My Cold and Beautiful Wife

Chapter 918: Is it not unwilling?


Ye indeed the last generation of the Dragon King. The other materials on this document do not see any flaws. They involve very hidden things, which are not like fake.

As for how Fusang got the copy, they probably won’t say it. Every country has its own intelligence department and channels.

Moreover, after fifteen years, the Dragon Soul does not know how many tasks have been performed. The Dragon King has changed people. How many people will pay special attention to this old past?

"The reason... Dragon Soul, why do you want to kill the foggy family?" The only thing Ye Fan wants to know now is motivation.

The foggy night ridges are: "This is probably because of a legend about the blood of our family of foggy nights..."


Ye Fan stared blankly at the foggy night, thinking of the "hundred shadows" that girls could use, and that was so fast that it was difficult for him to parry.

He was still thinking, what kind of talent is this, whether it is an ability, or what... but never thought about it, the foggy night has a unique blood in the body!

"What legend?" asked Ye Fan.

The foggy night ridges signaled Ichiro Inada, who closed the meeting room immediately to prevent outsiders from eavesdropping.

The old man whispered: "We are a family of foggy nights. It is said that the ancestors were the foxes of the foxes and have the blood of the nine-tailed fox."

"Nine-tailed fox?!" Feng Yueying screamed at the side. After all, this was too mysterious. When he shouted out, he found that he was not very good, and he was busy holding his mouth.

Ye Fan is also a faceted mistake. This is the legendary beast. It is said that there is a Qingqiu country in ancient times, and the nine-tailed fox is the owner of the Qingqiu country. In the end, it is a human being, and no one knows.

There are also legends that the wife of the ancient king of Xiaguo was also the ninth-tailed fox, also known as Tushan.

It is said that the three tails are the foxes, the six tails are the foxes, and the nine tails are called the foxes. The ancients said that they are the beasts, and they also say that they are the beasts.

If I said that Ye Fan might have heard this, I don’t believe it.

However, now that Ye Fan knows about the existence of the Xia Guo clan, it does not feel too outrageous.

The magical blood of Xia Guoyou clan, is there no other country? What's more, Fusang is not too far from Xia Guo. It is very likely that some ancient clans have moved to this land.

Ye Fan pondered for a long time and asked: "Can there be any other evidence?"

"Yes", the foggy night ridge continues: "Three hundred years ago in the Edo period, our homeowners, it is said that they awakened the power of the fox in the blood, became the first ninja of the whole Fuso.

There are biographies of ancestors of the past in our family. There is a record in it. At that time, a powerful swordsman of Xia Guo came to Fusang to challenge the various warriors.

The swordsman claimed to be the surname of the leaf, but he did not know what it was called. His ancient martial arts were extraordinary, and the swordsmanship was even more earth-shattering.

At that time, the samurai and ninja of the whole Fuso were killed without any fuss... until the owner of our family in the foggy night came forward and forced the master back.

The specific details of the battle, we have no way of knowing, only know that the swordsman named Ye, because of the injury, left Fusang.

It’s a pity... It didn’t take long for our ancestors to die, as if they were injured during the battle, and they couldn’t stand up...”

"Name of the leaf?" Ichida Inaba was busy asking: "Will the Ye Longyuan, the descendant of the swordsman named Ye?"

"I have no way of knowing this, but the old man feels that it is not impossible."

Ye Fan listened to his heart and jumped. How did he listen? He felt that the swordsman three hundred years ago was probably the Valkyrie!

As a person who is also very committed to Guwu, Ye Fan can understand that Wushen is looking for people to fight everywhere. What is the mentality... The best way to break through is to fight constantly!

Fight with the master, constantly impact your own limits, in order to have a breakthrough!

I can find an opponent who has a smooth battle with myself. It is actually a very refreshing thing!

If Sanshen came to Fuso three hundred years ago, his goal is definitely not to kill, but to find an opponent.

But... fifteen years ago, Ye Longyuan’s person with the dragon soul killed Weisang, and that might be to “smash the roots”!

The strong things of the clan blood, the unstable things, Xia Guo certainly does not want other countries to exist.

Especially after the Second World War, Xia Guo’s nerves are already very sensitive, and he must hope to put an end to some unrest factors.

"It seems that the slaughter of the foggy night is the dragon soul, the previous generation of warriors, those of the Xia Guoren." Ichida Ichiro sighs: "The foggy night is a pure warrior, even because of the blood, it is so provoked." .

"Poor my granddaughter, hey, your parents left you so early, you have been wronged for so many years," the foggy night ridge gently patted the granddaughter's shoulder.

In the foggy night, with a trace of tears and bloodshots, he looked up and asked Ye Fan: "Ye Fange, that Ye Longyuan, isn't Ye's person?"

The girl is next to Ye Fan and Su Qingxue, and naturally understands many clan things.

Ye Fan looked at her for a while, did not hide, nodded, "Yes."

"Sure enough... is the Xiaguo clan, it is no wonder that our family has no power to fight..." The foggy night stunned and said: "Ye Fange, can you take me to find Ye Longyuan?"

"Hey, what do you want to do?" Ye Fan frowned.

"I want to ask him face to face, why, because of the blood flowing in our body, killing more than one hundred people in our family!? I want him to die under the snow sakura of our family and sin to my parents and uncles! "Fog nights are cold and cold."

Ye Fan shook his head and said: "Even if you use Baiying to get close to him, you have a chance to kill him, but what do you do yourself?

In the past, not all of them have been investigated clearly. In the end, who, in order to do all this, we should first check clearly, then..."

"Ye Fange!!" The foggy night interrupted the man's words and shook his head sadly: "You... are you unwilling to help me?"

Because you are Xia Guoren, because now the dragon soul is closely related to you, I... I am in your eyes, it does not matter at all, you are not willing to hurt the relationship with the clan for me, right? ”

"Hey, this is not the case!" Ye Fan was anxious to explain: "If they are really because of the blood, they will kill your family, I will never stand on their side! But now there are many doubts. I……"

Ye Fan wanted to say that he still suspected that there was a problem with the foggy night ridge next to it, and that the foggy night ridge could survive, which was very weird.

Moreover, when I came here, it was a matter of divineism. How did it suddenly become the revenge of the foggy night?

However, Ye Fan feels that it is not appropriate to say so. After all, at this juncture, the foggy night can’t hear it...

" Needless to say..." In the foggy night, the man couldn’t speak, and his heart was cold, bitterly said: "If the dragon soul hurts Sister Sue and hurts Sally, what would you do?"

I don't expect you to kill me. I just want you to take me, take me to see the enemy, find the clan, you don't want to...

To put it bluntly, I am in your heart, and I will only see my sister who has seen a few faces in an hour. If it is not because of the relationship between the teacher and you, I am afraid you will not look at me more..."

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