My Cold and Beautiful Wife

Chapter 944: Long hair


Ye Fan was busy explaining: "Wife, this is not a diamond, nor a gem."

"You will never tell me, is this a piece of jade?" Su light snow road.

Ye Fan waved his hand and said, "No, this is a crystal, composed of many ingredients."

"Crystal? Like crystal?" Su Guangxue asked.

"No, the ingredients are not the same, mainly aluminum, copper, iron or something..." Ye Fan said.

Su light snow is dizzy, aluminum? copper? iron? This is a mess, even if it comes to a hundred pounds, it may not be worth much! No wonder it looks like a jewel.

"What? You might as well buy me two boxes of strawberry donuts." Su light snow drums.

"Two boxes? Is your appetite getting bigger again?" Ye Fan was so stunned that even if he had practiced now, he would not eat fat, and there is no need to eat so many doughnuts.

"I am making an analogy! Why are you so surprised?" Su light snowed him.

Ye Fanyu has a long-lasting heart: "Wife, this crystal is not a gem, but it is special."

The woman couldn't help but say: "Of course, especially, I heard that the ring is set with this kind of stone. Forget it, don't explain it. Anyway, I accept this gift. It is the jewelry that I usually wear."

My husband sent me, I will wear it often. Anyway, if I wear someone else, I will definitely think it is emerald or something. I don’t know what crystal is copper or aluminum."

Ye Fan can't smile. "Wife, what kind of diamonds are generally, too vulgar, and more boring."

"Okay! I know that this green crystal is special enough!" Su light snow sighed. "You can eat it soon. After we finish eating, we go to the hospital to see Wei Wei."

On the side of Jiang Yan smiled and said: "Miss, you don't say Ye Fan, Ye Fan is also a heart, he must have thought about it before sending you this ring."

"Jiang Yan, I have not blamed him, I did not say that I will wear it," Su Guangxue succumbed.

She looked at the green stone carefully again, as if she was comforting herself: "Looking at the workmanship is okay, cut very delicate, it is a special gift that my husband sent me."

Ye Fan’s heart is awkward, woman, that is, the hair is long and short, what do you know?

He did not explain much, lest the woman be bothered by him, and the gift will be delivered anyway.

"Right, my wife, recently took over Ghost Valley, are all going well?" Ye Fan asked with concern.

Su Xiaoxue mentioned the things in Ghost Valley, and some of them are tired. "The more I contact, the more I discover that it is very complicated to take over Ghost Valley. When Zhuge Tianming seemed to know everything, it was not so simple."

"Oh? How?" Ye Fan wondered, "Is there someone in the Valley of Ghosts who refuses to accept you?"

"Not like this," Su Xiaoxue said: "I found that there are a total of seventeen branches in the Ghost Valley. Every department has its own supervisor.

It can be said that a department is a completely independent intelligence agency, and each supervisor is solely responsible for intelligence.

Ghost Valley collects a large amount of intelligence from the whole world every day. As for the people involved in the information, what impact will it have? They don’t have time, and they can’t analyze them all, unless they involve Ghost Valley itself.

In this way, although Gugu Valley can have a lot of information every day, they will not report it. Even if it is reported, I will not finish it alone.

That is to say, if we want to investigate anything, we can let the informants investigate, but it is very difficult to report some information that is useful to us directly and purposefully.

When Zhuge Tianming spent more than ten years, he compiled his own set of methods to quickly find the information he wanted.

I just took over. It is a lot of time to get familiar with each department. It is even harder to find useful information from various departments every day. ”

Ye Fan suddenly, nodded, this is indeed a problem.

Ghost Valley is a big industry, and its eyeliner is spread all over the world. The intelligence collected is not computer statistics. By manpower, it cannot be quickly classified and screened.

The staff under the Ghost Valley, in fact, do not care about every piece of information, what will affect it, they just wait for someone to buy, they will sell the information.

"This is also why, when you are in Fuso, when you encounter Shenyin, I have no way to help you in the first time." Su Xiaoxue sighed: "Because we reacted, it is too late to conduct anti-investigation.

If the people below, tell me about the movements of Fusang on the other side of the morning, I can naturally arrange them as soon as possible...but, the following people, how do you know so much?"

Ye Fan understands the truth: "Come on slowly, the entire mode of operation of Ghost Valley is far more complicated than the average company. Your wife is so smart, you will master it sooner or later."

"Well, I will study hard." Su Xiaoxue is also full of energy, she has a strong career, this Guigu Valley intelligence network, her temptation is also great.

After dinner, I went to the hospital with Su Xiaoxue.

As a big star, Ling Yuwei reasoned that such a thing would cause a lot of media attention.

However, behind the military and Lingjia control public opinion, no one reported this.

The brokerage company also only claimed that Ling Yuwei was temporarily reunited with his family and took a break to let the fans be a little bit safe.

In this way, Ling Yuwei can rest in the hospital with peace of mind.

When Ye Fan and Su Qingxue entered the ward, Ling Baiguang was sitting inside.

Ling Yuwei is sitting on the bed, it seems to be a good recovery, although it is plain, but still beautiful.

It’s just that the woman’s face is reluctant, it seems that the father and the daughter are just talking about something.

"Mr. Ye, you are back." Ling Baiguang saw Ye Fan. He was very grateful to get up and said: "Thanks to your medicine, Yu Wei has finally recovered."

Ling Yuwei is also looking at Ye Fan with a complicated look. "Thank you, Ye Fan, I didn't expect your medical skills to be so brilliant."

After she learned the whole process of the incident, she was once unbelievable. Ye Fan was not only amazing in ancient times, but even in medicine.

Later, I knew that Ye Fan had abolished the skill of Ye Feng, and it was even more thrilling.

She thought that Ye Fan would be killed for this, but Ye Fan did not have anything, and even Ling Yuwei was surprised.

"I just did what I should do, and don't be so stupid in the future."

It’s easy for you to die, but people who care about you can always suffer.” Ye Fan looked at Ling Languang next to him.

Ling Yuwei listened, looked at his father, and there were some apologies in his eyes. He said: "I am not deliberate... I just don't want to be with Ye Feng."

"There is such a thing, your marriage contract with Ye Feng, most of them can not be completed. But you a girl, how can you always show up outside?

This time, you must follow me back to Lushan, and calm down. Let us find a way to find a good family for you. It is your duty to teach each other! Ling Baiguang learned.

Ling Yuwei glared at Liu Mei and said: "What age is it now! How do you still say this one!! Is it only in this world that men can do business? I am an actor, making movies is a shame!?"

"Mr. Ye! Look, this girl is a play, and always feels that she is awesome. You can talk about her for me!" Ling Baiguang took Ye Fandao.

Ye Fan looked awkward and smiled. This father and daughter, how did they just get sick, and started to quarrel about this?

He didn't want to mix these things, so he turned to Su Xiaoxue on the side to ask for help. "Wife... What do you think?"

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