My Cold and Beautiful Wife

Chapter 940: One one one


Feng Yueying is also experienced. It is natural to just stand up and avoid the hand of Taro Tanaka. "Sorry, I just drank too much, I want to go to the bathroom first."

Takenaka Taro’s empty hand, he can only smile and nod.

Ye Fanben also wanted to help the woman to drive this guy away. I didn't expect Feng Yueying to be a thief himself, but he also saved him.

After finishing the bathroom, Feng Yueying came back. The woman said naturally: "Mr. Takenaka, I won't play the scorpion, but we are very good at it, so let him play for me. I am only responsible for drinking, how? ”

Takenaka Takeshi looked at Ye Fan and didn't care much. What kind of opponent is playing with his nephew? Anyway, he just wants to drunk a woman.

"No problem, but wine, Miss Feng must drink", Takenaka Taro.

Feng Yueying nodded with a smile, and then changed the seat with Ye Fan, which is equivalent to Ye Fan and Takenaka Taro. She just has to sit with Ye Fan.

After a leaf sail, there is no way to take the opportunity to smash the oil.

When Tanaka discovered the situation, he realized that he was calculated by a woman, but he forced Feng Yueying to change his position. He also lost a price and had to accept it.

Looking at the way that Takenaka’s Taro is eating, Ye Fan is crying and laughing, and Feng Yueying really does not need to worry about him.

"What is the size?" Ye Fan asked casually.

Takenaka Taro gave his man a cigar, spit out a cigarette, and said: "Yes, just play, don't be too nervous, come is a guest, Mr. Ye, come first."

Ye Fan did not care, took the cockroach, and placed three scorpions inside.

After a brief shake, Ye Fan picked up the cockroach and appeared "four five five."

This number is not small, but in the eyes of Takeshitaro, it is very general.

"Mr. Ye, have played well," said Tori Taro, who complimented his mouth, but his eyes were full of disdain.

Ye Fan said with a smile: "I will play and see luck."

The later Feng Yueying was somewhat puzzled. She thought that Ye Fan would play this kind of thing and would directly roll out three or six things. Isn't the man not good at playing this kind of thing?

Takenaka Taro took it, and the speed shook a few times quickly. The ear heard the sound of the scorpion rolling inside, and then stopped abruptly!

Take a smile on the corner of Taro’s mouth. "Miss Feng, you can have a drink first."

Say, Takeshi Taro took the cockroach away, and did not look at it very proudly. He took a cigar first.

After Feng Yueying and the people on the side saw the points of the scorpion, they all had strange expressions.

A bamboo body Taro's bodyguard frowned and bowed his head in the middle of Taro.


When Taro Takenaka heard it, he suddenly turned his head and looked at his points.

"One one one!?"

Looking at three points, Takenaka Takenaka thought he was blind! I blinked and found that I really shook out three!

"Mr. Takenaka, what we just said is bigger than the size, but it should be a big win? Is it a small win?" Feng Yueying pretended not to understand, and looked naive.

Takenaka Taro is even more embarrassed, coughing twice, saying: "Oh... of course it is a big win. I read it wrong, then this time I drink..."

Takenaka Taro wants to go to hell, is he wrong? I can't be neglected next time.

After drinking a glass of whisky, Takenaka Taro said: "Mr. Ye, continue!"

Ye Fan nodded and continued to pick it up. He shook a few times and took it away.

This time, the number of points of the scorpion is even smaller, only "two two three."

A few high-rise high-rises around me are shaking their heads. It seems that this Yete helps to play.

Takenaka’s mouth can’t help but smile. “Oh... it seems that Mr. Ye’s luck is not good today.”

Ye Fan also regretted, "Yes, the hand is too stinky, we must give us a total of shame."

Takenaka Taro smiled and shook his head. "Not necessarily, maybe my luck is worse than you? Just like that time, haha..."

Takenaka’s smile, and after shaking, he confirmed that he did not hear this mistake, so he opened it very choppy!

Then I didn't look at it, I picked up a glass of wine and said, "Come on! Miss Feng, drink!!"

However, Feng Yueying smiled bitterly, and several viewers next to him couldn’t help but cover their mouths to laugh.

Takenaka Taro, and look at his own points, his face is green...

"One, one, two?!"

Looking at the points that I shake out, Takenaka Taro is going crazy!

"Impossible! How could this be?!"

Takenaka Taro did not believe that he immediately picked up the cockroach and shook it again. Once opened, this time it really appeared three six!

He was relieved and thought that his technique would be tempered. How could it be wrong? It should have been just not careful enough to listen to mistakes.

"Mr. Takenaka, this is not counted, it should be Ye Fan won now," Feng Yueying laughed.

Takenaka’s face is not good, but he doesn’t care about these two cups. “Of course, how can I lie?”

After that, he drank a second cup.

"Well, I will come first this time." Takenaka Taro thinks that Ye Fan is a bit "evil", or he is safer to come first.

So, Takenaka Taro picked up the cockroach, carefully shook it, and then carefully opened it...

While opening, Taro Takeshi shouted: "Six! Six! Six! Six..."

However, when he saw the numbers inside, he was directly stunned.

Three red dots, "one by one", reappear!

Tsujiro Taro has almost collapsed. This does not mean that Ye Fan does not need to play. He is destined to drink this glass of wine! ?

"Gossip!!" Takenaka Taro is furious and points to Ye Fandao: "You are swindling!!!"

Ye Fan said with a smile: "I have nothing to do, what does it have to do with me?"

Feng Yueying knew that Ye Fan definitely used some secret means, but of course he could not admit it, so he said: "Mr. Takenaka, do we not play this, change other games?"

"No! He is a thousand!! Come on the truth!! Are you out of the old!!" asked Tanaka Taro.

Ye Fan Shi leaned on the sofa and smiled: "You have to have evidence, you can't talk about it."

Ye Fan uses the power of heaven and earth, and is more concealed than the true aura. It is impossible for Takeuchi Takeshi to know the existence of such things.

Wei Ming, who was on the side, was afraid of angering Mr. Takenaka. He came forward and smiled and said: "Mr. Takenaka, don't be angry, everyone is having fun, it's a happy day, it's normal to be a bad luck today..."


Takenaka Taro is pushing Wei Ming away, angered and shattered the wine glass directly, then took a few bodyguards and turned away directly!

This shocked a few guests in the vicinity, and many people in the nightclub wondered what happened here.

"Oh, Mr. Ye, why do you win everybody? If the tyrannosaurus is dissatisfied with our splendor, this business will not do well." Wei Ming smiled and shook his head.

Ye Fan does not care about the tunnel: "It is not a good thing, I want to take advantage of it. I don't think he is good."

Although Feng Yueying also feels that this is not very good for the company, but the man is out of protecting her mind, so she is very happy.

"Wei manager, don't worry too much, our splendid is not a small company in general, Fusang's underground gang will not cause much pressure on us," Feng Yueying advised.

Wei Ming nodded, but he was quite embarrassed.

But at this moment, suddenly heard a few fierce gunshots, came at the entrance of the nightclub!


The bullet of the submachine gun was shot on the large crystal chandelier, and a large chandelier crashed down. It was shocked that the guests and staff in the nightclub were screaming!

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