, the black emperor's sister... ...

Officials from the Defense Ministry should also tell you, if you and Mrs. Feng come over, there is other information here. ”

Ye Fan frowned, silent for a while, looked at Ida, Ichiro, and said: "I know, then you wait."

After hanging up the phone, Ye Fan said: "You defend the province, there is a consultant named surname fog night?"

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