My Cold and Beautiful Wife

Chapter 924: Dungeon


In the dark dungeons, on the walls and on the pillars, some dim lights were lit.

It seems that there is no day, only the night.


The sound of the harsh metal gear came, the top of the basement, a metal gate, slowly moving.

The sound of the waves, the sound of the seagulls, and the smoky sea breeze blew into the dungeon.

Of course, there is warm sunshine that shines into this dark world...

For a time, I can see a pair of small eyes with different colors of color, flashing in this basement.

There are at least hundreds of different skin colors, the youngest seven or eight years old, the eleventh and the second largest, being held in this dungeon.

They are divided into four large cells, two boys, two girls, different genders, and then held in different prisons according to their age.

More than a hundred children, most of them are eager to look at the direction of the entrance, the sun shining in is very dazzling, but they also want to watch for a while...

Two men and women in white coats and masks walked down from above.

Followed by a few, the burly men in black, cold-faced.

They all had a big bag in their hands, and then they went outside the metal railings of different cells and opened the iron door above a square lattice.

Later, these big men, put the bread in their pockets, bottled water, tomatoes, lettuce, cheese, some things that do not need cooking, can be directly practical, thrown into the cell.

It seems that instead of feeding these children, they are raising a group of animals.

When the man began to throw food in, the children in each cell were like wolves, yelling and rushing to fight for limited rations and water.

Some children caught it when they caught it, and quickly rushed into their mouths. They didn’t dare to chew more, so they swallowed it hard.

Some did not get it, simply beat the child next to him, snatched from the other hand, even at the expense of reaching out to the other's mouth, vying for the food he had bitten into...

They know very well that the food given every day does not support everyone here.

If they can't get a meal in a day, they may be able to squat, but three days, four days, one week... If they can't eat it, they can't get enough, and they will get weaker and weaker, and they will not be able to **** it.

Therefore, every day is the struggle of life instinct for death!

Seeing that hundreds of children are fighting each other, fighting for a bite, even seeing blood on the spot, several black men are laughing.

"Come on! Let's make your milking! Little scorpions! There is no room for it... Don't want to starve, don't want to become a corpse, you have to squat down the guys around you!"

Not long after, the screams and crying in the cell continued.

Some children's ears are bitten, some are bitten off, some are dislocated, and some are broken.

More and more injured children, only strong enough, enough children, plus some luck and strategy to survive.

Several men shouted and laughed, and enjoyed watching these children fight each other.

In this chaotic environment, in a small boy's cell, a little boy with dark hair and yellow skin, but leaned back in a strong corner, did not run over to compete for food.

The boy is very quiet, as if everything around him has nothing to do with him.

His gaze has been staring out of the cell, an independent small metal cage.

In the metal cage, there was only one little girl who looked at the age of seven or eight. The girl had a silver hair and was very unique. She was covered in white skin.

The girl crouched in the cage, as if she was dead. In her cell, the ground was full of blood, and some raw beef was minced.

The two white men and women who came in came for her.

The door of the metal cage was opened, and a man in a white coat, holding a black electric baton, carefully walked inside and then crouched down.

"Sally... Are you sleeping? Get up... It's time to check, we're bringing you food..." the man said.

The girl Sally leaves no movement, still shrinking and lying on the ground.

The man had to get closer and continued to cry: "Sally..."

suddenly! At this time, Sally leaves her eyes open, a pair of scarlet scorpions, aiming at the man's moment, the body is ejected from the ground!

The girl hugged the man's neck and bit it on the man's cheek with a mouthful!

The man screamed in horror, and he refused to take care of himself. He opened the electric baton and beat it on Sally’s back!

Little Sally leaves her pain and looses her mouth, but still clings to the man's neck.

Another woman came in and took out an anesthetic gun and shot it directly on Sally's body!

Sally was numb and dropped on the ground, staring at the two white men and women with blood and mouth.

The man licked the bleeding wound and slammed his anger on Sally. "Damn! It is a beast that the devil and the blood race are crossed!"

The woman said coldly: "I said that she should be anesthetized directly, fed more than a month of raw meat and animal offal, you have not found it, she has become more and more cruel."

"It’s just cruel, just like eating people, but her resilience is amazing... the wounds that were hit by electric batons on the legs yesterday have healed..."

The woman took out a notebook and said: "Don't waste time, quickly test her, and then give her three blood, Black King waiting for this month's research report."

The man reluctantly said: "Know it, hell!...Is blood tests every day, and I am so energetic. How does this monster make blood?"

The man was about to kneel down and draw blood for Sally. When he thought about it, he was afraid. So he pulled out three anesthesia needles.

“What are you going to do?” asked the female laboratory assistant.

"Her resistance is getting stronger and stronger. I am afraid that I will wait halfway through it. She bites me again and simply gives her an anesthesia."

Said, the man directly inserted the three needles on the body of Sally, neck, waist, arms, casually tied, all injected.

Sally leaves lying on the ground, twitching, foaming at the mouth, painfully boring for a while, zooming in, and then shrinking...

"You are crazy? Such a large dose will be dead!!" the female laboratory clerk shouted.

"Do not worry, people will die, monsters ... can not die", the man sneered, put the needle into the blood of Sally leaves, began to draw blood.

After the blood was exhausted, after the basic physical examination, the white woman took out a **** beef liver and threw it on the ground.

"Is feeding her liver today? Is this too embarrassing? Can that thing eat?"

"Hungry, everything can be eaten, and it is time to increase her blood intake."

"I will give her a few packs of plasma directly next time..."

"Absolutely not, we don't know where the upper limit of her body variation is. I have to be careful to test it. If I feed more, I will feed a monster and eat us, but it will be finished..."

The two white labyrinths said, while they were walking out of the dungeon with a few black-shirted men, and the entrance was closed.

The dungeon returned to a darkness.

I don't know if it took a few minutes, or ten minutes, the little girl Sally Ye wakes up.

When she looked up, it happened that the little boy in the corner was looking at her in the cell opposite.

There was a strange look in Sally's scarlet scorpion. She actually noticed that the boy had been watching her like this for a while.

Other children are afraid of her because she is a monster, but this boy does not seem to be afraid of her.

However, Sally did not speak to the boy. In fact, she never talks here. Many people think that she does not speak human language at all.

Sally saw a **** liver on the ground, and she reached out to the liver with a blank expression, smelling the smell and frowning.

However, she is hungry, she hates this food in her mind, but her instinct has let her devour these flesh and blood...

Sally leaves her mouth and bites it on the liver. After biting the next piece, the irritating smell of a nose makes her start to retching!

The smell of the liver is more intense than the previous meat and heart, and Sally leaves can't adapt at once.

Some children not far away, seeing what Sally is eating, they all show the color of fear and dare not look at it.

The dark-haired boy sitting in the corner, watching Sally leaves to eat, has a trace of memories in his eyes.

Just then, next to the boy, came a black child with a strong body.

The black child kicked the boy's foot and shouted: "Hey, yellow-shelled monkey, are you hiding food? Hurry and hand it out!!"

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