After Ye Fan understood it, he hesitated, with a hint of curiosity, reached out to the railing and took the **** liver.

He only smelled it, it was a bit nausea, it is hard to imagine, Sally Ye has been eating such things! ?

Being beaten every day, being charged, being injected with all sorts of messy potions, and being sucked blood...

The key is that you can only face these foods every day...

If you are her, I am afraid I don’t want to live anymore...

Looking up at Sally, the girl is eating bread, her face is filled with joy, like this half a loaf, the most delicious thing under the sun.

In Ye Fan’s eyes, there is a hint of hope, yeah... although the things in front of me are hard to eat, but this is not all in the world!

This place is desperate, but it is not like this outside!

He should live, as long as he can leave, he will have the opportunity to see the dean again, seeing the child...

Ye Fan thought of it, holding his breath and starting to lick his cow's liver.

But even then, the smell of this nose is still uncomfortable for him.

Not long after, Ye Fan began to nausea and vomit, but he forcibly endured, holding his breath and continuing to swallow...

If he wants to live, he will have to eat, and he will be strong!

Ye Fan’s eyes shone with light, and the other children around him saw this scene and began to show panic.

They began to wonder, is Ye Fan also a monster?

Sally Ye saw Ye Fan eating something that she couldn't swallow, blinking, and a little joy in her heart...

The next day, the third day, one week...

Time passed by, and every day when I was fed, Ye Fan began to go up and eat.

Fortunately, because he had the effect of killing Bob and eating the liver, some children began to fear him and fear him, so when he snatched food, Ye Fan had few opponents.

The children found that although the boy was not as strong as some white and black children, his strength was not small.

After Ye Fan grabbed the food, he only ate a small portion. When the experimenter and the black man left the dungeon, he threw the food to Sally.

Sally Ye will also throw some food to Ye Fan. After the two exchange food, they will also speak.

Gradually, other children in the dungeon also began to discover that Sally is not a monster, she is just a special girl.

Sally Ye also began to say more, she can learn very strong, almost any language, I will remember it.

With conversations, not blind indifference, the days in the dungeons are no longer difficult.

However, the longer the time passed, the more the experimenter found the situation was wrong.

In Sally's nephew, the scarlet actually faded and returned to a brown scorpion. The girl's temper was more and more peaceful, and she no longer attacked people violently.

The male experimenter wondered: "What is going on here... Her cell activity has been declining. Is it because our experimental ideas are wrong?"

"I don't know, no matter what, let's report it to the supervisor first, otherwise the black emperor will punish it, we can't live..." Female experimenter said.

A few days later, as usual, two lab assistants and several black men walked off the dungeon.

However, behind them, he followed a man wearing a black trench coat, a long shawl and a handsome look.

The few experimenters and the **** men who walked in front of them were all cramped and nervous. When they got to the bottom, they quickly let them go to the sides and let the long-haired windbreaker man walk in front.

The windbreaker man with his hands on his back, went to the cage of Sally Ye, and looked at the silver-haired girl sitting there, blinking.

"Black Emperor, you see her eyes, it was..."

The Black Emperor raised his hand. " Needless to say, I can see it."

The black emperor swept in a circle, and when he saw Ye Fan sitting in the corner, he paused.

"What is the blood in that place?"

The direction of the black king's finger is just outside the railing of Ye Fan.

Both of the experimenters were the first to discover that they were ignorant.

The black emperor looked at them gloomyly. "You still don't understand? Someone... changed the food with Sally."

"What!?" The experimenters were very surprised. They thought that all the children were afraid of Sally, how could they change food with her?

The black emperor reached out and pointed to Ye Fan in the corner and asked the words in all other cells: "You tell me, is he, change the food with Sally?"

If you don't tell the truth, I will cut off your three-day rations and water! ”

Upon hearing this, a large number of children immediately screamed and shouted to identify Ye Fan.

They were hungry every day, and if they had to cut off their food for three days, they couldn’t imagine it.

Black Emperor smiled a bit, looking at Ye Fan with cold eyes, and Ye Fan also looked at the Black Emperor with anger.

"Interesting..." Black Emperor whispered.

A black man said: "The **** little thing, dare to obstruct our experiment? Black Emperor, let me go in and tear his neck!"

The Black Emperor is reaching out and blocking: "There has always been the principle of competing with the rest of the world. The strong survive, every little guy is a seedling from all over the world. Do you want to destroy our old-ones? rule?"

"Don't dare!" The black man was busy bowing his head and admitting his mistake.

The black emperor smiled and said: "Children, who can kill him, I will let him go out! Never have to stay in this place again... Eat every day, drink enough..."

When the words came out, all the children were just like the chicken blood. Everyone’s eyes glowed, and a bunch of eyes focused on Ye Fan!

Sally leaves in the cage. When I heard this, I grabbed the railing with both hands and was anxious but didn't know what to do.

Ye Fan realized that he was in great danger, his body was shaking, but there was no fear in his eyes. There was only one thought in his heart...

If you live and go out, you can see people who think about it day and night...

I don't know which child was the first one. I couldn't help but ran to Ye Fan and made a fist toward Ye Fan.

Ye Fan bent over, hugged the child and went to the wall!

The child's head hit the metal railing, suddenly broke his blood and fainted in the past!

Followed by another child, holding the neck of Ye Fan from behind!

Ye Fan breathed pain, but he elbowed and slammed the ribs of the child behind him!

The child’s heart was hit hard and the pain fell to the ground!

"Ha ha ha ha... this little **** is quite awkward."

"The strength is quite big. Is it eating the food of Sally's leaves? Haha..."

The black man outside the cell looked at the children fighting and smiled excitedly.

Black Emperor's mouth hangs a smile and looks quietly.

One by one, the children rushed up, and Ye Fan did not know where the strength came from, even if he was panting, but he was knocking down these children.

There are a few heads that have been hit hard, and I don’t know if it’s a dead or alive. I can’t get up directly.

The Black Emperor saw other children a little scared to go up and said: "Children, one by one, not as good as you, knock him down, and then kill."

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